The Bald Thug of Uchiha’s Family

Chapter 801 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Bai Jue's head emerged from a misty ninja and let out a weird laugh.

"Are you a ninja from Akatsuki?"

Qing watched the weird scene in front of him, his companion was trapped by this mysterious ninja, and was gradually turning into a white cocoon.

"I see you have been peeping at the scene for so long, and I just wanted to come over and say hello to you, isn't it a surprise?"

It is Bai Jue's clone, but it still has a strong autonomy, and it is the same model as Bai Jue in speaking and doing things.


The muscles in Qing's back were tense, ready to fight at any time.


As he was about to continue speaking, he saw with his eyes a strange chakra on the rock behind him again. deficit.


He turned sideways again, looking at the white enemy here while looking to his side.

"Master Xuan Zang, you are here!"

Bai Jue's clone raised his head, he is not stupid, he has no combat effectiveness, he will not take the initiative to provoke the enemy, it is because he perceives Xuan Zang's Chakra, that he shows up directly, and drags the enemy's pace first.


Xuan Zang was standing on the rock, the sunlight hitting his back, shrouded him in the dazzling light, making it impossible to look at him directly.

He looked at Qing below condescendingly and nodded slightly, which was a response to Bai Jue.

"Uchiha Genzo!"

Qing heard Bai Jedi's words, and instantly realized who it was.

Although he is tracking the bubble, he still knows the news circulating in the Ninja world recently.

Uchiha Genzo killed Konoha's three generations of Naruto Tobihiro!

It's still the kind of frontal combat, without any deception!

A drop of sweat appeared on Qing's forehead, and the exposed one eye stared at Xuan Zang firmly.

"Hello, misty green!"

Xuan Zang held his hands in a relaxed tone.

He noticed the abnormality here on the way here, so he came here first by the way, and sure enough, the misty people were here.

He knew Qing. Back then, on the front of Wuyin and Konoha, he had seen Qing at that time and stood beside Shui Ying.

"Unexpectedly, even you are here this time..."

Qing continued to delay time, he didn't think he could defeat the two Akatsuki members in front of him.


Xuan Zang didn't care about Qing's words, and cast his gaze on the two fighting people over there with a strange expression. He saw a bubble in human form.

He originally thought he used the tail beast jade, but now he is fighting the scorpion with six tails...


The few misty ninjas who followed Qing's side turned into cocoons, wrapped in Bai Jue, and lay down on the ground.

The blue eyelid jumped, and he took a step back exploratoryly towards the back interview.

He kept staring at Xuan Zang above, observing his movements.


In the next second, he was stunned, and the pace of withdrawing instantly stiffened.

Because the Xuan Zang in the field of vision seemed to disappear out of thin air, without the figure, no ripples appeared in the space!

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