The Bald Thug of Uchiha’s Family

Chapter 802 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)


A hand was placed on his shoulder, the hairs stood up instantly, and in his blue eyes, he saw Xuan Zang's Chakra appearing behind him.. ......


No nonsense, although he knew that he could not defeat Xuan Zang, it was not the style of a misty ninja to wait and die, so he quickly turned around, holding a kuna in his hand, and rowed behind him.

However, Kuwu was in vain, and there was still air behind him, and Kuwu had crossed the air, Xuan Zang had already left the position there first.

"Water Escape·Water Rushing Wave!"

Without the slightest discouragement, Qing opened his eyes and saw Xuan Zang appearing beside him, so he squeezed his chest with one hand, opened his mouth, and instantly sprayed a transparent stream of water.


The impact of the water was so great that it pierced the rock behind Xuan Zang.

His eyes widened, he had white eyes, and he couldn't catch Xuan Zang's figure. Such a speed is really too fast!


The sound of electric current rang behind him, and Qing quickly turned his head back.

And he used ninjutsu again.

"Shui Dun·Blue Dragon Palm!"

This is the ninjutsu taught to him by Yakura, derived from the coral palm, but after modification, it is more suitable for the combination of blue eyes and white eyes! .


In his eyes, a blue-and-white figure flashed past, and Qing knew that he was over.

And his palm has just been lifted from his waist.

"Ho ho..."

He lowered his head slightly and saw the arm that penetrated his chest and the electric current flashing on that arm.

"Is this...your strength?"

Qing looked at Xuan Zang and spit out a few words. He overestimated himself and underestimated Xuan Zang.

Is it really that simple to be able to kill three generations of ninjas alone?



Qing's body fell to the ground, blood gushing out from the heart, and it soon infiltrated the ground.

"Master Xuan Zang is really amazing!"

Bai Jue popped out at the right time and sighed as he watched Qing who had fallen to the ground and gradually lost his anger.

Qing was also a Shangren with white eyes, but he was killed by Xuan Zang just like that.

"His eyes, you help me to collect them, I will go to see the condition of the scorpion!"

Xuan Zang's gaze swept across Qing's cheeks, he didn't care about the consternation expression on his face, he just looked at the covered eye.

There is only one white eye. Although it can't play any role against the sky, there is better than nothing. Maybe it will be used in future battles!


Bai Jue avatar smiled and squatted down, reaching out and touching the blue eyes.

When he got up again, Xuan Zang had disappeared beside him.

"Tsk tsk!"

Bai Jue's avatar moved his gaze to the scorpion, and found a blue-and-white figure that turned into lightning, approaching the battlefield there.

Bai Jue's avatar spread his hand, and a white eyeball appeared on the palm of his hand, which was the blue white eye.

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