The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 124 Hogsmeade, Cameras and Musical Instruments


In this ancient castle that has stood for a thousand years, time seems to be gently stretched by magic, and seems to be quietly blown away by the breeze.

Two days, for the little wizards here, are both long and short, like a peaceful dream.

In the morning, when the first ray of sunlight shines through the gap of the spire and sprinkles on the castle corridor paved with bluestone strips, it also heralds the arrival of a new day.

It was another ordinary weekend. Draco subconsciously looked to the other side after getting up. Although there was an exquisite alarm clock in the dormitory after the start of school this year, he no longer had to wake up early.

But the habit of the whole year last year made him still turn his head habitually after getting up.

After all, the formation of habits is not easy to change in one or two days.

Draco found the empty bed opposite again, and after thinking for a moment, he also had an expression of knowing everything.

Because he also saw last night that Ino and Flint were sneaking together again.



At nine o'clock in the morning, after passing through a winding alley, Ino returned to his small house.

At the end of the alley, a two-story building stood quietly, as if it was a corner forgotten by time.

Although the outer wall of the house was a little mottled, it was like a family member looking at their own child, and they liked it no matter how they looked at it.

This was his house.

Pushing open the door, the spacious and bright living room on the first floor, the sofa and the quaint coffee table had already fallen a little dust.

In fact, this was normal, after all, he had not cleaned the room for more than two months after school started.

"Clean it up!"

Ino waved his wand to release the cleaning spell, making the whole room spotless again.

Then he slowly walked to the second floor, where there was an integrated bedroom and study.

The sunlight poured into the house through the stained glass windows, bringing a touch of warmth and light to the overall space of the second floor. It was like a quiet harbor, allowing people to find a peaceful world in their busy lives.

Walking to the windowsill, Ino took down the blue bellflower in the vase, which he had placed during the summer vacation, and now the bellflower has withered.

Looking at the warm scene in front of him, he slowly pushed open the stained glass window to let the sunlight shine into the room better.

In the sunlight, Ino slowly leaned back, and a rocking chair made of ice and snow instantly rose on the empty floor behind him.

Sitting on the ice and snow chair, basking in the warm autumn sun.

The reason why I came to Hogsmeade today has to start from yesterday.

Yesterday morning, Ino received a letter from Mr. Davis, and the customized musical instrument had been made.

Considering that the next day was the weekend, he found Flint that night and bought a qualification to go out of Hogsmeade.

As a result, he came a little early today. At 8 o'clock in the morning, after collecting all the musical instruments at Davis Bangs's store.

Ino went back to his cabin.

A full ten musical instruments, including a sharp one-handed sword and a large box camera.

At this moment, everything was quietly placed in the shelter.

It is worth mentioning that the camera is a wooden folding dry plate camera from the late 19th century.

It also has a nice name, called "Youth Sanderson Camera", with a film size of 6×4.5 inches and made of teak or mahogany.

Although it is an antique, it is a free gift... He can't be picky, after all, the condition at the beginning was that it can be used.

Under Davis's teasing expression, he could only accept it helplessly.


Bathed in the sun, Ino thought about the past.

If he thought of buying a camera earlier, perhaps many people and many things would be remembered, such as Old John, the White Witch, the Skin Changer Beorn, the Grimm Brothers...

As he thought about it, the thoughts in his mind gradually disappeared, and he slowly closed his eyes and enjoyed the peace of the moment.

Time passed quietly.

I don't know how long it has been, and the outside of the window gradually became lively.

I think the wizards in the third grade and above have had enough sleep and food, so they come to Hogsmeade in groups to play and relax.

The faint noisy sound outside made Ino open his eyes.

He looked up at the sky. The sun had quietly moved to the southwest. It was about three or four in the afternoon.

"Well, it's time to go back! It will be better next year..."

With a sigh, Ino stood up and walked downstairs.

Although he spent money, and Flint also guaranteed that the time limit was before curfew. But what should be done has been done, and there is really no need to waste time.

Before leaving, he also forced himself to drink a mouthful of disgusting polyjuice potion, and then walked towards Hogwarts.


Slytherin dormitory.

Ino picked up the cup, drank one-third of the honey lemon water in one breath, and then looked at Draco beside him.

"I will tell Potter to be quiet for a while. But has Uncle Lucius confirmed it?"

"It has been confirmed. There are still two victims left. They are a little far away. It will take some time." Draco's mouth corners slightly raised. He is a little impatient now.

When he thought of Scarhead's expression after knowing the truth, he was a little happy.

This also reminded Scarhead that choosing to be friends with red hair is useless.

But when he thought of the content of the letter from home, Draco was like a deflated ball.

The letter did not allow him to mention this matter, not a word, so he pretended not to know.

On the other side.

Ino ignored Draco's changing expression. He just admired Lucius's efficiency.

It took only three days from receiving the letter to collecting solid evidence. Although the evidence was not collected in full, it still proved the other party's ability.

Similarly, Lucius did a very good job in handling this matter.

Find evidence, then pass it to Harry through a third party, and don't care about the rest.

And he was the third party designated by Lucius. He sold a favor to three parties, and he was so smooth.

Ino also knew that Lucius's approach was to make him owe a favor.

After all, he proposed this matter and Lucius did it. But the other party not only did not take the opportunity to profit, but turned around and handed everything over to him.

But what he couldn't figure out was that Lucius's detour made him owe a favor, but it would also lose Harry's impression points. It was a bit of a loss.


After thinking for a while.

Ino also felt a sigh in his heart, and Lucius's intention gradually became clear in his mind.

He sighed softly, then turned his head to look at his silly roommate.

"Draco, you really have a good father!"

"My father has always been very good!" Draco looked blank.

Although he was a little confused, Draco still showed a proud expression when he heard the praise.

He really felt that his father was very good. He not only met all his reasonable needs since he was a child.

Even some absurd and unreasonable requests would be seriously considered before giving reasons for rejection.

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At 12 o'clock on May 7, the double will end~

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