The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 125: Innate Elegance, Transfiguration Club

Evening, third floor of the castle.

There is a cold corridor only about a hundred meters long. There are no classrooms, no professor's offices, and not even a decent room in the corridor.

Therefore, except for the first half month of school, when a few energetic new students would come to hang out, after that it became a veritable no man's land, and sometimes even Filch wouldn't come.

Of course, there are many corridors in the castle that are similar to this no-man's land, but these are not the point. The point is that Ino has walked back and forth here several times.

Today, join in Transfiguration Club Time.

Although he has experienced too many things in the past week, including fantasy worlds.

But he was always interested in the Transfiguration Club.

Just because transformation is the closest thing to the essence of magic, and elemental transformation is also a very important plan.

Ice and fire, if they want to be most effective, cannot do without the assistance of transformation.

If the flame of salvation and hope cannot be controlled at will, if it cannot be swayed as freely as a fire shield, then it seems that it can only be used to light the fireplace.

After all, no one wants to stand around and get burned.

In the original story, he liked the prophet with strange eyes very much. Standing alone on the stage of blue flames, he is like an elegant symphony conductor, composing gorgeous movements with his wand and flames.

Seemingly influenced by the Animagus, Ino felt that he not only liked playing with water, but also liked the innate elegance.

Elegance is not artificial, not coquettish, nor is it a poor imitation.

It is a kind of confidence and magnanimity in the bones, and elegance never goes out of style.

But at this moment, he felt a little graceless.

Glancing at the pocket watch in my hand, I saw that it was 6:45 pm, only a quarter of an hour left before the 7 o'clock club.

"Since you don't have talent, you can only use stupid methods..."

Ino took a deep breath and said that the Transformation Club would never give up, even if they were deducted points, even if they made a high profile again.

He didn't care now because he was running out of time soon.

"Winter is coming!"

There was no extreme cold, no strong wind, just countless snowflakes floating around him. These snowflakes seemed to be under a floating spell, floating quietly in the air.

Ino held the wand and shook his wrist flexibly again. As if receiving orders, countless snowflakes instantly turned into countless white butterflies, all of which swarmed towards the third floor corridor in an instant.

To be honest, he also considered detecting magic, but when he thought about Professor McGonagall's test, it seemed a bit childish if he could get rid of it with detecting magic.

The third floor of the castle.

In this hundred-meter-long corridor, it feels like entering another world.

Countless white butterflies danced gracefully, their light wings shining with crystal light under the firelight of the candlestick, like flying snowflakes, and like elves falling from the sky.

They move gracefully between the columns, passing through every inch of space with ease.

They are in the sky, on the walls, in every brick, every piece of armor, every picture...

The flying butterflies and the firelight of the candlesticks are perfectly intertwined into a dreamlike picture, which is intoxicating.

At the end of the corridor, Ino was also a little shocked. He said that the scene in front of him was really beautiful.

However, what caused all this was an accident.

He originally planned to turn into a Billywig bug, but at the last moment, he felt a little disgusted with the appearance of that weird hornet...

As a result, with just a moment of hesitation at the last moment, the butterfly has quietly replaced the Billy Wigworm.

And just when Ino was about to sense the changes in the corridor through the ice and snow, a familiar voice came from behind.

"This is the Transfiguration Club!" Professor McGonagall stood in the corridor, looking at the gorgeous scene of butterflies flying in front of her, and couldn't help but pursed her lips.

"Sorry, Professor!" After hearing the voice, Ino quickly turned around and explained:

"There's nothing I can do. I'm already late, but I still can't find the entrance."

Listening to this complaint, Professor McGonagall's eyes twitched slightly.

Then she stretched out her wand and gently tapped a nearby butterfly. In an instant, the butterflies turned back into their original snowflakes and slowly dissipated in the air.

" can count it as a deformation technique, but why don't you consider Gamp's law of deformation? Looking at the hanging painting, the apple in the fruit plate has pineapple leaves growing on it. Isn't this a hint? The inability of the deformation technique Conjuring up real food!”

Professor McGonagall's tone was very complicated. He seemed a little relieved, but also a little bit angry that iron cannot be transformed into steel.

"Follow me! Now I will take you in personally! It's really...more than twenty years ago, you are the first one!"

Ino followed Professor McGonagall without saying a word at the moment.

He knows very well, just like the nanny in the orphanage, when she is angry, just listen quietly, don't talk back or make excuses for yourself, and everything will be fine after a while.

And once someone dares to talk back, hey! That would be great fun.

Professor McGonagall walked to the portrait of the dinner party, took out her wand and pointed at the fruit plate in the corner of the table.

It's like a combination lock. I order several abnormal foods in succession, or food transformed by the transformation spell.

Then the entire portrait disappeared, replaced by a corridor only five or six meters long, and at the end of the corridor was connected a wooden door.

As Professor McGonagall opened the wooden door, Ino could see clearly what was going on inside.

Oops! Handsome men and beauties!

There were only two people in the room, and he happened to recognize them by their looks and the color of their robe collars.

Azure and khaki.

"Welcome! Hufflepuff fourth year, Cedric Diggory."

Cedric stood up and greeted them first!

"Great! Finally a new person has joined, welcome! Ravenclaw third year, Qiu Zhang."

Unlike Cedric's formulaic style, Qiu seemed more enthusiastic and even took the initiative to extend his hand.

Looking at the white hands in front of him, Ino was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he abided by etiquette, gently half-held the other party's four fingers, and then smiled at the two people:

"Slytherin second year, Ino Swinburne."

Professor McGonagall stood aside, quietly watching the interaction of the three. After a moment, she slowly said:

"I'm going to get some materials and will be back soon! You can chat here first."

Hearing this, Ino also chuckled secretly, Professor McGonagall's purpose should not be too obvious. But this is good. If nothing unexpected happens, he, Cedric and Qiu will stay here for the next few years. It is also important to build a good relationship with each other.

As the professor left, the atmosphere in the small classroom relaxed.

"I've heard rumors about you, freezing the classroom with a freezing spell!" Qiu was the first to break the calm.

"Then, hahaha, then Lockhart regained his confidence, which made the third grade miserable..." Before she finished, she covered her mouth and laughed softly.

"That's not my fault!" Ino spread his hands and explained innocently: "He was the first to put insects in the classroom, a whole cage."

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Please vote, please vote, the double is about to end~

At 12 o'clock on May 7, the double will end~

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