The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 130 Library Instant Message

After leaving the greenhouse of the Herbology class, Ino went to the library.

Sunday morning cannot be wasted in vain. Just take this opportunity to check the relevant information about Scarpin's Apparition Spell.

In the library.

Madam Pince sat quietly reading books at her workstation as usual. If nothing unexpected happens, she will continue reading until noon.

Facing Madam Pince who was concentrating, Ino did not greet her rashly without being rude.

He chose a few books in the spell classification area, found a favorite position, and then read quietly.

Today's experience in the greenhouse made him pay attention to the spell class again, although it looked a bit like a bear moving corn, throwing it down and picking it up again.

But there was no way. Born in an orphanage, without the foundation, there was only this much he could do.

Maybe a little stupid and slow, but at least there was no detour.


A corner of the library.

Ino sat by the window, holding a sixth-grade "Standard Spells" in his hand and reading attentively.

Although there was a person in the way opposite him, and there were obviously few people in the library on Sunday morning, and he had carefully sat in the corner, he still encountered someone sharing the seat.

But he was so focused on reading that he was too lazy to look up to see who was opposite him.

But the only advantage was that the person opposite him was probably a polite person. After all, there was no sound for so long.


On the other side.

On the weekend morning, Hermione came to the library to do her homework as usual. The noise in the dormitory made it impossible for her to concentrate.

But when she came to the library, she was attracted by a beautiful painting.

The morning sun shone through the ancient stained glass windows, casting mottled light and shadow on the quiet library.

By the window frame, a boy with short black hair was sitting quietly reading a book.

The elegant amber eyes were focused and deep, as if completely immersed in the world of books.

The boy's profile was gently outlined by the golden sunlight, as if coated with a layer of light glow.

The pages in his hand were gently turned by his fingertips, making a slight rustling sound, interweaving with the silence of the library into a harmonious melody.

Without any hesitation, Hermione walked over decisively.

Although she wanted to stand by and watch for a while, the appreciation from a close distance was obviously more wonderful.

Sitting gently opposite the boy, Hermione held her chin with one hand and fell into a brief peace.


I don't know how long it has been.

After reading the sixth grade "Standard Spells" in his hand, Ino put down the book, and what came into his sight was Hermione's slightly blurred eyes.

Looking at the girl who was a little dazed, he stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Hermione.

"Bang!" A light sound.

As if frightened, Hermione's arm suddenly lost its strength, causing her chin to hit the table lightly.

Raising her head, Hermione looked around for the first time, and after finding that she did not attract the attention of Madam Pince, she stretched out her hand to rub the place where she was hit.

Ino couldn't help looking at Hermione with a smile. It was hard to imagine that the heroic girl in the original story would also have such a cute side in front of him.

However, considering that this is a library, he still suppressed his smile and pulled out the wand in his sleeve.


After releasing the silencing spell, Ino also put aside his concerns and continued to tease:

"What's wrong with Miss Granger? She looks a little dazed today! Like a drunk Pompom."

I thought that after saying this, there would be a new round of counterattacks, but who would have thought that Hermione actually lowered her head a little embarrassed.

You know, since the second half of last year, Hermione has gotten rid of the sensitive state when she first entered school.

This made him look at the girl opposite with some curiosity.

"Did something happen? Or who bullied you again?"

Although in the original story, since Halloween in the second grade, basically no one could bully Hermione.

But anything can not rule out accidents, after all, the story is always one-sided.

And on the other side.

Hermione's embarrassment at this moment almost made her feel ashamed. Not only was she caught peeking on the spot, but she also performed a funny chin knocking on the table.

The most important thing is that all this happened in front of Ino, all of which were impromptu performances.

She felt as if her cheeks were burned by a blazing flame, and the heat seemed to have spread to her toes.

Therefore, after hearing Ino's question, she could only lower her head and pretend that she didn't hear anything.

At the same time, after seeing Hermione's performance, Ino probably guessed the reason.

It was nothing more than that the girl was born with a thin face, felt embarrassed in front of her friends, and was a little shy.

Thinking of this, he opened his notebook and quickly wrote a line on it, and then pushed it to Hermione together with the feather pen.

After all, girls usually don't speak easily when they are shy.

Across the table, looking at the notebook that suddenly appeared in front of her, Hermione was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, she also picked up the feather pen beside her and wrote on it.

Although there was a silencer magic, the two still communicated in the most primitive way, that is, the communication of letters.

This was a silent symphony, and the small notebook seemed to have become an invisible bridge, allowing each other to have a channel to echo each other.

Time seemed to have lost its meaning here. Under the warm autumn sun, a small notebook shuttled back and forth between the two of them.

Gradually, Hermione was no longer reserved and shy, and a faint smile had quietly appeared on her cheeks.

After writing the last sentence and handing over the notebook, Hermione raised her head and looked at the opposite side with expectation.

Ino picked up the notebook, looked at the beautiful handwriting on the paper, and looked at Hermione's eyes.

Finally, he nodded helplessly.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the sun quietly moved to the highest point in the sky.

It was noon.

Rubbing his protesting belly, Ino closed the book in his hand, and then walked towards Mrs. Pince's workstation.

As for Hermione, she had left half an hour ago.

What he had to do now was to go through the borrowing procedures for the books he had not finished reading.

Slowly walked to the desk.

What greeted him was Mrs. Pince's playful eyes.

"I just saw it all! You and that Gryffindor girl wrote instant letters. But what you just did, I also did twenty years ago!"

Mrs. Pince's tone was a little proud, like children showing off to each other.

It was as if she was saying, look! I used to play with the new toy you bought.

However, before Ino could speak,

Then, Mrs. Pince said with some loss:

"Although the librarian at that time was more fierce than me, she even limited the sound of the feather pen rubbing against the paper."

"But sometimes, I really miss her!"

Listening to Mrs. Pince's slightly sad tone, Ino put down the book in his hand and comforted:

"The greatest significance of time is to let us appreciate the scenery along the way, rather than let us indulge in the past."

"However, in my opinion, you are also strict enough. The last time that Ravenclaw sneezed..."

Before Ino finished speaking, Mrs. Pince took over the conversation and said angrily:

"He sneezed? Merlin! I thought it was thunder! If I don't drive him away, I will be sorry for this salary..."

Today's code is finished! Xiaodi plans to share some official HP knowledge every day in the future, starting with magical animals.

Dwarf Pig Monster: XXX

Appearance: Like a stunted piglet, short legs, long tail, squinting black eyes.

Features: Afraid of pure white dogs, even if the dog is transformed by Transfiguration.

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