The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 131 The growing study group

Time was like the Gryffindor point hourglass in the Great Hall, slowly decreasing one by one with Snape's friendly help.

Entering December, the atmosphere in the castle became visibly agitated, because the annual Christmas was approaching, and it was a festival that everyone was looking forward to.

It's everyone! Although summer vacation is also good, for prospective seventh-grade graduates, summer vacation often represents farewell and sadness! But the Christmas holidays are different. Everyone can enjoy the joy of the holiday.

In the Slytherin dormitory.

After Ino used the cleaning spell to clean the dormitory, he sat quietly aside and stared at the three brand new pottery basins on the table with all his concentration.

What is planted here are the magic beans sent by William Green.

Miraculously, William sent half a box full of 163 pills, but under the detection of the Scarpin Appearance Spell, only three pills were truly alive.

This couldn't help but make him think deeply. The tavern told three legendary stories. Fair and William exchanged three magic beans, and three more beans were burned on the tower. Now there are three signs of life...

It seems that everything in the fantasy world has a price.

As long as you find the hidden price and apply reasonable rules, probably every world is a treasure waiting to be discovered.

After thinking for a moment, Ino stood up and carefully moved the three pots to the shelf next to his bed to avoid being accidentally broken.

After all, after a while, the dormitory will become lively again.

Because he experienced another unshakable chapter in the history of magic this morning, Draco had already set off to call for lectures.

In the dormitory.

Ino stood alone at the far end of the room, and on the wall behind him was a temporary blackboard that was transformed using transformation magic.

There was nothing we could do about it. Twenty-three young wizards came unexpectedly today, and the entire second grade of Slytherin was present, so naturally it needed to be more formal.

But he probably understood today's accident, it was an obvious involution!

All my classmates started to make up lessons, but I was chatting and bragging about playing wizard chess. It didn't seem to be a problem for a short time, but after a long time, I always felt uncomfortable.

After a brief thought, Ino stopped worrying about people and turned to look at the twenty-three little wizards.

"Ahem! Good afternoon. Although we are all strangers to each other, some of us are here for the first time, so I have to emphasize the nature of the party here."

Having said this, Ino turned around and wrote a few words on the blackboard: correct learning, independent thinking.

After finishing writing, he turned around and looked at everyone one by one again, Draco, Pansy, Daphne, Goyle...

"What is the purpose of studying the history of magic? Is it educational? I think everyone here has thought about this question. Listening to a ghost professor chattering, it seems to have no other purpose than to waste time, and sometimes even want to give yourself a head Use a stun spell."

After a small joke, the atmosphere in the entire dormitory was no longer serious.

For a moment, Ino coughed slightly, focusing everyone's attention again.

"Why study the history of magic? My answer is: history is like an axe, it can split the frozen sea in our hearts."

"We all long for ideas, knowledge, longing to become stronger, and longing for peace. But before that, we must have the ability to think independently."

Ino stopped because he saw Pansy quietly raising her hand.

"Miss Parkinson, please!" In formal situations, he did not call Pansy by her name.

"I'm a little curious, don't we have the ability to think independently from beginning to end?"

Pansy seemed to ask everyone's questions. The young wizards present, including Gore, all had inquiring eyes.

"This is a great question!" Ino clapped softly and looked at Pansy with appreciation, and the latter responded with a standard ladylike smile.

"What is independent thinking? Independent thinking means that we cannot blindly trust anyone or anything. We must use a critical eye to examine other people, the environment, the Ministry of Magic, and even the entire era!"

"What trains us to think independently is the history of magic. Now everyone turns to page 167 of modern history. Professor Binns talked about a wizarding movement half a century ago..."

When you are focused, time always flies by.

The one-hour history of magic review class briefly reviewed the major events that occurred in the 20 years from 1926 to 1945, as well as the overall ideological changes of wizards.

"Okay! The above is the content of Professor Binns' class today. Finally, I would like to remind everyone, don't forget to write the paper assignments left by the professor."

As the words fell, Ino also lifted the transformation magic of the blackboard behind him.

When all the little wizards filed out of the dormitory.

Only Pansy and Daphne stayed behind, and of course Draco was also left behind. He had obviously already reached the door and turned back after discovering the situation.

In the dormitory.

Looking at the familiar three people in front of him, Ino simply stopped holding it and fell directly sideways on his bed, leaning on thick pillows and soft duvets behind him, half lying on the bed like this.

"You three... okay! Not counting Draco! If you two have anything shocking to say, just say it quickly while I still have some energy!"

Since he finished talking about the goblin rebellion, he has adapted to the crazy remarks of the little snakes, which are simply extreme.

This is why he deliberately added some personal opinions before reviewing today. Independent thinking is undoubtedly very important for Slytherin wizards.

"Hahaha! Look! It's not even half a semester, and someone has already started to dislike us. It's sad!"

Daphne laughed and teased, and at the same time did not forget to cover her chest with her hands, making a heartbroken body performance.

"Stop it!" Ino rubbed his eyebrows helplessly. For this quirky girl, he felt like he had a sister out of thin air.

"I'm not making trouble. This time Pansy wants to stay. I'm really ready to leave!" Daphne walked over slowly and sat down by Ino's bed without any taboo.

"Okay! I blamed you wrongly." Ino said without raising his head, and then he slowly sat up.

Unlike Daphne's relaxation after getting familiar with her, Pansy always maintained basic etiquette no matter how and when, which made him not too casual.

"Pansy, do you have anything to discuss?"

As the words fell, Pansy was unusually sentimental:

"Ino, you said to think independently! But after thinking about it, I found that I can't see the future of wizards at all... Since modern history, since the Statute of Secrecy in 1689, the place where we live has been gradually shrinking."

Speaking of this, Pansy seemed a little excited, and a hint of sharpness flashed in her eyes.

"Why can we only give in? I don't understand! After the signing of the Statute of Secrecy in 1692, Greater Manchester, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, and Hertfordshire, those gathering places for wizards disappeared, and only Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade were left in the entire British Isles! We have been giving in and escaping!"

"But today, what you just said, I thought independently about the wizard movement half a century ago, and I think I found the answer!"

Listening to Pansy's statement, Ino had the idea of ​​running out at this moment.

Talking about independent thinking and examining everything, although it appeased the other little snakes, it seemed to lead Pansy astray.

It's true that when you suppress one problem, another one pops up. None of them makes people worry-free.

Today's code is finished! Xiaodi plans to share some official HP knowledge every day in the future, starting with magical animals.

Dwarf Pig Monster: XXX

Appearance: Like a stunted piglet, with short legs, a long tail, and squinting black eyes.

Features: Afraid of pure white dogs, even if the dog is transformed by Transfiguration.

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