The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 173 Dumbledore's Attitude

Someone once commented on the Hogwarts Express in the Daily Prophet:

"You can despise it for being slow, or you can despise it for not being on time, but you can always believe in its mission. No matter how far the journey is, it will eventually bring the little wizards to Hogwarts."

The moving train began to slow down again, and at the same time, the arrival announcement in the carriage also sounded.

A quarter of an hour later, the train swayed to a stop again.

This time, all the little wizards rushed off the train as if they were running away, as if something terrible was chasing them in the dark.

Unlike the others who were scrambling and anxious, Ino followed Snape leisurely and walked along the quiet path towards the place where the carriage was parked.

Suddenly, Snape stopped.

"I still have something to do, so you don't have to follow me."

Ino looked at Snape's back inexplicably. Although he was curious, he didn't think much about it. Today's experience had already made him feel a little tired.

If possible, he wouldn't want to attend any of the school dinners. He just wanted to lie on the soft bed in the dormitory and have a good sleep.

I think so, but there's no way to do it. Some rules can be broken and some rules can only be followed.

Ino was walking alone. He didn't know if everyone was in a hurry to return to the castle. There was basically no one on the whole path.

"Ino!" A clear voice sounded from the front.

Looking up, he found Hermione standing not far in front of her.

"Hermione, why are you here alone?" Ino asked with force.

"It's not why I'm here, but why you came here. I've been waiting for a long time, but I haven't seen you get off the car. Hurry up. I guess there won't be many carriages left..."

Hermione spoke very quickly, seemingly nagging but showing concern.

"Thank you, Hermione!"

Looking at the girl in front of him, Ino's eyes couldn't help but soften a little.

Although it was a misunderstanding caused by an information gap, after all, many people in Slytherin knew that he and Snape were together.

But no matter what kind of misunderstanding, this friendship is not compromised at all.

While the two were talking, they soon arrived on the lawn where the carriage was parked.

"Fortunately! There is still one left!" Hermione sighed, then walked quickly towards the carriage.

Ino slowly followed Hermione.

A year later, when he saw Yeqi again, his feelings were completely different.

Somehow, the words written by the nameless goblin on the title page came to mind again.

Looking at the scrawny Yeqi in front of him, he couldn't help but read out:

“The invisible often brings us closer to reality!”

Suddenly, a voice came from the seat in front of the carriage.

"I like this sentence. Many things can't be seen, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Just like harassing flies, many people can't see them."

When she heard the bug, Ino had already identified the person in front of the carriage, Luna Lovegood, the crazy girl from Ravenclaw.

"Although I haven't seen any molesting flies, I'm sure of one thing. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist."

As Ino finished speaking, a strangely dressed figure appeared on the seat in front of the carriage.

An eye-catching girl, her appearance may not conform to the traditional sense of beauty, but her unique temperament is impossible to ignore.

Ethereal and out of the dust, like an elf living in seclusion in the forest.

It seemed like she was lying on a chair just now, and Luna's hair looked a little messy at the moment. But just the right amount of messiness, paired with that exaggerated pair of butter-colored glasses, makes it seem like a non-smoking mood.

"If possible, could you get in the car first!" Hermione said angrily.

Just now on the road, I looked weak and about to fall down at any moment. Now when I saw another girl, I suddenly became energetic and even started chatting happily.

Although she didn't understand the harasser, after hearing about visible and invisible, Hermione probably knew what the two were talking about.

There is also a record in the school history of Hogwarts. Starting from the second grade, students have to arrive at the castle in a carriage, and the carriage is pulled by 4x magical animals Thestrals, a magical species invisible to ordinary people.

Although there is a legend that it is unfortunate to see Yeqi, she wants to see it now, otherwise she can only watch Ino chatting with others, just like before at the gate of the elementary school...

Luna probably felt something, and she turned her head leisurely to look at Hermione.

"You're lucky you can't see them, which saves you a lot of trouble."

Suddenly being exposed what she was thinking, Hermione's face turned red, but she still said stubbornly:

"That's not necessarily true. How do you know I can't see it? It looks like a horse, is very tall, and has a pair of bat-like wings. It's so thin that you can see the bones..."

Hermione recited the contents of the book verbatim, which was a description of the Thestral.

However, Luna didn't answer any more, lowered her head and began to study the bottle cork necklace hanging around her neck.

To be honest, this operation is a bit rude. As a topic initiator, someone just said something and then suddenly ignored them.

But for Luna, it probably cannot be treated according to common sense.

Seeing that Hermione was about to have an attack, in order to prevent conflicts, Ino reached out and patted Hermione on the shoulder.

"Get in the car first, otherwise you will be late for the dinner."

Perhaps the word "late" has magic power for good students, but Hermione suddenly became well-behaved and got into the carriage quietly.

Feeling that no one would get on the carriage, the Night Thestral also slowly walked towards the castle.

The carriage was driving on a quiet path. There was no other sound except the sound of the wheels rolling.

I thought it would be quiet forever, but Luna's unique ethereal voice came from outside the carriage again.

"Do you believe in harassment flies? They are invisible creatures. They will fly into people's ears and mess up their brains, but strangely, there are none around you. They seem to be very afraid of you."

Unlike the previous story that he laughed it off, this time Ino thought about it seriously.

As for the fear that Luna mentioned, he thought of the reason. After all, the Mirror of Erised that peeked into the mind was frozen. If there really was a so-called harassment fly that disturbed the mind, there was no reason to let it go.

But what really made him curious was the nature of the so-called harassment fly. Is it a creature? Is it a spirit? Or is it just an emotion?

There was too much unknown information, so he chose the most conservative answer:

"I'm sorry! But I still say that I haven't seen the harassment horsefly, so I can't answer whether I believe it or not. If you really saw it, it probably exists! Even if it can only be seen by you, it exists!"

After Ino finished speaking, the carriage fell into silence again.

Hermione looked at someone who had suffered the same treatment and couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckle.


"Thank you! Although you didn't believe it blindly, you didn't refute it without thinking. This is a big breakthrough. I will write a letter to my father because there is another person who is about to believe it."

Hermione's smile froze on her face when she heard the voice coming from outside the carriage again.

"Oh, by the way! If you really want to see the harassment horsefly, the girl who came with you is now surrounded by many."

A lot? Hearing Luna's words, Ino couldn't help but turn his head and look at his side. To be honest, he really wanted to check it out with a lamp.

But after seeing Hermione's eyes, he gave up this idea.

It was a complex look, a little aggrieved, a little angry, like a kitten with its fur standing on end.

Ino smiled apologetically, and then gave the other person a reassuring look.

It was impossible to check Hermione, but Draco could be checked after the party in the dormitory.


The carriage moved slowly forward, and soon arrived outside the castle.

Fortunately, the dinner had not started yet, and the auditorium was a little noisy.

When Ino walked into the auditorium, he found that the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

It was real silence, everyone stopped talking, and then turned their heads and looked quietly. After all, in the darkness and fear, the first person to light the fire will always be remembered by people.

On the other side, Ino was also familiar with this kind of scene, quietly stretched out his arms and waved gently in the air, and then showed a bright smile.

"Pa! Papa!"

I don't know who started it, but after it started, everyone applauded, and the atmosphere in the auditorium suddenly became a little warm.

Even George and Fred stood on the stool and raised a small burning torch.

This seems to be their new concept product. Although it was made hastily by Transfiguration, the torch also burned with a blue flame.

Perhaps it was because it was not time for the dinner yet, even the always strict Professor McGonagall did not stop the students from playing.

Besides, she had heard about what happened on the train, so letting the students have some fun would also help them get out of the fear brought by the Dementors quickly.

Professor McGonagall's concept has always been like this. School rules are important, but when it comes to students' safety and health, rules are insignificant.

Similarly, Dumbledore, who was sitting in the guest of honor seat, was also smiling at the scene in front of him.

It seemed to be a coincidence of fate that the blue torch held by George formed a straight line with Ino.

However, the guest of honor seat was really far from the door of the auditorium, so in Dumbledore's perspective, Ino's figure at this moment seemed to be standing in the azure flame.

This scene made him feel a little familiar.

But then he thought of another thing, the phoenix was born in the azure flame.

Unconsciously, Dumbledore also followed and clapped softly.


A moment.

The applause gradually died down.

Ino waved his hand again and walked quietly to the Slytherin table.

He didn't say a word from beginning to end, not because he had nothing to say, but because he couldn't say anything.

At the opening dinner, speaking before the principal and professors? This is not just a disrespect, it is a kind of contempt in attitude, stealing the show.

At the same time.

Dumbledore also stood up slowly, which seemed to be a signal. Professor McGonagall also walked towards the front hall at this moment, after all, there was a group of freshmen waiting for the sorting.

The sorting ceremony for the third year of school began.

Looking at the freshmen who were walking on thin ice and like little quails, everyone showed a knowing smile, even the second-year wizards were no exception.

Happiness can be passed on. When everyone in the hall was happy and joyful, the freshmen in the middle were no longer nervous.

Similarly, the fear caused by the encounter with the Dementors just now gradually dissipated in such a relaxed atmosphere.

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