The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 174 The hustle and bustle of the school opening and the snake shedding in the secret room

The sorting ceremony ended soon.

As the last freshmen walked down the steps, there was another round of applause in the auditorium as they could not wait to enjoy their dinner.

But at this time, Dumbledore stood up and walked to the stage. He looked around at every student in the auditorium and gave a welcome speech.

"Before you go all mush over your delicious feast, I have something very important to remind you."

"Today Hogwarts welcomed some Dementors from Azkaban. They were sent by the Ministry of Magic to perform official duties. You must all know this because they searched the Hogwarts Express. …”

As Dumbledore finished speaking, the noisy discussion below started again.

But soon, the auditorium gradually became quiet again, because everyone noticed Dumbledore's change, which was unprecedentedly serious.

Facing the serious Dumbledore, let alone the young wizard below, even if the Minister of Magic came, he probably would not be able to remain calm.

"...So, please rest assured! Someone will be responsible for this matter. No matter whose decision it is, someone will pay for it. There is no doubt about it."

Dumbledore spoke very slowly, but every word was sonorous and powerful.

The dementors rioted and openly attacked the train! That was the train for the first semester, a train filled with all the students at Hogwarts.

After a long time, Dumbledore felt angry again.

There was silence in the Great Hall, and many young wizards were frightened by Dumbledore's serious expression.

Perhaps noticing that his tone was a bit harsh, Dumbledore's brows widened and he vaguely smiled.

"Okay, that's all I have to remind you. Let's change the topic to a more pleasant topic. Two new professors will join our lineup this school year!"

"First of all, it's Professor Lupin, who happily agreed to fill the vacancy in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Dumbledore stepped aside, motioned for everyone to look towards the teacher's chair, and took the lead in applauding.

Lupine nodded to everyone, which was in line with England's traditional reservedness. This was very different from Lockhart's flamboyance last year, coupled with his performance on the train.

Although the new professor was shabbily dressed, all the little wizards applauded. In their opinion, at least the new professor in front of them has some skills, and they are also looking forward to this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Dumbledore waited for the young wizards to accept the last news before continuing.

"As for our second new professor, it's Rubeus Hagrid!"

As if someone had suddenly pressed a switch, Hagrid stood up in an instant. His huge body even knocked the long table in front of him horizontally by several centimeters.

Noticing that everyone was looking over, Hagrid's cheeks turned red. He put his big rough hands on the table and then lifted them up. He always felt that it was inappropriate wherever he put them.

Dumbledore saw this scene, but then he chuckled and helped Hagrid out.

"As your original Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Kettleburn, retired at the end of last term, I hired Rubeus Hagrid to take over the position. He agreed to take on the role of gamekeeper in addition to his duties as gamekeeper. This teaching job!”

Well, another round of applause. But compared to Lupin, everyone's welcome to Hagrid seems a bit formulaic.

Of course, this does not affect Hagrid's happiness, becoming a professor at Hogwarts and gaining Dumbledore's recognition, which are all his dreams.

As Hagrid sat down, Dumbledore tapped the table with his finger, and sumptuous food began to cover all the tables in the auditorium like water.

The opening dinner also officially started.

Time is sometimes like the mist on the black lake, which seems to be filled with mist, but as long as there is a breeze, it disappears without a trace in an instant.

The first weekend of the new school year.

After getting up in the morning, Ino did not choose to go to Hogsmeade, but sat quietly in the dormitory.

Most people are like this. When they can't have it, they always try their best to have it; but when they really have it, everything seems a bit boring.

Of course, Ino is not among the majority.

On the first weekend of third grade, he chose to stay in the dormitory just because the wind outside was a little noisy.

In the past week, the magical world in England seemed to be in a state of turmoil.

On the first day of school, the Daily Prophet devoted a full page to reporting on the incompetence of the Ministry of Magic and Fudge's dereliction of duty.

The article's sharp writing and tricky angles, coupled with the dementors flying in the sky and the frightened faces of the little wizards, completely aroused everyone's anger.

After all, all wizards in England came from Hogwarts. Even some young people without children, their parents and grandparents also graduated from Hogwarts. Dementors openly attacked the train picking up students. This has already touched the ground. Everyone's reverse scale.

However, Fudge is also worthy of being a minister for many years, and his public relations speed is very fast. Without any quibbles, he not only admitted his mistake immediately, but also quickly introduced the person who took the blame - Gadwin Robards, Director of the Auror Office.

For ordinary wizards, this high-ranking official, Robards, instantly attracted 60% of the firepower.

As for the remaining 40%, Fudge also cleverly diverted the topic. The front page of the newspaper the next day was a blue phoenix in the night sky, with little wizards gathered on the train, each holding a wand, and the stars of light gathered together to illuminate the dark carriage.

In the following time, the Daily Prophet was very interesting.

Like a turn-based game, one day of attack and one day of defense. It was obviously a newspaper, but it gave people two different styles.

But this can't be blamed on the Daily Prophet. After all, they don't have any autonomy now. The only role is to provide a relatively civilized battlefield for the two forces.

In this game without gunpowder, there are only two biggest winners, one bright and one dark.

Ino gained reputation on the surface, and Colin gained benefits in secret. After all, all the material photos came from the other party's camera.

According to reliable information, there are rumors that Colin has been designated as a special reporter, and he can go to work for the Daily Prophet directly after graduation.

Special reporter, a very decent career. For a Muggle-born wizard, Colin's future is already very smooth.

Of course, these changes are not worth mentioning in the big picture.

After the two forces fought each other for a week, perhaps because of Dumbledore's prestige, or because this matter really angered the public, the final result was that Fudge was defeated.

Not only did he withdraw all the Dementors outside the castle and replace them with Aurors and strikers, but he also gave up many important positions in his own faction.

But fortunately, after a week of delay, Fudge's position as minister was finally saved.


For the disturbances in the outside world, Ino was not interested.

After putting down today's newspaper.

In the quiet dormitory, a blue light suddenly flashed.

On the empty table, there was a five-foot-long, somewhat broken and irregular piece of leather.

"Finally found it!"

The moment he saw the leather, Ino had determined the source of this thing, the skin of the basilisk in the secret room.

Because after the opening dinner, he asked the phoenix to follow the bathroom pipe to find the secret room.

Probably because he had his own phoenix, he didn't go to Harry to learn or ask Fox for help.

But it is somewhat helpless that, perhaps because of the chaotic negative emotions, his phoenix's brain is always a little bit not very bright.

Although it can perfectly execute all instructions, it lacks the ability to communicate and can only express its own emotions shallowly.

An inappropriate example, if Fox is a border collie, then his phoenix is ​​like a husky, not only jumping but also a little stupid.

Of course, all this is the image in Ino's eyes.

As for the eyes of others, Dumbledore made a clear request after seeing it, trying not to let this blue phoenix appear in the eyes of any little wizard.

At that time, the old principal's cautious expression, he also knew that the matter was not simple. Perhaps the dull husky in his eyes was another look in the eyes of others.

After a short contemplation.

Ino also returned his attention to the present, looking at the snake skin in front of him, he decisively picked up the wand.

"Split into pieces!"

The red beam shot out from the wand and hit the snake skin in an instant, and a sharp cutting sound of "snapping" sounded.

Although he did not withstand the magic attack, Ino showed a happy expression.

But a piece of snake skin that is who knows how many years old still has a good defense, which is enough to know that it is a rare magic material.

Now that the exact location has been determined, the rest of the things will be easy to handle.


After wearing a thick pair of glasses, Ino whispered to the air.

Fede is the name he gave to the phoenix, which contains the meaning of gradual disappearance and death. It is a very appropriate name.

As the call fell, a flash of blue suddenly flashed in the dormitory. The phoenix, about one and a half feet in size, dragging long tail feathers, and elegant posture, had appeared beside him.

Of course, if you ignore the dead and cold black pupils of the phoenix.

Ino didn't look at the eyes for long. Although an absolute connection has been established, staring at them for a long time will still cause sensory discomfort.

He couldn't help but turn his eyes to the side, and then ordered:

“Take me to the place where this piece of leather is!”

In the dormitory, the blue light flashed again.

It was just a moment.

Ino found himself in a dilapidated and damp place.

The ground was full of small animal skeletons and all kinds of disgusting strange fungi.

Facing the lair of the basilisk, he did not act rashly. Although he was wearing glasses, he did not want to try a head-on confrontation.

After all, those eyes that were staring at death were still a bit intimidating.

However, he also had a set of methods that he had planned to deal with cold-blooded animals like snakes.

He immediately waved the magic wand in his hand:

"Winter is coming!"

As the voice fell, countless snowflakes flew, and the cold mist extended forward along the ground.

Wherever the mist passed, whether it was the wall pillars or the ground covered with bones, it was covered with thick white frost visible to the naked eye.

"Go and keep an eye on it. Call me if you get frozen." Ino turned his head and ordered the phoenix beside him.

At the same time, he also began to collect the snake skins on the ground.

Although it is not used at present, it would be a bit of a waste of this rare magic material if it is left alone.

Time passed slowly, and about half an hour passed.

After collecting all the relatively complete snake sloughs, a blue light flashed around him again.

Feeling the emotions coming from his mind, the moment Ino grabbed the Phoenix, his figure disappeared instantly.


On the wide path, there is a huge figure about ten meters long.

Fresh basilisk carcass.

Looking at the intact basilisk corpse, Ino also verified his inner conjecture.

As long as there is no new path to open up and the life is not hatched in the shelter, it is probably true that one will be killed one by one, according to the proper rules.

Now with Phoenix's mobility, the shelter mechanism can finally be used as a trump card.

Xiaodi shares magical animals today: Basilisk/Snake King

Basilisk/ the King of Serpenrs

British Ministry of Magic classification level: xxxxx

Origin and distribution: Basilisk is artificially bred. The first recorded basilisk was bred by Herbo the Despicable, a Greek dark wizard who spoke a parseltongue. After many experiments, this person discovered that a dangerous snake with extraordinary abilities would hatch out of a male egg hatched by a toad.

Appearance characteristics: The basilisk is a large dark green snake with yellow eyes and a body up to 50 feet (about 15.2 meters) long. The male basilisk has a bright red feather on its head.

Habits: If food is plentiful (the basilisk will eat all mammals, birds and many reptiles), this snake can live an extremely long time, and the "Mean Herbo" basilisk is thought to have lived to be 900 years old. The basilisk's skin is covered in scales that deflect spells. Like other snakes, basilisks shed their skin regularly as they grow. Parseltongue can put a basilisk into a deep sleep, thereby preventing it from continuing to grow and entering a state similar to suspended animation.

Abilities and functions: The basilisk's teeth are extremely venomous, but even more dangerous are its eyes. Anyone who makes eye contact with the basilisk will be instantly killed. Anyone who makes eye contact with the basilisk through other things will be petrified. Only a potion prepared by mandrake can revive the victim. The phoenix is ​​immune to the basilisk's deadly gaze. Spiders of all kinds, including all Acromantulas including Aragog and his family, fear this creature.

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