The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 182 Everything seems to be connected

Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

Suddenly hearing the nightmare and seeing Ino's serious expression, Lu Ping couldn't help but smile bitterly:

"As I said before, these are all unverified information and can only be regarded as a relatively reliable speculation."

After wandering in the Muggle world for more than ten years, Lupine has also heard the stories of nightmares and Merlin, but no one can answer what the so-called nightmares are.

"Actually, there is no unified concept in the magic world about nightmares so far. Some people simply think that it is just a magical phenomenon, and it is simply a nightmare; but some people firmly believe that nightmares are a kind of spiritual creature, but we can't see it."

Lupine explained as clearly as possible.

Listening to this explanation, a silver-haired girl suddenly appeared in Ino's mind, and at the same time he also thought about another invisible thing that Luna had mentioned - the harassing fly.

I was already not interested in Boggarts, but now I am somewhat interested.

Because somehow, he could always think of the nameless goblin.

It seems that the other party has really seen something, otherwise he would not write such appropriate words - invisible things bring us closer to reality.

Like a jigsaw puzzle, everything seems to be slowly coming together.

But now is obviously not the time to think. Thinking of this, Ino raised his head and looked to the opposite side:

"I accept the notebook, thank you! I also received the same favor!"

Hearing this, Lu Ping shook his head cautiously: "It's not what you think! Or not entirely. But as long as it helps you, you can see that there is really a limit to what I can do."

Faced with such an implicit expression, Ino couldn't help but chuckle and said:

"Professor, there is really no need! However, I did gain something today. There are also some things that I have no intention of repaying, so just let him go."

To be honest, although Lu Ping didn't say anything clearly inside and outside his words, his intentions were still clear.

After getting down to business, there seemed to be nothing to chat about. After all, they were not familiar with each other.

in the following time.

But out of politeness, Ino stayed as long as possible for a quarter of an hour.

After bidding farewell to Lupine, he left the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

Quiet corridor.

At this moment, he was also reviewing the previous conversation in his mind, and there was an obvious message: Snape had compromised, and Sirius might be vindicated in the near future.

Although a little surprised, it seems to be reasonable.

After all, in the original story, Harry was late twice. The first time was for the flying car last year, and the second time was when he was attacked by Draco on the train in the future.

But coincidentally, the only two times he was late, in the huge Hogwarts, Snape was the only one standing outside the castle waiting.

Love seems to have been extended.

at the same time.

As Ino walked towards the Slytherin common room.

In the dormitory, Draco sat silently on a chair, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

But what was in front of him was not a textbook, but a familiar-looking single wardrobe.

"Boom!" There was a loud banging sound in the cabinet.

The sound not only broke the silence of the dormitory, but also made Draco's neck feel chilly.

"How did this thing get in..."

He recognized the wardrobe now, but he was also puzzled as to how this thing escaped into the dormitory on its own.

After practicing in the afternoon, everyone was immune to Boggarts, but what frightened him was that this thing actually appeared in the dormitory out of thin air.

"Boom! Boom!" It seemed that he felt a new fear. Different from the previous weakness, the single cabinet made a violent impact again.

Quietly taking a few steps back, then turning around suddenly, Draco quickly ran towards the door! He was now looking for his prefects, Professor Snape.

The strange thing is that the door opened automatically before he got close to it, but he couldn't care about much now. He just wanted to run out and call someone.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Draco returned to the dormitory again.

"What the hell is going on?" Ino helplessly looked at the knocked unconscious figure on the ground.

The moment he opened the door, he saw someone flying toward him, so he reflexively used the Iron Armor Curse.

Seeing Draco lying unconscious on the ground, he could only use the levitating spell to put him on the bed.

As for sending Madam Pomfrey, there was really no need to make a fuss, it was just a matter of being knocked unconscious. With the wizard's physique, he might be able to wake up on his own on the way to treatment.

After handling everything, Ino leaned on the chair tiredly.

To be honest, when he opened the door, he saw a black shadow rushing towards him. For a moment, he planned to use Shen Feng Wuying. Now that I think about it, I feel a little scared, if Draco is really cut in half...

Even if he was rescued in time, he wouldn't have to go to school. If he didn't want to go to Azkaban, then he would really have only one way to wander and escape.

After it calmed down, the old single cabinet started 'dong dong' again! ’ made a sound, and the cause of the matter was also clear at a glance.

"Silly Fed!"

He was really powerless against this Phoenix who was not very bright. He clearly ordered to send it to the box, but in the end, he sent it directly to the dormitory...

Time passes slowly.

Just when Ino was about to deal with the single wardrobe, Draco woke up wobbly on the bed.

After opening his eyes, he found that he was still in the dormitory. Before he could panic, he heard the voice of Jean in his ears, which made him relax again.

"A Boggart can scare you like this?"

Hearing the disappointment in his tone, a trace of confusion flashed in Draco's eyes, and he murmured: "I'm not afraid of Boggarts, but this cabinet suddenly appeared..."

"Sorry, it's my fault!" Ino decisively took responsibility. He suddenly thought of Draco's age. It is normal to be afraid when facing strange things.

"It's okay! Just tell me next time you move something." After hearing the apology, Draco waved his hand indifferently, as if being knocked unconscious was a small matter.

Then, he changed the subject and said in a somewhat cautious tone: "But this thing needs to be covered with a piece of cloth and hidden to avoid being discovered."

"I didn't steal this!" Ino reached out and stroked his eyebrows, "Professor Lupine gave it to me. I kept it for fun if I thought it was interesting."

"Keep it for fun?" Draco said with a suppressed smile.

He had seen people keeping strange pets, but this was the first time he saw someone keeping a Boggart. It was really not as good as raising a Billywig.

But soon, Draco's smile froze on his face again. The Boggart probably needed to feed his fear, and there were only two people in the dormitory...

Glancing at the other person's stiff expression, Ino directly stated his plan: "I didn't plan to keep this thing in the dormitory. I took it out after a while. Its appearance here today is also an accident!"

Hearing this, Draco relaxed and looked at the single wardrobe aside again. This time, there was no fear, only curiosity.

"That's right! Ino, this wardrobe can't close it. The Boggart is just a ball of black smoke. Without fear, it will escape through tiny holes."

"Black smoke?" Ino's eyes narrowed, because this was already the second version today, which made him curious:

"Who did you hear to say that Boggarts are black smoke? According to records, they should just have no entity."

"My dad said that one time I met a Boggart in the manor. I was scared. Then he comforted me and said that it was just a ball of black smoke. Another time..."

Sitting on the chair, Ino no longer cared about what was behind Draco.

Lucius, black smoke, Boggart, fear, several known conditions are connected in series.

He thought of another thing, or another iconic magic that had never been recorded.

Sorry everyone, my nephew is here today, Xiao Di took her out to play, and then... there are only two updates, sorry... sorry!

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