The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 183: Arrangement of the Restricted Books Area

Time always passes quietly and unconsciously.

The next morning, the first ray of golden sunshine was like a punctual painter. No matter how chaotic the world was, it always spread out the picture of the sky on time.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Ino came to the library again. Different from the past recreational reading, this time he came with a purpose.

The second floor of the castle.

The ancient and solemn oak door of the library slowly opened, as if with some kind of magic, making every little wizard who passed by unconsciously become quiet.

Ino was no exception. After nodding silently with Mrs. Pince, she took a familiar route to the Magical Creatures Separation Area. When passing by the forbidden book area, she quietly looked inside.

They passed by naturally, but no one noticed that a palm-sized, ice-blue Acromantula suddenly appeared on the ground.

Just in a daze, the blue Acromantula disappeared into the corner of the forbidden book area.

This was a solution that he came up with after careful consideration.

Instead of buying some rare books, it is better to temporarily put Lina in the forbidden book area. Although the other party's form has changed, the memory that belongs to her has not changed. Let the once legendary wizard learn on his own, which is more efficient than any help.

After doing all this, Ino was at ease choosing books about Boggarts.

And at the same time.

In the Gryffindor girls' dormitory, it was still a few minutes before the alarm clock was set, and Hermione had already opened her eyes.

Then he washed up and changed clothes mechanically, and then picked up the class schedule next to him and compared it.

"Wednesday... I'm so confused!"

Looking at the empty sign on the class schedule, Hermione sighed unconsciously.

Twelve classes per week, coupled with the frequent use of the time converter, even though it was only a short week since school started, she already felt overwhelmed.

It is common to get the wrong class schedule or even remember the wrong date.

Since there were no classes, Hermione planned to enjoy this rare leisure time. She sat quietly by the dormitory window and looked at the Forbidden Forest in the distance.

At Hogwarts in September, autumn is already here.

The slightly cool autumn wind in the distance quietly passed through the cracks in the dormitory, blowing away the last trace of summer heat.

The fresh air mixed with the smell of the forest made her feel the tranquility and relaxation she had not seen for a long time.

However, this tranquility quietly disappeared amid a burst of excited discussion.

"Have you heard? Eno's new book is finally on sale! I made a reservation and I heard it will be delivered before noon today. It is sold directly by Flourish Blotts Bookstore. There is a 10% discount on the second book..."

The speaker was roommate Lavender Brown. Although the volume was not loud, every word was like pebbles thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples in circles.

Hermione sat by the window, frowning slightly and snorting dissatisfiedly.

She never liked such overly affectionate terms, especially when they were not familiar with each other. Not only did it seem rude, but it also lacked the reserve of girls.

But she also knows that some people and some things cannot be stopped with a simple sentence.

“Why do some people always like to talk loudly about other people’s things in public places.”

Hermione sighed secretly, and at the same time turned her head to look out the window to divert her attention.

At this moment, an owl was soaring in the sky not far away.

This is a strong gray eagle owl who is also an experienced messenger. Because dozens of meters away from the head of Gryffindor Tower, it had already folded its wings, gliding in from the window like an elegant arc.

The owl accurately threw the package at its feet towards Hermione, then fluttered its wings and disappeared into the blue sky outside the window.

Hermione looked down at the package on her lap, and couldn't help but feel confused. She hadn't bought anything recently.

However, she inadvertently glanced at Brown who was discussing excitedly, and she already had the answer in her heart.

This package should be the new book they call it.

Hermione gently stroked the package, feeling its temperature and texture, and a warm current flowed through her heart.

Today, the sky at Hogwarts is destined to be noisy.

At the Owl Post Office, countless little couriers travel lightly, with lightweight kraft paper packages tied to their claws.

Dumbledore, Snape, Professor McGonagall, Mrs. Pince, Hagrid, Pansy, Draco, Neville, George, Fred, Ginny...

At this moment, countless people accepted the packages sent by owls.

Of course, most of the items here were purchased by Ino out of his own pocket.

It's not to show off, but because he has to do it. He knows very well that if he doesn't take the initiative to give this book, many friends will buy it for the sake of friendship.

Once this happens, the friendship will be invisible.

Moreover, the price of eleven sickles may be insignificant to professors, but it is a huge sum of money to students.

Just as everyone was unpacking.

Ino also quietly left the library, while Lina had already weaved a new network in the corner of the restricted book area.

Of course, there was a small incident along the way. After receiving the package, Mrs. Pinsi came over to ask for a signature as soon as possible.

But an interlude is just an interlude after all.

After leaving the library, Ino walked briskly to Hagrid's hut.

Standing on the lawn outside the castle and looking out at the smoke rising from the chimney of the hut next to the Forbidden Forest, one knew that Hagrid would have some free time.

After all, after becoming a professor, Hagrid is destined not to have as much free time as before.

Although he thought about it, he still quickened his pace.

Soon, he came to the hut, followed by a vigilant barking of dogs in the house.

With a "bang!", the door of the hut was suddenly opened, and Hagrid poked his big head out and looked around alertly.

And when he saw Ino's figure, his expression suddenly relaxed.

"Ino, come in! The little guys are a little energetic, I'm afraid they will run around."

Looking at Hagrid who was trying to cover up, Ino shrugged helplessly. After all, the other party was just like this and couldn't hide things.

However, he walked into the hut.

He found that he still underestimated Hagrid's enthusiasm, or underestimated Hagrid's interest in hybridization.

At this moment, the small room has become a biochemical research institute of Dr. Strange.

Various small magical animals can be seen everywhere, including juvenile acromantic giant spiders, goblins, martens, little devils, fire crabs, frog-headed dragons...

Although he didn't know where Hagrid found all these, he was sure of one thing, that is, Hagrid also had the common problem of scientific researchers, and he really didn't care when doing experiments.

Looking at the various magical animals running around, Ino couldn't turn a blind eye.

After all, he was the one who started the whole thing. If something really went wrong, let alone the guilt, it would be uneasy to blame Hagrid.

"Hagrid! I have something to tell you. We can't experiment here, otherwise something will happen sooner or later." Ino pointed to the various magical animals around.

"Accident? No, I asked Fang to keep watch!" Hagrid subconsciously denied it.

Faced with Hagrid's stubbornness, Ino brought up the past and said, "Have you forgotten the fire dragon from the year before last? Besides, I didn't say that the experiment would stop, I just changed the place."

"Then? Move to the Forbidden Forest?" Hagrid's tone was uncertain.

"No, I'll lend you the box temporarily! Don't worry, they won't interfere with your experiment."

Ino expressed his thoughts. As the initiator of the research, it is reasonable to provide a venue. He can't leave everything to Hagrid.

As for the eight-eyed giant spider in the box, it's even simpler. Although they have their own social system, the first generation is always hatched in the shelter.

In terms of the ability to control the spider group, his orders always take precedence over Lina, but sometimes he is too lazy to care.

On the other hand, Hagrid stopped talking completely after hearing that he could move into the box, and just kept smiling and nodding.

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