The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 184 The Full Moon of the Harvest Festival

Someone once said that there will never be any eternal topics in the castle of Hogwarts.

Because the little wizards' jumping minds are like wild Golden Snidgets, you never know where they will appear in the next second.

After entering October, the atmosphere in the castle has also stabilized, and the previous ups and downs have become calm under the erosion of time.

Although it is only a short month, many little wizards feel that they have experienced a whole year of things, or perhaps the whole year of things added up is not as much as the previous month.

The week before the beginning of the school year, the quarrels in the Daily Prophet had just calmed down for two days, and a book called "The Hidden Story" came out again.

Everyone was surprised to find that the author of this novel was still the celebrity of the previous week, Ino Swinburne. Perhaps out of some kind of star-chasing or trend-following mentality, many people followed the crowd and bought this book.

After all, the author of the novel is their classmate, whether it is to sign or to be a topic of conversation, it is a very interesting thing.

Although they just followed the trend to buy, some people read it seriously. As time goes by, more and more people are attracted by the stories in the book and moved by the characters in the book.

Among them, the most widely circulated and discussed is "The Youth of Hutton Marr Alley". The protagonist Azra, with his heart as pure as the sky, perfectly interprets what love and loyalty are.

It is worth mentioning that under the popularity of the story, George and Fred also launched their theme product-straw ring.

Once it was released, it quickly became popular in the entire castle, and even the jumping and frolicking joke shop in Diagon Alley came to stock it. After all, it is not only the little wizards in the castle who read novels.

Sometimes I have to admire the learning and hands-on ability of the Weasley twins. Although the texture of the ring is straw, it is essentially an alchemical prop.

When the two wearers are close to each other, the ring will emit a faint light. If the distance is close enough, the faint light emitted by the two rings will be entangled together.

Of course, you only need to pay one more Sickle to customize the color and shape of the light. If you pay two more Sickles, you can also customize the entangled style.

In the Slytherin dormitory.

Ino sat quietly at the table, and in front of him were 20 straw rings.

This was the second batch today. Looking at the well-made rings, he could only wave his wand and let them float to the dormitory locker.

There were already hundreds of rings in the locker. With each other's company, these straw rings were not lonely at all.

After doing all this, Ino looked up at the alarm clock on the wall. It was nine o'clock in the evening, and there was still half an hour before curfew.

This was the time he was waiting for, because only at this time was the moon the roundest.

Thinking of this, he slowly stood up and walked out of the dormitory, and his figure gradually faded with his steps until it disappeared transparently.

This was a new magic that he combined with the Disillusionment Spell after studying the ancient rune "Hide", a unique invisibility magic.

The new Disillusionment Spell abandoned the previous optical invisibility and achieved a complete invisibility with the same effect as the invisibility cloak.

By the Black Lake.

A figure slowly emerged from the empty grass, and three pottery pots similar to those in the greenhouse of the Herbology Class also appeared on the ground.

The origin of the Harvest Festival cannot be verified, but one of the most reliable theories is that it originated in the fifth century.

Like the unverifiable origin, the time of the Harvest Festival is also not fixed, because it changes with the changes of the 'Harvest Moon', and the Harvest Moon of each year opens after the latest full moon at the end of September.

After several days of waiting, a full moon finally came.

Like a deep satin sky, a bright full moon hangs high, and the faint silver light falls softly like a veil.

Ino sat on the ground, and in front of him were three pottery pots planted with magic beans.

Originally, he didn't want to come this time, after all, he had heard that plants need light, but he hadn't heard that they need the moon.

But in today's Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Snape taught werewolves after taking the class, which reminded him that perhaps many things in the magic world cannot be judged by common sense.

The moon was hanging high by the lake. As time went by, the moon in the sky was gradually rising, and the light became brighter and brighter.

Suddenly, Ino stopped looking at the bright moon, but lowered his head to stare at the pottery basin in front of him.

He felt a joyful emotion. It was hard to imagine that the empty pottery basin with nothing but mud could produce emotions.

But the fact is that a joy called harvest is quietly rising, just like being in a field under the autumn sun, looking at the golden wheat waves, and ears of full and mature rice, which makes people happy.

This represents a good harvest.

After people have been working hard for a whole year, they are looking forward to this moment.

Although he was by the Black Lake, Ino saw another scene on the calm lake. Farmers happily shuttled between the golden rice fields, with sickles flying in their hands, accompanied by bursts of crisp rice cutting sounds.

Outside the ridges, children in simple clothes also joined the harvest. They followed the adults and picked up the lost rice with their tender hands. Every time there was a harvest, laughter and cheers came one after another.

If the fire is hope and salvation, then the harvest is sweat and joy.

The harvest is closer to life; and the joy of the harvest is also the most primitive and natural emotion of human beings.

And this joy rose from the pottery basin and gradually grew stronger.

Happiness seems to be transmitted. This joy of harvest gradually covered the entire castle along the lake and with the breeze, and then spread towards the forbidden forest in the distance...

At this moment, the little wizards in the castle, the house elves in the kitchen, the centaurs in the forbidden forest, the mermaids in the Black Lake, all intelligent species felt this faint joy.

The eighth floor of the castle.

Dumbledore stood in front of the window, staring at the direction of the Black Lake.

Although he didn't speak, he had a relieved smile on his face.

It felt like an old man carrying heavy grains and carrying the heavy burden forward alone, and suddenly someone behind him helped him to hold up the heavy pole.

At the same time.

On the shore of the Black Lake, Ino felt the joy of the harvest up close, wrapped in a cheerful mood. At this moment, he no longer cared about whether the magic beans he planted had sprouted.

A blessing came to his mind, as if he had drunk a small bottle of blessing potion. He subconsciously drew out his wand, and the white elder wand shone brightly under the moonlight.

"Expecto Patronus!"

Although he was in the joy of the harvest, his tone was not too excited, but there was an unquestionable affirmation in his calmness.

The emotions that permeated the surroundings seemed to have found a backbone, blending, summarizing, and gathering, and finally gushing out from the top of the wand.

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