The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 240 Hogwarts before summer vacation

In late May.

Ino left Brijuni Island.

It wasn't that he wanted to leave, but a letter from Hogwarts forced him to leave.

The sender was Snape, and the content was very simple, with only a short sentence of five words: Come back for the exam!

Facing the simple and clear letter from the dean, Ino said goodbye to Newt as soon as possible, and also explained to Dren to ensure the normal operation of the spider farm in the future.


After arriving at Hogwarts.

Ino went to the Potions Office as soon as possible, which was also a period of two and a half months away from school.

"Professor, thank you for your approval! Now everything is on track."

"There's no need to tell me these!" Snape's tone remained unchanged for thousands of years.

After three years of getting along, Ino knew Snape's character very well, and he didn't say anything more immediately.

After politely obtaining consent, he left the office.

After two and a half months.

Back to the Slytherin common room again, everything here made him feel familiar.

Familiar furnishings, familiar atmosphere.

But the only unfamiliar thing is the video mirror on the shelf, the content inside is actually the duel between the honest Goyle and Ron...

Unexpectedly, Slytherin and Gryffindor are performing on the same stage, and what's more exaggerated is that Ron is actually being beaten, and he is beaten very badly.

In the mirror, Ron staggers and screams, and performs exaggerated performances. Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is fake.

But it is precisely because it is fake that it is unbelievable.


At the same time.

In the Gryffindor common room.

George and Fred threw a bag to Ron, and the latter couldn't wait to open the bag.

"One, two, three..."

"No need to count!" George glanced at Ron, raised his eyebrows and said: "No more, no less, thirty Sickles, the reward promised to you will not be less."

"Hehe!" Ron smiled unconsciously.

A full thirty Sickles, equivalent to nearly two Galleons, he has never had so much money in his life.

Looking at the silver currency on the table, Ron swallowed unconsciously.

This performance fell into Fred's eyes. For the first time, he felt that bullying this silly brother was not good.

But there was no way. Malfoy gave too much. Ten Galleons in exchange for Ron being beaten by Goyle.

Perhaps it was the tacit understanding from the twins. When Fred changed his mind, he was dragged away by George.

As the two left.

Ron continued to count the money with a happy face. Knowing the amount is one thing, and counting the money by yourself is another thing. This is a satisfying experience.

"I don't think it's that simple! Ron, think about it, what happened."

After George and Fred walked away, Harry gently pushed Ron.

"It's okay, they dare not go beyond the limit!" Ron shrugged indifferently.

It's just a prank. George and Fred will not do anything beyond the bottom line. He knows this very well.

Besides, facing the high return, he is not willing to think too much about anything.

After all, if you pretend to fall, you can get a Sickle as a reward, and if you cry once, you can get five knuts. This kind of good thing is really hard to come by.

If there was only a quarter of an hour, Ron swore that he would definitely earn a new broom before the summer vacation.

"Who else was there that day? I always feel that there is something wrong here." Harry said puzzledly.

"Malfoy! That's normal, otherwise how do you expect George and Fred to be so generous? Not only do I know that the two of them made a profit, but I also know that they will be filmed in the film, but it doesn't matter."

Ron saw all this very clearly.

Maybe the Weasley family only has poor people, but no real stupid people.

But it was precisely because he saw it clearly that Ron chose to accept this employment, which not only had a generous reward, but also allowed him to appear in the film.

And he, Ron Weasley, made money by his skills and performances, and there was nothing shameful about it.

After hearing his friend's words, Harry didn't say anything more.

Everyone else knew it, what else could he say, and he originally wanted to say that the embarrassing content might be filmed in the film.

But somehow, as Ron talked, he also felt a kind of yearning in his heart.

Of course, the premise is that he asks Ino to buy a mirror and take the photo himself in Gryffindor instead of working with Malfoy.

But all this has to wait for Ino to come back. After all, he has not been seen for more than two months.

At this moment, Harry suddenly realized that he would miss a boy one day.


A crisp sneeze in the library.

Ino rubbed his sore nose and smiled apologetically at Madam Pince.

After watching Ron's personal show in the common room, he turned to the library.

Facing the final exam in two weeks, although there is no problem with the practical operation, the theoretical knowledge still needs to be reviewed.

Otherwise, if the test results decline, his personal honor and disgrace will not be a problem, but Snape's face will definitely not be easy, and there will be all kinds of gossip and comparisons among the professors.

Similarly, this time he also intends to remind Lina that the countdown to leaving has begun.

This is not only because the Hogwarts library is closed during the summer vacation, but also based on the inertia of the asylum.

This time, two fantasy worlds will probably be opened again.

Lina or the White Witch, as the second person who gave him great help besides Teacher Hans, can't always be kept as a pet like this.

Clearly distinguish between gratitude and resentment, this is the most basic bottom line.

Although the connection between them cannot be cut off due to the rules, he can give the other party the greatest freedom within the rules.

And this freedom can be maximized whether it is Middle-earth or Arad.

With these two purposes, Ino stayed in the library until 7 o'clock in the evening.

As the number of people in the library became less and less, he inadvertently walked through the restricted book area again.

Similarly, a clever blue eight-eyed giant spider also crawled into his sleeve along his robe.

Before leaving the library, Mrs. Pince asked curiously:

"The exam is approaching, and you don't borrow a few books? There will be no books left if you want to borrow in another week!"

Faced with this kind reminder, Ino shook his arm gently.

"Thank you! But I have a better choice."

Lina stayed in the restricted book area for a whole school year. With this accumulation, why borrow books?

Xiaodi's sharing today: Horklump

British Magical Classification Level: x

Origin and Distribution: Horklump is native to Scandinavia, but now it is all over Northern Europe.

Appearance: Horklump is a pink, thorny, mushroom-like animal that looks like a fleshy pink mushroom covered with sparse, straight black bristles.

Habits: Horklump extends its strong tentacles, rather than rhizomes, underground to find its favorite earthworms as food.

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