The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 241 It really became a nightmare

In the Scottish Highlands in early June, the temperature is soaring every day.

Similarly, as the final exams are approaching, Hogwarts is visibly getting a little restless.

This is especially true for fifth- and seventh-year wizards.

The two important exams not only represent academic performance, but also determine their future life trajectory.

However, the tense atmosphere before the exams never affects Slytherin.

More than 80% of the little snakes have had a smooth road paved before they were born.

Whether it is O.W.Ls or N.E.W.T, to put it bluntly, they are restrictions for ordinary people.

Even Goyle will inherit the family business after graduation. For him, going to school may be more like coming on vacation and commenting on the food in the Hogwarts kitchen.

The four colleges always present four different scenes.

Slytherin dormitory.

In the quiet environment, there is only the sound of turning pages and rubbing feather pens.

"Lina, my suggestion is Middle-earth. I have told you the story, but the choice is always yours."

Ino glanced at the handwritten books on the table. Just looking at the names made people feel horrified:

"Crush Your Brain", "One Finger to Make Magic Potion", "Twelve Uses of Eyeballs", "Techniques of the Killing Curse"

"Don't worry about me! I have already chosen the place." Lina said in a cold voice.

"These books are selected! This is the last thing I can do to help you."

"Put the books aside first, choosing a good place is very important!" Ino emphasized again.

He knew very well that some things were difficult to change after they were chosen. Especially the time difference between the two worlds, maybe the next meeting will be decades later.

"There is no good choice! It's nothing more than experiencing life. Besides, I am already very satisfied. Since I entered Narnia, I have encountered only endless malice and rejection..."

Lina took eight steps and jumped onto the table lightly.

"I didn't expect to live again! I want to thank you for this."

"But you are still not free!"

For the first time, Ino pointed out the disadvantages in person.

He had been deliberately avoiding this topic all along. The miraculous nature of the shelter gave him absolute control over Lina.

After he pointed out the problem, the dormitory fell silent for a while.

Time passed in silence, minute by minute.

After a while, Lina took the lead in breaking the calm:

"So, will you force me to do something?"

"Of course not!" Ino retorted without thinking.

"In that case, why is it called unfreedom, little guy!"

Lina chuckled. Although she was in the form of an eight-eyed giant spider, she once again showed the confidence of a legendary witch at this moment.

A long-lost name also made Ino fall into past memories.

The reindeer sleigh, the dwarf Simon, the castle on the ice field, the ice sculptures in the auditorium...

"Yes! You are free!"

At this moment, Ino's tone was unusually affirmative.

After he finished speaking, he felt like he had put down a certain burden, and the whole person felt a sense of relief.

As if she had expected it, Lina not only didn't care, but also changed the topic:

"Although I don't know how long it will take, if you have any questions, ask them as soon as possible! This world gives me a very unusual feeling."

More than ordinary, Ino knew this a long time ago.

The magic world is very high-end and mysterious, just like the smoke in the shelter, which makes it difficult to peek into the most fundamental secrets.

Although the fog covers it, he will not be too persistent, and will not make the pursuit of truth his lifelong pursuit like Ms. Ravenclaw.

Perhaps just like fate at the beginning, he chose to disguise himself as a bard, and he was changing imperceptibly while disguising himself.

Now, Ino is never too persistent in anything, just like the protagonist of the novel "The Biography of Mr. Almost", who only wants to be almost everything.

The pursuit of the extreme often only brings extreme pressure.

However, now that Lina has taken the initiative to bring it up, he will not miss this opportunity to discuss it.

"If there is doubt, maybe there is only one at the moment." Ino said while considering, while mobilizing the Boggart hidden in the shadow, a group of extreme black mist slowly emerged. "Boggart, a spiritual magical creature. But now it has become different, and some people have speculated that it is related to nightmares..." ... Hogwarts has no secrets. Similarly, Hogwarts is also full of secrets. One thing is certain, the security level of student dormitories is an absolute priority, and it is also absolutely private. Slytherin, the dormitory under the castle. The main color of green, coupled with the blazing candlelight, always looks a bit mysterious and gloomy. But now, in the double dormitory of more than 20 square meters. Black mist curls and permeates the whole room, the eight-eyed giant spider with a diameter of one foot on the table, and several magic books whose names are misleading. All these combined, even if Voldemort comes, he will sigh that there is a successor. "...The whole thing is like this. The mechanism of the shelter allowed me to control this Boggart by accident. At the same time, the second magic riot also made it different."

In the black smoke, Ino lightly recounted the changes in this year.

He had nothing to hide from Lina, and there was no need to hide anything. To put it bluntly, they were all tied together, and the rope could not be cut.

After his detailed explanation, the imagined silence did not appear.

Lina did not even think about it, and immediately took over the conversation and expressed her opinion.

"There's nothing strange about this! The reason for all this is just because you believe that statement, and you believe in your heart that Boggart and Nightmare have changed."

"Of course, this is not enough to make it change fundamentally."

Lina gently stirred the smoke in the air with her feet, and at the same time, a cold voice sounded in the dormitory:

"The root of everything appeared in the magic riot, which is one of the reasons why I look up to this world. Children who have never learned magic can do many things that powerful wizards cannot do when the magic riots."

"When they are emotionally excited, they can even make their wishes come true. But this power is uncontrollable. It will only realize what the little wizard desires in his heart, or get a piece of cake, or let himself fly..."

As Lina told the story, Ino gradually sorted out the problem.

One of the most obvious examples is that 11-year-old Harry used the vanishing spell silently and without a wand in the zoo to make the glass of the Brazilian python disappear.

Under this ironclad evidence, he has agreed with Lina's point of view.

The second magical riot was caused by Boggart, and he also believed that Boggart was related to nightmare.

Under this kind of power that almost made his wishes come true, everything changed naturally.

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