The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 316 The Fourth Warrior

As the fourth piece of parchment appeared, Ino also had the answer in his mind.

And many details from the past are connected in series at this moment.

During the summer vacation, Voldemort's two remaining Horcruxes were collected; after the start of school, the new gamekeeper Mad-Eye Moody was appointed; and even Harry's progress in learning Occlumency...

Everything seems to be unrelated, but if you look deeper, it seems that there is a vague connection.

Ino is now convinced that the chance encounter last night was a wonderful misunderstanding.

Probably, Dumbledore also wanted to take advantage of the moonlight to cheat, but he didn't expect that someone would take the lead.

But the only thing he was not sure about was whether the impromptu change last night was also part of the principal's plan.

Or no matter who becomes the warrior, it will not affect the progress of the plan.

With a trace of doubt, Ino pushed open the door.

What comes into view is a wooden room with simple furnishings and a rectangular shape.

There was a long fabric sofa, a few high-backed chairs, and a high round table in the room, but there wasn't much else.

The light here is slightly dim, and the only three-pronged candlesticks on the two walls provide weak illumination, making everything look a bit shabby.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Ino was speechless. He didn't know where the money at Hogwarts was spent.

Just like the slippery path that I took on the boat in the first grade, the whole journey was in complete darkness and I was reluctant to put on even a magic lamp.

Just when he was criticizing in his heart, a slightly unfamiliar English came to his ears.

"Mr. Swinburne!"

Although Furong came in late, she was the first to react and stood up immediately to say hello with a smile.

Klum, half a beat behind Fleur, also stood up and said hello: "I knew it, it's great! We are on the same stage again."

With his unpretentious language and honest and honest smile, Klum's performance is easy to make people fall in love with him, and even saying "we are on the same stage" has invisibly brought them closer to each other.

But all of this always seemed a little funny to Ino.

After all, a person who can consider 10 years from now before graduation, and even complain skillfully when there is no response when asking for help, will definitely not be as simple and honest as he appears.

Besides, there's the Goblet of Fire.

Without external interference, the Goblet of Fire is truly impartial.

It can be said responsibly that the three people present can be selected as warriors to represent the three thousand-year-old schools of Europa, and none of them is a fuel-efficient lamp.

Of course, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang still have some merit. After all, there are only a few people here, and it is easy to miss some people who look low-key but are actually outstanding.

After a brief thought, after Crom finished speaking, Ino replied equally politely:

"I am also honored to be a warrior with you! Miss Delacour, and Mr. Krum!"

In the room, while the three people were chatting harmoniously, there was another strange atmosphere in the auditorium.

Quiet, the ultimate quiet.

After the Goblet of Fire spit out the fourth piece of parchment, the sound of a needle dropping could be heard in the huge auditorium.

Not only the students below, but also everyone at the guest table had a look of astonishment, as if no one had expected such a sudden change.

The parchment fell freely, and Dumbledore subconsciously held it in his hand. He was also stunned on the spot with a look of surprise. After a short silence, he still read the name truthfully:

"Harry Potter!"

There was no school prefix, just a short first name and last name, but no one paid attention to these details now, everyone was waiting for an explanation.

Likewise, as Harry's name was read out, there were no claps or cheers in the auditorium.

The previous silence was gradually broken, and a buzzing sound began, which was the prelude to the discussion.

Many people in the auditorium also looked at Harry in confusion, including the people around him, Neville, Ron, and even more people. Their expressions were surprisingly unified, and everyone looked incredulous.

"This has nothing to do with me!" Harry said blankly.

A fourth warrior suddenly appeared from three magic schools. Even fools knew something was wrong. Harry was no exception and chose to defend himself immediately.

"We all know!" Ron stared, and a smile appeared on his face for a while, "But this is a good thing. Congratulations, Harry!"

Although he said it, Ron felt a little bitter in his heart. It was like a friend who shared the joys and sorrows together. Suddenly one day his friend showed up and said that he was experiencing life.

"This is not a congratulation! Didn't you realize there was something wrong?"

For some reason, Harry yelled out suddenly. Perhaps it was the excitement that made his eyes red.

This sudden change also attracted the attention of the guest of honor. Snape frowned and looked down, and Professor McGonagall stood up in a panic, and then walked quickly towards Dumbledore.

Unlike Ino, whose strength and fame were obvious to all, Professor McGonagall did not approve of Harry becoming a warrior and a student who copied all his Transfiguration homework.

But in this situation, she knew she had to do something. The safety of the students and the credibility of Hogwarts were two things that weighed on her heart like boulders.

When Dumbledore saw Professor McGonagall coming, he was the first to speak: "Minerva, listen to me first. This matter needs to be discussed, but not now..."

Looking around, Dumbledore finally looked at Harry, who looked confused: "Harry Potter, please go to the room next to the hall first."

Hearing Dumbledore's voice, Harry also felt like he had just woken up from a dream. He stood up from his stool and stumbled towards the back of the hall.

Looking at the astonished faces around him, he always felt that Hogwarts was a little strange at this moment, as if he never belonged here.

Similarly, when Harry stood up and left, all kinds of discussions finally broke out in the hall.

Especially the little badgers of Hufflepuff. They were quite disappointed that Cedric was not selected, but the champion was Ino Swinburne, so they couldn't say anything.

After all, whether it was last year's Dementors, Blue Phoenix, or this year's World Cup and Red Phoenix, they all proved their excellence, and the Daily Prophet had also made detailed reports.

However, Harry Potter, who was hailed as the savior, seemed to have nothing outstanding except for his first year. His grades and abilities were mediocre, and the only thing he could really show off seemed to be Quidditch.

This achievement might have been remarkable in the past, but now with the Quidditch World Cup professional seeker in front of him, Harry's identity as a seeker was not even a foil.

Listening to the chattering behind him, Harry pushed open the wooden door that symbolized honor as if he was escaping.


Dumbledore's voice spread throughout the hall with the help of magic, and the huge sound waves drowned out all the discussions.

"There was a small accident! But we will solve it, and now the dinner is over!"

"Prefects, lead everyone back to the lounge of their respective colleges in an orderly manner."

The long-standing prestige, when Dumbledore's voice fell, all the prefects of the four colleges stood up.


At the same time.

After Harry opened the door, he saw the same curious and surprised eyes. Such eyes made him feel ashamed, but fortunately there were other eyes.

"Harry! Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore will take care of everything."

Ino stood up and comforted softly.

Others may not know, but he knows that Harry is like a time bomb now.

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