The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 317: Disagreement, Showmanship, Compromise

In the dim room behind the hall.

After seeing Harry, Ino immediately gave corresponding comfort.

He had no choice. As mentioned before, unlike the timeline of the destruction of the Horcruxes in the original story, except for the notebook, all other Horcruxes were after Voldemort's resurrection.

In the Triwizard Tournament, Voldemort used Harry's blood to revive, and in addition to getting rid of Lily's protective magic, he also had a corresponding connection with Harry.

Now, it is different.

Before Voldemort and Harry had a connection, including the notebook, he destroyed three Horcruxes beyond the scope, and Trelawney's prophecy, whether true or false, made people alert.


At the same time.

After Ino's comforting words, Harry relaxed completely.

The suppressed emotions before seemed to be relieved to a great extent.

"Thank you! Ino." Harry nodded slightly, "You are right, and there is Professor Dumbledore, he will take care of everything."

"That's right! Don't worry." Seeing the other party relax, Ino no longer entangled too much, and the rest of the comfort work was left to Dumbledore.

"But it's really dim here, and I don't even want to install a magic lamp, Kribbe!"

Ino smiled and changed the subject, and gently called the phoenix.

A burst of orange light flashed, and Kribbe's appearance was like a small magic lamp, adding a lot of warm colors to the room, sweeping away the previous dimness and depression.

Harry also felt a sense of relief after seeing the phoenix.

As for the other two people in the room, Krum didn't change much, still with a thick smile on his face; and Fleur showed a little obvious, holding her chin with one hand, looking at the phoenix that suddenly appeared without blinking.

At this time, a conversation came from far away outside the door.

"...Albus, I need an explanation."

"Yes, I will explain it to you..."

It seemed like a dispute, but before they could listen carefully, the door of the room was opened again.

The moment the door was pushed open, Ino turned his head and looked.

Many people walked into the room one after another, including Dumbledore, Ms. Maxim, Karkaroff, the two directors of the Ministry of Magic, Professor McGonagall... and Snape with a calm face.

"Harry! It's okay, kid! Leave everything to us." Professor McGonagall entered the room and walked to Harry's side as soon as possible.

"Thank you, professor! I'm much better!" Harry's voice was very low, and it seemed that because he was in the voice change period, or because he was not in a good mood, he always sounded a little weak.

A normal answer made Snape's moving steps suddenly pause.

As the most leisurely person in the field, Ino naturally saw this subtle change, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose slightly.

But soon, this smile disappeared again, because a pair of empty eyes appeared in the sight. Snape walked over quietly and then sat down on the chair next to him naturally.

Ino turned his head and looked carefully at Kriber on his shoulder. The orange-red feathers were clearly visible.

And the changes of several people were only in a few seconds.

In the room, Karkaroff made trouble again: "I'm waiting for your explanation, otherwise! I regret coming to Hogwarts. This is the so-called fair Triwizard Tournament, but Hogwarts is so unfair!"

After Karkaroff finished speaking, although Madam Maxime did not speak, she also nodded slightly to express her opinion.

With a height of fifteen feet, even after sitting down, Madam Maxime was still eye-catching, so this subtle nod was noticed by everyone in the room.

Karkaroff saw that someone supported him, and his expression became more confident.

In contrast, Dumbledore's figure seemed a little thin.


Ino witnessed the dispute between several headmasters.

Although he knew that all this was arranged, he still couldn't stand Karkaroff's sarcasm, even if the other party was right this time.

"Professor Karkaroff!" Ino slowly stood up and walked towards the headmasters.

This move also made the dispute in the room disappear for a while. Needless to say, Dumbledore turned his head with a smile.

On the other side, Madam Maxime also nodded in greeting. Before waiting for a reply, she was also happy to sell face. After all, they might become colleagues in the future.

Two of the three headmasters present showed their attitudes with actions. Even if Karkaroff was reluctant, he could only stop his complaints and see what the other party had to say.

"Professors! This is what I think. The decision of the Goblet of Fire cannot be changed. Harry must participate in all competitions!"

Ino said calmly. Although he was talking to the three headmasters, his eyes were always on Karkaroff.

However, Karkaroff, who had been making a lot of noise, strangely did not express his opinion at the moment. Instead, he looked polite and listened, as if waiting for the unfinished words behind.

This seemingly contrasting scene, Snape on the side felt that it was natural. Plain robes, dark green Slytherin borders, elegant posture and calm tone...

Everything was very similar, not to mention that there was an extra phoenix on his shoulder. If Karkaroff really dared to refute, he would be surprised.


On the other side.

Although Ino did not understand what Snape was thinking, he also responded to Karkaroff's politeness with a smile.

Family members know their own affairs. Dumbledore was wrong in this matter. No matter how justifiable the reasons are, Hogwarts was the first to break the fairness. If they are not right, they are not right. It is the same for anyone to debate.

If they really want to act arrogantly and even use their strength to make Karkaroff surrender, it would simply trample on the thousand-year reputation of Hogwarts and spit on it afterwards.

In order to avoid this situation, Ino spoke slowly again:

"Professors, this is what I think. According to Professor Dumbledore, the Goblet of Fire is scored by five judges. Since Hogwarts has one more person, the average score of Harry and me will be taken as the final score."

"I think this should highlight the fairness of the Goblet of Fire. After all, it is a fair competition."

While speaking, Ino looked at the three principals. Except for Madam Maxime, who sat on a chair alone because of her height. As for the remaining two people, Dumbledore and Karkaroff were standing to discuss.

In order to increase his persuasiveness, Ino looked past the three people and looked at the burning three-pronged candlestick on the wall.

He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers gently, and the candlestick suddenly split into two weak flames, which floated all the way in the air.

Under the gaze of everyone, the flames turned into snowflakes in the air. As the snowflakes fell to the ground, two high-backed chairs with the Hogwarts shield emblem appeared out of thin air.

"Professors! Please sit down first!"

Ino bowed slightly and then walked back to his previous position.

Everything was stable. He didn't believe that no one present knew the goods. He cast spells silently without a wand, floating spells, element conversion and transformation magic.

After a naked show of skills, even if Karkaroff insisted on his stubbornness, it is estimated that Madame Maxime would not support him anymore.

However, except Harry, no one present did not know the goods.

Professor McGonagall looked proud of it. Transfiguration occupied a large proportion of the magic just now.


At the same time.

With the appearance of two high-backed chairs.

The three headmasters also had different expressions, Dumbledore was pleased, and Madam Maxime was appreciative.

As for Karkaroff, he was more like a defeated rooster, saying nothing as if he had accepted his fate.

I'm sorry, Xiaodi, there are only two pictures today.

I went to bed at three or four last night. My Rourou gave birth to three beautiful tabby puppies. I was so sleepy today that I couldn't write.

But Xiaodi promised that I would make up for it in the next two days.

Finally, please vote! Please vote! Please vote!

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