The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 360: Shocking Change, Imperius Curse

Nothing seems to be constant in the world.

If you really want to find a constant, then the only constant is that everything is changing.

At Professor McGonagall's insistence, Ino had been at the school doctor for two days.

Although there were visits during this period, more than 90% of them were turned away by Madam Pomfrey, including the Minister of Magic Fudge. The reason was simple: the patient needed to rest.

Of course, this rejection was also tacitly approved by Ino.

He doesn't care much about things in Vanity Fair. All he wants is to live a good life and make life more interesting at the same time.

This is also the reason why after the invention of the film and television mirror, a lot of profits were given away, but in essence, it was still too lazy to operate.

Now that Madam Pomfrey was standing in front of him, he felt even more at ease.

The second floor of the castle.

A quiet independent ward of ten square meters.

Gently surrounded by flawless white walls, it is like a peaceful world covered by the first snow in winter, which is both pure and gives people a sense of peace of mind.

The sun shines gently through a carefully designed sun-facing window, covering this small space with a golden gauze, dispelling all the haze and chill.

Next to the window, a bouquet of carefully tended hydroponic hyacinths bloomed gracefully, with several blue or purple flowers with warm colors clustered on the slender and tall stems.

The petals sway gently, exuding a light fragrance under the breeze and sunshine, giving people a sense of peace of mind.

In the ward, Ino was leaning on the bed alone, staring at the hyacinths in the vase. This bouquet of flowers was sent by Hermione.

As she looked at the bouquet quietly, Hermione's expression of showing off the pear blossoms appeared in her mind, and she was probably really frightened.

Despite his repeated explanations, Hermione still went her own way.

What followed was that Hermione was always present in the ward most of the time every day.

Regarding this matter, Ino also let it go.

He understood Hermione's stubbornness. Just like now, she could have asked Blue Lantern to cook lunch, but the girl chose to go to the auditorium to serve the food herself because Blue Lantern could only cook flower cakes.

In fact, as the lantern in Grimm's Fairy Tales, there is no doubt about Blue Lantern's ability. The soldier in the story even asked Blue Lantern to go to the palace in the middle of the night to kidnap the princess...

As for the flower cake, it can only be said that Lantern followed his regulations and adhered to the basic bottom line. I didn’t use anything outside the Sanctuary Valley, otherwise there would really be no dishes in this world that I couldn’t eat.

Thinking of the shelter, Ino suddenly looked forward to this world.

The battle in Hogsmeade made him clearly realize his shortcomings. He had more than enough range damage, but lacked high-end abilities.

If it were to clean up miscellaneous soldiers like orcs, two Voldemorts tied together would be no match for him, but if they encountered a powerful enemy, the result would be exactly the opposite.

He lacks the final word.

The annihilation of ice and snow is considered a trump card, but it is still essentially a group magic.

Ino also has his own plans for the Great Nirvana. He has no plans to use it unless it reaches the level of the White Witch.

Moreover, as a magic that can destroy all living things without distinguishing between friend and foe, if it is really used, it will probably directly surpass Voldemort and become the real Dark Lord.

To be honest, although Voldemort frightened many people, he did not cause many killings. A few hundred people would be enough to kill him.

In the quiet ward, Ino was leaning on the bed, quietly thinking about the future.

Some time ago, he was indeed a little arrogant. It is true that he surpassed more than 99% of wizards, but Voldemort taught him a good lesson.

"Knock knock! Knock~"

While he was thinking, the familiar knock on the door sounded again.

"Today we have sausage, mashed potatoes and shepherd's pie." Hermione walked in with a smile on her face, carrying lunch.

"Oh yes! There is also the newly released Daily Prophet! It is still praising and belittling as always, they seem to not write anything else except this..."

After putting down her lunch, Hermione sat naturally on the edge of the bed and rambled about the news in the newspaper.

"Still? Let me see!" Hearing what Hermione said, Ino frowned subconsciously.

After taking the newspaper, he saw the bold title on the front page, which made him frown a little deeper.

"Yesterday's Flowers!" The fall of the Dark Lord! 》

In the quiet ward.

Hermione also noticed something different. Ino's silence after taking the newspaper made her confused.

It seemed like she was making fun of the Daily Prophet just now, but the content in it was nothing like Yourong. After all, she was praising her boyfriend's excellence.

"What's wrong? Is something wrong?" Hermione asked softly.


Ino closed the newspaper in his hand and said easily:

"It's okay, I just feel that Fudge thinks everyone is a fool! And..."

As he spoke, he immediately turned to Hermione's neck.

There is a silver thread on the fair and delicate skin, which is the chain of the moonstone necklace.

"Do you think someone will target me?" Hermione's eyes flashed with confusion.

In fact, she figured out the problem when she noticed where Ino's gaze was.

After all, how can a couple just stare at someone's neck, and the only explanation is that moonstone necklace with defensive capabilities.

Ino was also slightly surprised by Hermione's acumen. After hesitating for a moment, he had no intention of hiding it.

"That was the case at first! After all, the newspapers were too derogatory towards Voldemort. You know, those Death Eaters are very extreme. But after all, I had an agreement with him..."

Having said that, the only thing that made him uneasy was that he felt that the time was a bit short. After all, it had only been two days, and some hidden Death Eaters might not have received the news yet.

However, Hermione was currently in Hogwarts, so there was no need to worry too much.

When this semester was over, everything would be fine during the summer vacation.

Moreover, subconsciously, he always felt that Fudge had some ulterior motives, and he was very skilled at flattering the powerful and attracting firepower.


A few minutes later.

Ino also finished talking about the agreement, and there was nothing hidden during the period.

To be honest, although this matter was a bit shady, it was not a secret, and those who were interested would always find out.

"Huh! Actually..." Hermione breathed a sigh of relief, her tone a little tangled.

But after thinking about it, she didn't know what to say. She first thought of her parents in London, and thinking from their perspective, it seemed that there was no better way except compromise.

"Don't worry! His biggest mistake was giving me time!"

Ino said comfortingly, and at the same time reached out and patted Hermione's hand gently.


At the same time.

In the corridor on the second floor of the castle, a burly figure walked in the distance.

Such a striking figure made Madam Pomfrey stop her original plan to check the ward.

In the past two days, she has seen many such students, always trying to sneak into the ward under the banner of seeing a doctor.

Today, she was a little surprised. He was so big and strong, but he couldn't even pretend to be sick.

Although she was criticizing in her heart, Madam Pomfrey still asked diligently:

"Child! What can I do to help you?"

But this time, she didn't respond to her with the previous hesitancy.

"Soul out of the body!"

A cold voice sounded, and Madam Pomfrey stood there in a daze.

Xiaodi's sharing today: Hit Wizards

Hit Wizards are a group of wizards who have been specially trained by the Magic Law Enforcement Team and are responsible for arresting dangerous criminals. Although it seems that their duties overlap with those of Aurors, the duties of a striker are actually more inclined to armed combat rather than criminal investigation.

To become a striker, you need to obtain at least five 0.W.L. certificates, one of which is in Defense Against the Dark Arts. The character of a striker must be calm and composed.

A striker enjoys a minimum monthly salary of 700 Galleons and can use a special bed at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. In 1993, Fudge said that perhaps only a striker could catch Sirius who escaped from Azkaban.

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