The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 361 The Curse of Death

Wizards are often driven by emotion.

The importance and investment they attach to emotions deep in their hearts makes them particularly emotional.

Similarly, this characteristic also makes them pay more attention to and cherish that relationship than ordinary people.

This is confirmed by many people in the story.

Lily's sacrifice, Snape's infatuation, Sirius's willingness to enter Azkaban in order to atone for his sins, and even Bella and Barty Jr. have an almost crazy obsession...

All of this illustrates the wizard's sensibility.

Of course, this persistence is also reflected in action.

Unlike other Death Eaters, they are either cowardly and smart, or brave and crazy.

Barty Jr. has always had the best of both worlds.

Lihuo, as the most difficult black magic to control, is not so easy to use. The backlash of Li Huo is always the most troublesome for the user, because it also does not distinguish between friend and foe. Even when Li Huo grows, the first one to attack is the user.

Currently, there is only one known person who can skillfully use Li Huo.

In the picture, after seeing the fierce fire in the sky, he understood how difficult Swinburne was. He also understood the discomfort of the master. Forcibly controlling so many fierce fires was not an easy task.

The whole thing seemed to end there.

But in the past two days, the belittlement and ridicule in the newspapers made little Barty feel a kind of extreme pain and suffering.

The circulating movies and the Daily Prophet became the source of his pain, the latter even more so.

Whenever he thought of the contents of the newspaper, every word and punctuation in the article seemed to turn into a poisonous snake, biting his heart.

The worshiped master is insulted and slandered, which is most unacceptable to his followers.

When he learned that the other party was admitted to the hospital due to injuries and was unable to receive even Fudge's visit, Barty Jr. had already started planning revenge in his mind.

Vincent Crabbe, although he looks naive, is still a figure in Slytherin.

Especially recently, Draco published the school monthly magazine. As the only follower, his status has also risen.

"Where are you going again? Without me?" Gower asked curiously in the dormitory.

This inquiry also aroused the curiosity of other people in the dormitory. After all, Crabbe was always in a hurry during this period, and sometimes he didn't see anyone all day long on weekends.

"I'm going to buy some candies. Who told Mr. Swinburne to always give you all the Christmas candies?"

Crabbe had a silly smile on his face and a hint of jealousy in his tone, like a child who had run away from home due to anger.

On the other side, after hearing the answer, Gore reached out and touched his head, and said with some embarrassment:

"How about that? I'll give you, let's give you one-third."

"You can keep it for yourself! But thank you very much!" Crabbe smiled lightly, but at the end of his words, he showed his true feelings.

He has been a follower of the Malfoy family since he was a child, but the one who really has feelings for him is the honest and honest Goyle in front of him.

Besides, others may think it doesn't matter that Goyle can share a third of the candy, but Crabbe knows very well that this is a true friendship.

"That's what you don't want..." Gower shook his huge head, and then whispered: "It's not my fault! Really, I gave it away."

Seeing such a familiar scene, a trace of reluctance flashed in Crabbe's eyes.

But when his eyes turned to those candies, his reluctance turned into determination.

Crabbe knew that Swinburne looked down upon him, and it showed in the cheap sweets.

Even if it is some unnecessary things, from the first Christmas when he enters school, these things will not belong to him. Even some errands and chores were not his responsibility.

Everything was Gower's errand, but he was not jealous of Gower, because this friend was too stupid to be jealous.

But all things have a source, and this source is Swinburne, whom he has always looked down upon.

Even, precisely because of this subtle change, Draco no longer came to him for many things, but instead went to Goyle.

Crabbe thought as he stepped out of Slytherin's dormitory.

In his mind, what happened to him in Hogsmeade two months ago, Barty Jr. was right, everything he looked down upon was due to his own lack of ability.

If you have strong power, you can just follow others, eat leftover candies, or even act stupid all day long...

Even though he knew it was the Unforgivable Curse, Crabbe was still happy with it. Two consecutive months of studying made him truly feel powerful. As long as he was willing, not one of the four people in the dormitory could get out alive.

This current ability is just the magic taught by little Barty.

But this morning, he received another summons from Barty Jr. As long as he did the last thing, not only could he meet the Dark Lord, but he could even be taught black magic by him himself.

On the way to the school hospital, Crabbe touched the teacup in his pocket through his robe. This was the door key given to him by Barty Jr.

Whether you succeed or not, you can escape Hogwarts with the Portkey.

This is all his confidence.

The second floor of the castle.

Facing Madam Pomfrey's inquiry, Crabbe immediately used the Imperius Curse.

This is not mercy, but he wants to use the other party's voice to paralyze Swinburne inside, and at the same time find a bunker for failure.

"Go over and knock on the door! Then open the door."

Seeing the Imperius Curse take effect, Crabbe issued the order as planned, without noticing the horrified look of the portrait next to him.

At the same time.

Madam Pomfrey walked out of the ward in a daze and knocked on the door gently.

‘Knock! Knock!’ After a brief knock, she gently opened the door.

In the room, the moment she heard the knock, Hermione had jumped down from the bed and stood aside with reserve.

Although she didn’t know who was coming, she really couldn’t sit by the bed, as it would look unladylike.

The door was pushed open.

Pomfrey appeared outside the door frame in a white nurse’s uniform.

“Thank you! Madam Pomfrey!” On the bed, Ino turned his head and said politely.

But this time he didn’t get the usual response, but he quickly turned sideways and gave up half of his body position after seeing Madam Pomfrey enter the room.

Behind Madam Pomfrey, Crabbe, with a fierce face, also raised his wand.

"Avada, eat the big melon!"

A green beam of light full of hatred and representing death shot straight at the bed.

At the same time, the cry of the phoenix was heard in the room, and Fox stood in front of Ino.

Everything seemed to be safe.

But everyone present, including Fox, missed one person.

Being standing by the bed, Hermione was the first to see Crabbe raise his wand, and relying on the moonstone necklace with the Shield Charm, he jumped out in one step.

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