The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 390 Trelawney's Prophecy

Time is like the most powerful magic, because it can always change everything inadvertently.

It has been a week since the attack on Diagon Alley.

Apart from the initial panic, the magic world gradually returned to peace after the werewolves did not take any follow-up actions.

This seems to confirm the saying that human memory is always short.

But this is only for ordinary wizards. Smart people have smelled the danger and either live a low-key life or go far away.

For a time, except for Hogsmeade, the magic world in England suddenly became depressed.


However, the depressed wind from the outside world did not blow into Hogwarts.

With the ban on students going out on weekends, the castle has become more and more bustling on weekends.

In the common room, the hall, and even the corridor, you can see groups of students gathered together, each with a mysterious look on their faces, as if hiding some shocking secrets.

In this atmosphere.

Let the little lions who always like lively little lions experience a veritable carnival every weekend.

Gryffindor common room.

With the graduation of George and Fred, although there are fewer pranks and jokes, there is also a new generation of Weasley to take over.

Ron sat on the sofa, although he did not talk about current affairs as loudly as before, but his ears were very high.

For others, these may be just topics of conversation, but for him, these are crisp Galleons.

As for not talking loudly anymore, it is also very simple! These people just listen to the news he said, and he never does a business that loses money. Besides, he is now a prefect, and he has to act like a prefect.

After a while, as a topic in the common room ended, Ron stood up and walked to a relatively quiet corner in a short interval.

"Harry, are you okay? If I say you are not okay, you can go back to the dormitory to sleep, or go to Madam Pomfrey for a check-up."

In the corner, Harry sat quietly on the sofa, and the whole person looked more and more listless. Not only did he often lose his mind, but it was also difficult to get up.

"I'm fine! I haven't congratulated you yet. You should have gained a lot today!"

Harry was trying to cheer himself up. As one of the few people who knew about Ron's part-time job, he was happy to see his friend earn pocket money.

"Ah! What's the gain? It's just outdated stuff anyway!"

Ron sighed. It's getting harder and harder to get first-hand resources now. Unless there are some people who really can't help but want to talk, many people know how to use it to make money.

The "Hogwarts Past" magazine outside the castle opens at a fixed time every day, and it welcomes everyone and everything.

Looking at the rising sales of the magazine since the school was closed, there was a moment when he really wanted to drop out of school next year and go directly to the branch outside the school.

But some things are just thoughts. When Ron thought of his angry mother, he shuddered subconsciously.

On the side, although Harry didn't know what his friend was thinking, he heard the helplessness in Ron's tone.

After a little thought, Harry lowered his voice and said:

"I'll tell you an exclusive news, this is a prophecy! I met Trelawney in the corridor last night..."


The noise in the Gryffindor common room is just a microcosm of the castle.

The idle little wizards always need some ways to vent their energy. In the past, Quidditch was responsible for this.

But there was no college cup in the first half of the year, and the castle was forbidden to go out, so chatting became the only way to relieve boredom.

While others were chatting, Ino was quietly drinking grass juice in the valley.

"Although I don't know what kind of adventure you are going through, as a friend, if you need these, don't hesitate."

In the tavern, Ino said with a smile.

On the table in front of him, there were rows of exquisite weapons, daggers, crossbows, daggers...

A week passed in a trance, and today was the day for the Grimm brothers to leave.

"Although I want it very much, we have no money!" Seeing the weapons on the table, Jacob's tone was a little regretful.

"No, no, no! This is the reward I entrusted you with." Ino took over the conversation and took out a long-prepared umbrella flower seed from his pocket.

"If you have time, help me plant it when you go back, and don't worry about the rest."

Although a week has passed, he has not forgotten his previous conjecture. Now it is just the right time to experiment with the Grimm brothers. If it is confirmed, then you can enjoy this magical story in the future.

As for the weapons on the table, to be honest, they are just extras to meet the exchange conditions. If the Grimm brothers really need to use these weapons to get rid of danger, the story world may have collapsed long ago.

"Okay! Leave this to me." The one who spoke was the elder brother William. After taking the seeds, he looked at the weapons on the table with interest.

Ino was not surprised at William's behavior. To say that this pair of legendary brothers, the only one he couldn't see through was William.

"Then I will choose the weapon?" Seeing that the agreement was reached, Jacob used a questioning tone, but his hands did not slow down at all, and decisively picked up the one-foot-long crossbow on the table.

Ino quietly watched the two brothers make their selections. The items on the table were all made by him in his spare time. If you want to say it's fine, it may be up to standard, but if you want to say it's powerful, it's really not.

Ten minutes later.

The two brothers, fully armed, stood in front of the tavern, especially Jacob, who seemed eager to try, as if he couldn't wait to test the new weapons.

"Once we complete this mission, we will have enough money to buy land, my lord."

Jacob said half-jokingly.

"Okay! Then I'll wait for you! Good luck to you." Ino raised his arm and personally opened the door for the two brothers.

Outside the door, the valley that was originally full of vitality suddenly turned into a dark forest with malice hanging in it.

"Time has not changed..." Ino was happy in his heart, and the scene in front of him seemed to prove the difference in the flow of time on both sides.

But before he could think more, after the Grimm brothers crossed the threshold, the previous black forest was like a faded film, and it quickly disappeared.


At the same time.

In the Gryffindor dormitory on the eighth floor of the castle, Harry also whispered the prophecy.

To be honest, he never took the crazy Trelawney seriously, but today he heard Ron complaining, which reminded him of the prophecy.

"...In the colorful sky, the source of darkness is turned into candy rain, pouring down from the sky. Everyone who picks up the candy can be happy all day long..."

Ron murmured the news he had just heard. He was in the same mood as Harry.

This was an irrelevant and absurd prophecy, probably used by Trelawney to attract attention. Even if it was a first-hand source, it would not be exchanged for two knights if sent to the magazine.

But there was one thing that both Ron and Harry estimated wrongly. They thought that the top-secret news had actually been known to others.

Although it only happened yesterday, there were no secrets in the castle.


At the same time.

In the tavern, after seeing off the Grimm brothers, Ino came to the valley alone.

A person strolled aimlessly, enjoying the fresh air and long-lost tranquility around him.

After walking for about a few minutes, he stopped.

In front of him were still three green oak trees, but the difference was that one of the oak trees was emitting a faint silver fluorescence.

Although I knew that the New Year's Harvest Festival was approaching, the gift this time seemed a little different.

Meow... I wish you all a happy weekend! Happy every day!

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