The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 391 The Non-Existent Harvest Goddess

Oak trees have many symbols in ancient legends.

Mystery, authority, power, holiness, longevity...

According to legend, the Greek god Zeus is in charge of it. It is said that there is a tall oak tree with divine power in the temple of Zeus. The rustling of its leaves is regarded by the Greek people as a metaphor for Zeus.

Among the ancient Druids, the oak tree was regarded as the highest symbol and had a sacred status.

Druid priests would collect mistletoe from oak trees at specific times, believing that it had a panacea-like effect.

In the valley, Ino stood in front of three oak trees, looking at the gift that was different from the past.

An invisible robe is paired with two walking sticks, while another tree has a mini well hanging on it, and of course there are always bright gems and gold coins.

He understood the latter two gifts easily, but only the robe and cane shrouded in silver fluorescence made people confused.

To say that such visual effects are ordinary would be a joke.

But the time for the gift to mature has not yet arrived, so even if you are curious, it will be of no use.

Looking at the gifts in front of him, Ino couldn't help but think of William's words a few days ago:

‘There is never a harvest goddess in your story. It’s all up to you for it to sprout and even give gifts. And the stories you can see are only the stories that can be illuminated by the lamp in your hand. ’

To be honest, William's metaphorical explanation is indeed convincing.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, no matter whether it is the former shelter or the current valley, there has never been an invasion, even by the once furious Poseidon.

"The magic of making all your wishes come true..."

Looking back on the past, Ino also found the answers he wanted among the details that he didn't pay attention to before.

The seeds sprouted with the help of the Patronus Charm outside the castle. The first gift of gems and gold coins was due to his wandering experience, which made him subconsciously believe that only with money can he feel safe.

As for the later crystal ball, blue lamp, and red mill.

"I want to control my destiny, I want a house elf that is loyal and will not rebel, I want to be self-sufficient in the valley and eat delicious food..."

A sighing soliloquy sounded under the oak tree.

Looking at the three oak trees quietly, Ino suddenly felt that everything was magical and magical.

This may seem bizarre, but it actually makes sense.

Roughly, it's like another Room of Requirement, except for a longer period of time and exclusive access.

"A piece of clothing... logically speaking, it should be the moon!" Ino shook his head in confusion.

Rather than having an extra piece of magical clothing, what he wanted more was a bright moon.

Otherwise, there will always be something missing in the valley at night.

Time passes.

In contrast to the tranquility of the valley, the herbal medicine class greenhouse at the same time was slightly noisy.

Of course, this is not because there are too many students in class, but because the new issue of "Once Upon a Time in Hogwarts" is on sale today.

With a selling price of 7 nett, low price and interesting content, it became a new star in the magazine industry.

Abandoned greenhouse No. 12.

Or also called Hogwarts Magazine Headquarters.

In the open space outside the door, the air was filled with the faint smell of ink mixed with green grass.

Dozens or hundreds of magazines were neatly placed in bundles. Each magazine was like a fragment of time, spread out quietly.

"Ron, there are 130 copies of Diagon Alley, including 45 yuan for the video mirror. Here is the address... Forget it, let Hannah be in charge of Diagon Alley."

Colin walked out of the room, holding a thick notebook in his hand and talking as he walked.

On the side, Hannah shook her head indifferently after hearing her name, and a pair of golden ponytails swayed freely.

"I don't care, but it's still the old rule, no reward! I want the hardcover version! Don't worry, the money will be yours."

As she spoke, Hannah spread her hands and looked at Colin expectantly.

She really didn't care whether it was money or not, but collecting the hardcover editions of every issue became an obsession, as interesting as collecting chocolate frog slices.

"Yes! You can buy it first. This is promised in advance, but it is still the same old rule, one book per quota."

Colin nodded slightly, and then looked at Ron, who seemed to be waiting for the other person's choice.

Seeing Hannah's open-minded attitude, Ron curled his lips in envy. If he could, he would do the same.

Own a limited edition hardcover magazine, which is not only equipped with a 5-inch film and television mirror, but also comes with a random signed photo of the person and a personal motto of the person involved. These photos may be of professors or famous students. In short, the main theme is random.

Therefore, even if the magazine sells for 15 Galleons each, demand still exceeds supply.

And this issue, a collector's edition of 25, is said to have the first photo and signature of Dumbledore and Swinburne.

The news had been "unintentionally" revealed by them, which also made this issue of the magazine popular before it was published.

Thinking of this, Ron lowered his head hesitantly, struggling for a while in his heart.

He knew that if he got this photo, he could resell it for a high price in minutes, but the reality was that even as a magazine staff, it was still impossible to know which magazine the photo was in.

Perhaps, only Malfoy and Colin know, but one of them doesn't care about money, and the other really has professional ethics. If it is said to be random, it must be random.

One in twenty-fifth of a chance, and 15 Galleons were used as a bet. After hesitating for a long time... Ron chose to remain silent.

Real life was too much for him, and he couldn't afford to gamble. Compared to relying on luck, a steady salary was more secure.

Besides, he had too many places to spend money now.

Apart from anything else, going to Madam Puddifoot's Tea House with Lavender every week was a considerable expense.

Not to mention that he had to maintain the dignity of a prefect...

"Colin, I still want my salary!"

Ron seemed to have used up all his strength in this sentence, and didn't notice Hannah winking at the side.

"You are really! 20 Galleons, sell me your quota!"

Seeing that the quota was about to fly away, Hannah couldn't care less and immediately offered a high price of 20 Galleons.

Ron looked up in surprise. He knew that Hannah's family was well-off, but it was the first time he knew that the Leaky Cauldron was so profitable.

Two magazines plus the premium, a total of 35 Galleons. To be honest, this is not a small amount, it is equivalent to half a month's salary of an ordinary employee of the Ministry of Magic.

"Are you still hesitating? This is the final price."

Ron's silence made Hannah dissatisfied.

"No! This is the price. I was just stunned. I don't mean anything else."

Seeing that the other party was angry, Ron hurriedly expressed his attitude.

As the deputy editor-in-chief, Colin pretended not to see the exchange between the two people.

He kept the bottom line, but he was not unkind. Reasonable operations within the rules were completely acceptable.

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