Just as before, Lv Heng jumped into the gap on the fourth floor through the bumps on the edge of the building and disappeared.

Just for this outrageous jumping ability and flexible movements, Lv Heng completely exceeded the scope of ordinary people.

"Is this guy so powerful?" Mu Heng muttered to herself, and then she quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed Zhong Wanhong's number and told him about the current situation.

Zhong Wanhong on the other end of the phone said, "Is the Evolver causing trouble? Wait a minute, I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, just when Mu Heng was thinking about whether to go up the stairs to join in the fun and see what was going on, the matter was actually over. At the stairs, Lu Heng grabbed a guy with one eye black and the other blue and walked out slowly.

As he walked, he said, "Don't act on impulse, don't act on impulse! Fortunately, I was nearby this time, otherwise if someone died, you would be in big trouble, remember it!"

And Panda Eyes nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, muttering softly, "Sorry, big brother, I know I was wrong."

But Mu Heng, who was outside the door, was completely confused, "So what's going on?"

"It's not a big deal, wait a minute, I'll call the captain first."

"I've already called, he said he's on the way."

"That's okay Wait a minute."

About five or six minutes later, accompanied by the sound of sirens, a police car arrived at the scene. After delivering Panda Eyes to Zhong Wanhong, Lu Heng returned to Mu Heng and said, "It's done, go back to buy computers."

But this time Mu Heng did not choose to wait outside, but followed Lu Heng and asked, "What is the Evolver?"

"Huh? You don't know?" Lu Heng was stunned for a moment, looked at Mu Heng in surprise, and then seemed to react to something and explained, "That is, the dimensional rift incident brought A messy disaster, isn't it? "

"But in addition to the disaster, many people also gained strength from it. They can be roughly divided into three categories: evolvers, transformers, and outsiders."

"As for transformers, the captain should have told you that some people will turn into something else for some unknown reason. The strength depends entirely on the object they turn into. Some people may soar into the sky and become powerful, while others may turn into a talking dog and can do nothing except talk."

"And the ability of transformers is fixed from the beginning. It is almost difficult to change their strength. They cannot be trained or become stronger. At most, they can improve their proficiency and slightly increase their strength, but it is also very limited."

"Didn't we mistake you for a transformer at the beginning? In fact, you should be an outsider. You are not from this world, but from somewhere else, right?"

"Uh... um." Mu Heng responded. It sounds like she should be a fusion of the two. However, the Abnormal Investigation Bureau's classification of "outsiders" is obviously not so detailed.

Lü Heng continued, "As the name suggests, outsiders are visitors from other worlds, people from parallel worlds, people from different worlds, or something else. In short, the number of outsiders is the smallest, and it is difficult to classify them. Almost every outsider has a different situation. As far as I know, there have only been eleven outsiders in Longguo over the years, and you are the twelfth."

"If the number of outsiders is the smallest, and the number of transformers is slightly smaller, then the number of evolvers is very large, because this situation is also the easiest to occur. Do you know the Fancheng incident?"

"I know, it's the largest dimensional rift disaster in the history of Longguo." Mu Heng nodded. She had seen this when she searched for information about dimensional rifts on the Internet before, and she had some impression of it.

Lv Heng said, "That disaster was just like the zombie movies in the West, very scary. This virus with a very abnormal spread rate seems to be easy to completely destroy a city. In the movies, cities and countries fall one by one, but do you know why only 300,000 people died in that disaster?"

"This..." Mu Heng tilted her head slightly, poking her cheek with an index finger, showing a thoughtful expression, "Because the army supported quickly?"

Mu Heng had seen similar analysis videos in his previous life, saying that zombies were nothing in front of the army's firepower, and the spread of zombie viruses around the world was even more unpredictable.

Possible things.

Of course, what we are talking about here are normal and common zombie viruses, and those with a bit of fantasy elements are not included.

Lv Heng said, "This is one of the reasons, but it is not the key. The real reason is that the zombie virus cannot leave Fancheng, and after the first few days, a large number of [Evolvers] appeared in Fancheng."

"They are people who have been infected with the zombie virus but have not turned into zombies. They have acquired extraordinary physical fitness. Although some are strong and some are weak, most people can lift a 100-jin barbell with one hand and kick a tree with one foot. There is no problem."

"Later, after the disaster, it was found that the zombie virus would only infect people in Fancheng. If other people were injected with the virus, they would not become zombies. On the contrary, only people in Fancheng can 'actively infect the virus and persist' and become evolvers."

"It sounds like this, is this dimensional rift like a test for this city?" Lv Heng showed a helpless smile, "Those who can persist can become stronger, and those who can't persist will die."

"..." Mu Heng was silent and did not reply.

Lu Heng continued, "In short, Evolvers are probably born this way, the only difference is the specific circumstances. In other cities, if something else happened, it might not be infection with the zombie virus, but drinking animal blood, or eating the roots of some man-eating plants, the abilities obtained from it will also be different."

"Some people are stronger, some run faster, and some can get superpowers."

"And the biggest difference from the transformers is that the Evolvers can become stronger through corresponding methods, and there is no upper limit on their strength, but...it is not easy to become stronger, so most Evolvers envy the transformers. To be honest, I am no exception."


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