The more you look at the situation, the more you will see.

Just because ‘evolvers’ are relatively common, they will naturally cause a lot of social problems, such as... ‘I don’t eat beef’.

Well, the truth is not that serious. Although most evolvers are much stronger than ordinary people, they are not invincible. Many evolvers choose to work for the government and form the current Abnormal Investigation Bureau. Zhong Wanhong’s team is full of evolvers.

So most evolvers will behave relatively well even if they don’t join the government. Not to mention anything else, even if these people do nothing, they can get 10,000 yuan of ‘social stability subsidy’ every month. This is also the 10,000 yuan that Mu Heng can receive every month.

To put it bluntly, if you don’t cause trouble, society will naturally be more stable.

In addition, many wealthy people will also hire these evolvers as bodyguards. In any case, these evolvers do not violate discipline or laws, and can live a comfortable life.

But there are always exceptions. Some people are anti-social and anti-human elements, and they just want to cause destruction. After they have power, they will feel sorry for themselves if they don't do something big. Dealing with these people is naturally the work of the Abnormal Investigation Bureau.

Dimensional cracks don't appear every day, so most of the time the Abnormal Investigation Bureau is dealing with criminal cases related to evolvers.

However, Lu Heng said helplessly, "The guy just now is not an anti-social element. He is just a guy who does weight training here, and then he had some disputes with another person. The other party pushed him a few times, and he got angry and threw a barbell and the other person directly from the fourth floor."

There is also a gap between evolvers and evolvers. As an employee of the Abnormal Investigation Bureau and a front-line worker, Lu Heng's strength is naturally very strong. When he went up to discuss with the other party at the beginning, the other party was still angry and wanted to fight, and then he was knocked down by Lu Heng twice, and became the panda-eyed look.

Then came the scene that Mu Heng saw.

"Ah, this..." Mu Heng was speechless, but it was normal to think about it. There are so many people with bad tempers. Normally, there is no big problem, but if the one with a bad temper is an evolver, and he is not careful, it is very likely to cause trouble.

After that, until she bought the computer and returned to her home, Mu Heng didn't say much. She was thinking about the evolvers.

Although she learned yesterday that this is a world full of disasters, it was just reading the news and history, and there was no real feeling. In Mu Heng's feeling, there is almost no difference here except that the prices are a little higher than in her previous life.

But today, such an incident happened directly in front of her, which was also a wake-up call, making her feel a lot of crisis.

'Complete the goal as soon as possible, it would be better if I could unlock a vest with stronger combat power', she thought, it was because she had died once, so Mu Heng didn't want to die for a second time without knowing why.

"Just move it here, I'll do the rest myself." After putting all the things at the door, Mu Heng said to Lu Heng, "Thank you for your trouble, thank you very much."

After all, the other party helped a lot. If she was still a man, she would have to treat him to a meal, but forget it now, it's not appropriate.

"It's not a big deal, and this is also part of my job." Lu Heng scratched his head a little embarrassedly, his eyes drifted slightly to the left and right, and he didn't even dare to look directly into Mu Heng's eyes, but from the corners of his mouth that he couldn't help but raised, it can be seen that he was still very happy about this thank you.

However, Lu Heng looked at the computer parts at the door and said, "Really don't you want me to help you assemble it?"

"I can do this myself, I won't bother you." Mu Heng took out the key to open the door, and then moved the things in one by one. Although she didn't know the brands of these computer hardware, the assembly method should be no different from the previous life.

In other words, assembling a computer itself is not a difficult job. Even a novice who knows nothing can learn it by watching the video for a few minutes.

I agreed to let Lv Heng help me buy a computer because I really couldn't figure out the brand for a while, and I chose to do things myself.

After saying goodbye to Lv Heng, Mu Heng moved all the things to the bedroom and started to assemble them. It didn't take much time, and he didn't look up tutorials online. Finally, looking at the desktop computer in front of him, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and he regained some of his previously frustrated mentality.

As for the fight

The first thing she did after turning on the computer was to search and download the commonly used video-making software in the world and learn how to operate it.

Of course, Mu Heng didn't need to learn any advanced editing skills. She only needed to understand how to insert audio, add a few pictures, and quickly package a video.

She was very clear about her current advantages. She didn't need to do anything fancy. She just needed to try her best to sing well.

During this period, she logged into the background of the K station with her computer and looked at the data of her first video. The video itself had been played to an outrageous 500,000, and the number of fans of her account was close to 100,000, and now it was more than 96,000.

You have to know that today is Tuesday, and it is just approaching noon, which means that these are all increases in the morning.

"Good fellow, none of you work properly, just watching videos in broad daylight, right?"

However, Mu Heng actually blamed her fans wrongly. Her a cappella cover video had no cover and the title had no special features. Even if it was pushed to the homepage of K station, few people would choose to click in. Such data was entirely because the audience shared it with their friends, and then their friends shared it with other acquaintances, and it spread out in this way.

In other words, almost all of her fans were recommended to join, and there were no passers-by.

But no matter what, when she saw this data, Mu Heng felt secretly happy. She even thought for a moment whether she should join a K station up group, and then send this screenshot out and ask:

'Hey~ This is the first time for a newcomer to be an up, and the first time to post a video. Can you see if this data is normal? '

But it was just a brainstorming, she couldn't do such a thing.

After calming down for a while and ordering a takeaway, Mu Heng continued to devote himself to his studies. After learning the basic operation of the video software, he continued to look for more popular songs and prepared to sing the second cover.


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