The Best All-rounder

Chapter 390: spider woman

"Then I'm welcome." Xia Xia also exchanged the communication talisman with Tie Xin.

Summer is a smart guy.

Tie Xin likes it very much.

And for people like Tie Xin, they like people with special abilities, such as Xia Xia.

They are strong on their own.


They don't care about a few powerful followers, so he doesn't care about killing people like Feng Mo.

Because he was too lazy to make friends.

He doesn't need such a person to do anything in the future.

But people like summer are different.

Summer is really special.


Xia Xia also knew Shisan and Baichuan, and he still wanted to give this face.

At this time, Qu Xi was also very speechless.

It was originally a crisis, but now Xia Xia is solved like this, she now finally understands why Xia Xia can become the real master of the Six Meridians, and even those clones of the Great Demon King speak for Xia Xia.

"How can you find Tianlong?" Tie Xin asked.

"Do you have a place where he passed by? Or something with his breath, in short, I must have a place where he traces, otherwise no one can find a needle in a haystack." Xia Xia said.


Tie Xin nodded.

This is naturally normal.

If you can find a person in a haystack in summer, it will be against the sky.

"I have, and I can be sure that he is on Black Star, and his goal is the treasure chest. As long as we determine the location of the treasure chest, we can find him." Tie Xin wanted to rely on this method to find Tianlong before. of.

But the same.

Black Star is so big, it is not so easy to find a treasure chest.

"Finding a treasure chest is similar to finding a person. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack, so it's better to find someone directly. Although we don't have a way to find a treasure chest, Tianlong should have a way, so as long as we find Tianlong, then You can also find treasure chests," Xia Xia said.

Reverse Thinking.

"Yes!" Tie Xin's eyes lit up.

"Give me something with his breath!!" Xia Xia said.

"Actually, it's not really breath. This thing is very special. Tianlong seemed to have attacked this thing before, so I grabbed it." Tie Xin took out Tianwan.

When he saw Tianwan, he also checked it on his hand.

"There's a lot of breath on it," Xia Xia said.

"Yes, this was snatched from the hands of the Sanzhu Sect by Feng Mo before. According to Feng Mo himself, the first person to discover Tian Wan was Tian Long, but Tian Long had other things to do at the time, so he left. I wanted to deal with the Three Bamboo Sect first, but they didn't know where they went, and I was anxious to find Tianlong, so I didn't care about them." Tie Xin explained.

The people of the Three Bamboo Sect really took their lives.

If they didn't hide well, then they would have been killed by Tie Xin. With Tie Xin's character, if he met a person from the Three Bamboo Sect, then the Three Bamboo Sect would definitely die.

"What the **** are you doing?" Qu Xi asked.

She really didn't understand what the summer was doing.

The sound transmission method she used was very clever, and on the surface she was calm, so it was impossible for Tie Xin to find out.

She doesn't even understand what Summer wants to do now.

Xia Xia is now helping his father's enemies find his father.

And also said the information of his father and helpers in such detail.

"True and false, false and true." Xia Xia responded.

at the same time.

He also found the familiar breath: "Okay, I found it."

He threw Tenmaru to Tiexin.

"Can you find him accurately?" Tie Xin asked.

"It's not necessarily where he is now, but I can definitely find the place he passed by, and then find a place with a stronger atmosphere from there. I can almost determine his position." Xia Xia said.

"Okay!" Tie Xin heard that Xia Xia had such efficiency, and his face was full of excitement.

To be able to find the breath of Tianlong from this Tianwan is already very heaven-defying, and then relying on this little breath to find people, this is even more heaven-defying.


that's it.

In less than a few hours in the summer, he found the new breath of Tianlong: "He passed by here about three hours ago, and the direction is the left front."

"Okay!" Tie Xin said.

"Senior, the speed of the two of us is not as fast as you. If you want to bring us together, it is impossible to catch up with Tianlong. Well, you use full speed to chase, they are not full speed, so in this direction, at most one If you disappear, you can catch up with them, and if you don’t catch up within an hour, just wait for us at that location.” Xia Xia reminded.

"No problem, you don't have to worry." After Tie Xin finished speaking, he disappeared directly in place.

When Qu Xi saw Tie Xin leave, he breathed a sigh of relief: "You are scheming with a tiger."

"Wealth and wealth are in danger, let's hurry up and follow. I also expect him to delay my father's speed." The reason why Xia Xia let Tie Xin catch up is to ask Tie Xin to help him delay his father's speed, so that He could see his father again.

Of course Tie Xin dared to catch up, he should have some ability.

After they passed, if his father was really in danger, he would use all his cards to help his father kill Tie Xin.

If Tie Xin competes with his father for the treasure chest, he can also cooperate with the inside and outside, and quietly help his father take the treasure chest away, of course, he will not let Tie Xin find out.

"I finally understand why I couldn't kill you. Before, I always thought that it was your luck and someone's support. Now it seems that even if the Heavenly Demon doesn't appear, I can't take you down." Qu Xi finally saw The power of summer.

"Let's go, my father is not rushing at full speed, he should be waiting for something, he will definitely be able to stop my father, let's hurry up and see my father." Xia Xia and Qu Xi also flew at full speed at this time.

that's it.

Less than an hour and a half.

He had already seen his father.

At this time, Tie Xin was fighting with his master Yin Nie.

His father was standing by.


There is another person watching the fun.

It is a woman, this woman is a bit ugly, with a tattoo of a poisonous spider on her face, purple hair and lips, white eyes, a slender figure, and a very beautiful white robe.

"That woman is Spider Woman, a very famous poisonous girl." Qu Xi whispered.

After the two of them got here in the summer, both Tianlong and Spider-Woman also saw the summer.

However, Tianlong was very bland and didn't say anything, as if he didn't know Xia Tian.

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