The Best All-rounder

Chapter 391: is there a chance


Tie Xin and Yin Nie separated: "Your weapon is good!!"

"You can too!!" Yin Nie said lightly.

"Tie Xin, we have no grievances and no grudges, you won't target me just because of a mission!!" Tianlong looked at Tie Xin and asked.

Tie Xin is also a famous master.

He is now looking for Tianlong.

That must be the task of taking over the Tianxian Temple.

"I used to owe them a big favor. Now that they find me, I will definitely do it. Even if I can't take you down this time, I will find helpers for the second and third time." Tie Xin said firmly.

Since he took the task, and it is still in the case that he owes the other party's favor.

Then he must find a way to complete the task.

This time, he came here to see what kind of strength Tianlong has.

If he can take it, he will do it himself.

If he can't take it, he'll go to help.

"You are really persistent." Tianlong shook his head: "You can come to me anytime you want, but you have to remember, don't give me a chance, if you give me a chance, I will kill you too. you."

"Okay, you can come anytime if you have the ability." Tie Xin also said very confidently.


Xia Xia and Qu Xi fell by his side: "Can't take it!"

"Well, I really can't take it, the black glaze in that guy's hand is simply the nemesis of all kinds of swords and swords, and my strength will also be unloaded by him. Although he is not as strong as me, his sword skills let me It is very troublesome, if there is no Tianlong by his side, he is definitely not my opponent, but Tianlong is eyeing him, if I reveal a flaw, he will attack directly, so I dare not fight with all my strength." Tie Xin said.

Although Xia Xia was in front of him, his strength was nothing.

But Summer's special ability has earned his respect.


He treats summer like a fellow at his level.

"Then you can't fight, what are your plans?" Xia Tian asked.

"He found Spider-Woman. Since he found Spider-woman, it proves that the treasure chest must be around here, and there must be poison around the treasure chest. I want to try it out. Grab it." Tie Xin said.

Even someone like him.

Also drooling over the treasure chest.

If he can grab it, he naturally won't miss it.

"Tie Xin, don't think too much, do you think I will give you a chance to **** the treasure chest?" Although Tian Long didn't hear the conversation between Xia Xia and Tie Xin, he already understood what Tie Xin wanted to do.

"If you don't try it, how do you know if it will work?" Tie Xin said.

"Let me tell you this, if you have the ability, now you can get the treasure chest, which is located in the mountain in front of you to the left." Tianlong's finger pointed directly to a mountain in front.

This mountain is about ten thousand feet high.


He didn't hide in the slightest.

Directly tell the location of the treasure chest.


Tie Xin looked at Xia Xia: "Little brother, did he lie to me?"

"I'll take a look and protect me," Xia Xia said.

"Don't worry, with me here, no one can move you." Tie Xin said very confidently.

Summer also came to the edge of that mountain, and then began to check.

ten minutes later.

He returned to the iron core: "The inside is hollow, the outside is sealed, and the inside of the hollow is full of venom. If it is broken, the venom will fly out like a fountain, and the gas will be compressed due to the churning of the venom. It is very serious. Once it is broken, the gas inside will directly blast the venom. At that time, there will be venom in all directions. I don’t know what the venom is for the time being, but I can be sure that it must be very dangerous. Liquids may also become the sharpest weapons due to the strong air and wind, coupled with factors such as gravity here, it is definitely not a good thing to break open now."

He explained in great detail.

Tie Xin also nodded slightly: "I can break this mountain from a long distance and let the venom drain away."

"Not necessarily, there is no light and heat here, the liquid will not evaporate, even if you dig a hole and guide the poison down, the poison gas may be very terrifying, so for the time being, I don't have any good ideas. "Summer said.

"What if I break open this place, and then smash the star in the sky, smash the gravel down, and completely swallow and destroy the venom?" Tie Xin looked up at the big star in the sky!


When he heard this, Xia Tian was taken aback: "You are crazy!!"

"Do you think there is a chance!!" Tie Xin asked again.

"There is definitely a chance, but in this case, unknown things may happen, and the location of the treasure chest may not be locked at that time. If the venom cannot be completely covered up, there will be more troublesome things." Summer said.


Tie Xin nodded: "Since you said there is a chance, let's try it."

As if he hadn't heard the words after the summer, he was about to start.

"Hey, if you are like this, you may not get anything." Xia Xia said.

"I know, but if I can't get something, I don't want them to get it. Back off, the farther the better." After Tie Xin finished speaking, he started to back off frantically.

"A lunatic, you are all lunatics." Qu Xi also stepped back.

Xia Xia glanced at Tianlong, they nodded to each other, and then they all started to back away frantically.

Although he is not afraid of poison.

But the force that exploded next was not something he could If he stayed here, his body would probably be beaten into a hornet's nest.

All back.


No one dared to stay there.

This level of destruction.

But unimaginable.

Although I had seen Baichuan smash a star before in the summer, this time the star was five or six times larger than the previous one, and it was also farther away.

I want to cut a star at such a distance.

What terrifying power is required.


Neither of them knew how far they had left.

Tie Xin stopped: "Open your eyes, there are not many scenes like this."


Xia Xia's eyes were also focused on Tie Xin.

Tie Xin stepped on the ground with both feet at this time, and then a powerful force swept his whole body instantly, and the terrifying force rose directly into the sky.


Everything within ten meters around was shattered.

Even the ground beneath his feet collapsed.

The ground here is very hard, but now, before the iron core can be shot, the ground has already begun to shatter.


A mass of strength gathered in his hands.

The golden ring knife was directly lifted up by his hands.

"Hongfeng, record it." Xia Xia wanted to record the whole process of Tie Xin's shot, including the flow of power in his body. In this case, when Xia Xia reached this level in the future, he could also learn such an awesome way of attacking.


The ripples rippled in circles.

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