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Chapter 645: Spike Knife Domain

"Another idiot." Xia Xia said with emotion.

These geniuses are all very strong, and their strengths are all cultivated in a real way, rather than piled up with all kinds of heaven and earth treasures.

The realms of the previous Heavenly Star Camp Master and Earth Demon Camp Master were all piled up with immortal crystals.

That kind of strength is not so great.


Although these geniuses are powerful.

But there is some arrogance.

This is their Achilles heel.

Summer will not miss any chance to kill these people.


Xia Xia waved his right hand.

The Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand.



His body quickly disappeared in place.


Xia Si also directly integrates with summer.

at the same time.

Xia Xia's attack also hit the sword field in front of him.

"Don't think about it!" Daoyu is also a person with very rich combat experience.

When he saw Xia Xia's attack, he directly prepared with both hands, frontal attack and main attack above. The frontal attack was used to crush Xia Xia's attack, and the main attack was used to chase Xia Xia.

In his opinion.

Next is the frontal attack to block Xia Xia's attack, and the main attack to kill Xia Xia.

Summer can be done in an instant.

[Tianquan, rebound! 】

The frontal attack was instantly bounced back.

The law of the sun, moon and stars.

The law of water.

The Law of Light!

The red phoenix strikes!

Summer's attack went straight out.

Hongfeng struck with all her strength.

very horrible.

Three colored feathers, Demon Feather and Zunbao Day.

Also played at the same time.


Xia Si on Xia Xian's body also directly blocked the attack from the main body.

at the same time.

Countless black threads instantly penetrated Daoyu's body along with Hongfeng's attack.

The Tianhan sword directly pierced the defenseless dantian.


The law disappears.

At this moment, all the power of the laws of the knife domain disappeared.

Instant kill!

He was so easily killed by Xia Xia.

"Impossible!!" Daoyu's face was full of puzzled looks. When he came to chase Xia Xia, he also thought that it was very easy to kill Xia Xia, and even Xia Xia was not worthy of the tenth ring. task.

When he saw Qiansi Beast, he thought that Xia Tian should rely on Qiansi Beast to become the tenth ring's mission.

But he still didn't see summer.

but now.

No matter how much he looked down on summer before.

He was already beheaded by Xia Xia.

"When you come to kill me, you should be ready to die." Xia Xia's Realm King Jue directly absorbed all the power of the dantian in the sword field.


At the same time, the soul of the sword field was also directly collected by him.


Daoyu was beheaded like this.

"The Realm King Jue has absorbed a lot of power again, and will soon condense a realm king pill again." Xia Xia felt that this was also very good news.

The effect of the Jiewang Dan is very good.

Whether it is for Thirteen or Xia Si, it can all have a very good effect.

"The lethality of the day is so strong." When Hongfeng just attacked the sword domain, he let the day rush to the front, and the day shattered all the defenses of the sword domain, including the sword domain's own defense power.

It's all done one by one.

Extremely powerful.

"Xia Si's attack is also very terrifying. At first, I only thought he had the ability to defend, but after fusion, his defense can take the initiative to attack, and the attack is also very terrifying." Xia Si is in a very good mood now.

Although five years is very short for him, as long as he keeps working hard, his strength will continue to increase.

In this case.

Five years later.

He won't be a burden to his father anymore.

This time, the spike in the knife domain gave Xia a lot of new ones.

Let him be fully prepared for battle in the future, and also have a lot of experience in fighting with masters. No matter what kind of enemy, as long as he seizes a momentary opportunity, he can kill the opponent.

Of course there are disadvantages.

That is, if it fails once, the only option is to retreat first.

And the same sneak attack method won't necessarily work next time.


When Xia Xia was fighting, he could never make a shot, but he only had one chance to make a shot, and he had to seize it.


To deal with some people with very low strength, there is no need to consider these in summer.

"Let's go directly to the Soul Hunting Cloud City." Hongfeng said.


Daoyu is already dead, even if someone receives the divine guard mission again, it will not come so soon. He has enough time to go to Soul Hunting Cloud City to join Shisan.

Of course.

His safety time is only a few days, and after a few days, he will still have new crises.


The space was torn apart by him.


He also disappeared in place.


Summer just disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, he had already come to a cave outside Hunting Soul Cloud City, which he had prepared before leaving.

after he came back.

Qu Yiyi also rushed over for the first time.

"How are you doing recently?" Qu Yi asked.

"I killed another guy named Daoyu, but I don't know who he is." Xia Xia said.

"I'll go and find out." Qu Yi left in a hurry.

"Why are you asking about a dead person." Xia Xia shook his head helplessly.


It's useless to say these things now, because Qu Yi Yi has disappeared.


While waiting in summer.

A figure fell in front of him.


"Why there is news?" Thirteen asked.

Summer took out the stone.

"Where did this thing come from?" Thirteen was startled.

"I'm lucky, I got it from the seventh party. I've asked about the location." Xia Xia said.

"Can you trace it?" Thirteen asked.

"With the experience from last time, there should be no problem." Xia Xia glanced at Thirteen.

"Will Baijiaxing not be notified?" Thirteen asked.

"What do you think?" Xia Xia asked rhetorically.

"No notice." Thirteen said.

"Why?" Xia Tian asked again.

"It's not that I'm stingy, but Baijiaxing, who said it himself, if the people below him conflict with us in the future, he will definitely stand with the people below him, and at that time, he may become Our enemy, and he has lived for too long, and interests come first, I can't trust him." Thirteen explained.

"Okay, I'll listen to you for the time being." Xia Tian nodded slightly.

"Are we going to the seventh party?" Thirteen asked.

"Wait, there are still some troubles recently, I'll go after some troubles are dealt with." Xia Xia said.

"Trouble?" Thirteen looked at Xia Xia puzzledly: "I've heard your name a lot recently. When I just came back, I heard that you killed a prospective sect of the Three Bamboo Sect."

"It's just good luck." Xia Xian was really lucky to kill that quasi-venerable man. If it wasn't for the other party's carelessness, he wouldn't have such a good chance.

"Then what trouble do you have?"

"I was targeted by the guards."

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