The Best All-rounder

Chapter 646: Daitoden

"Shenwei?" Thirteen was also taken aback when he heard this.

He knew Shenwei very well, but he didn't expect that Xia Tian would be targeted by Shenwei: "What's going on?"

"I am now a candidate for the divine guard, and the task is the tenth ring." Xia Xia said.

"The tenth ring, an optional mission!!" Thirteen was stunned.

"Yes!" Summer nodded.

"This is troublesome, you will become the common enemy of all those who want to be candidates for the divine guard. At that time, maybe you will be beheaded by those people, you know, those who can complete the tenth ring task. , but they are all top-notch geniuses." Thirteen looked at Xia Xia worriedly.

He regards Xia as a brother.

Now summer is facing such a danger.

"I've already killed three. The first is Wantong, the second is Liuyang, and the third is Daoyu." Xia Xia said.


Thirteen has a black line on his face.

Just now he was still worried about the safety of summer.

But now.

Xia Tian said that these three names made Shisan feel as if his worries were unnecessary.

"These three guys are all top geniuses." Thirteen said.

"Have you heard of it?" Xia Tian asked.

"Of course I've heard of it, Wantong seems to be from the seventh party. He is a top genius, and he is a very terrifying guy. It is said that he also controls the power of various elements by himself, and he is immortal. ” Thirteen said.

"Well, when I played against him, I found that he had five avatars, each with a different law, and the main body was hidden." Xia Xia explained.

"That Liu Yang is even more dangerous. The hook in his hand can directly hook out the soul of a person. Once he is hooked, he is almost certain to die. It is said that he has never failed in his life, and his defense is also very terrifying. ” Thirteen said.

"This person is the law of time, his body is special, and with the law of time, it is true that the enemy's attack can't cause him any damage, and his attack is also very strong, but I didn't give him a chance to attack, and I broke His defense was before he used the law of time," Xia Xia explained.

"You are really perverted. You have calculated all the abilities of the enemy, and then dealt a fatal blow to the opponent." Thirteen already understood.

Xia Tian saw through all the abilities of these people.

Then avoid the opponent's strengths and attack the opponent's weak points.

"That sword domain is from the eighth party. He is a member of the Great Sword Palace, and he is also the top genius of the Great Sword Palace. He has always wanted to bring the Great Sword Palace to glory. His goal is Tie Xin, the master of the Golden Sword Gate. Defeat Tie Xin, become the number one swordsman of the eighth party, and make the Great Sword Hall the number one swordsman of the eighth party." Thirteen is still relatively familiar with this person.

"His strength is good and his experience is okay, but he is too confident in himself." When Xia Xia defeated Daoyu, he killed Daoyu in seconds, and it was when Daoyu was most confident that he killed Daoyu.

"Well, even if the three of them can't take your words, I'm not worried about your safety for the time being." Thirteen nodded slightly.

he thinks.

Being able to defeat these three people in the summer is enough to prove how difficult these three people are.

When Qu Yi came back, he also saw Thirteen.

She also handed the jade slip to Xia Xia.

Xia Xia glanced at the contents of the jade slip, which was almost the same as what Thirteen said, but more complete.

"You are being followed." Xia Xia said.

"I found it." Qu Yi said.

"It's a person from the Great Sword Hall. No one will investigate someone like the Sword Domain for no reason. Since the Sword Domain is dead, if you investigate him now, the people from the Big Sword Hall will soon lock you in." Thirteen said. .

"It doesn't matter, they come to take revenge, I can just kill them." Xia Xia didn't care if others attacked him.

After he beheaded Daoyu, he didn't find much in Daoyu.

At that time, he also felt that Daoyu seemed to be very poor.

Only now understand.

Daoyu has its own power, so naturally he can't carry all the wealth with him like those loose cultivators.

"I have basically mastered the attack rules of the Shenguard mission. They can take on my mission every 15 days, so after I kill a person, it will be safe for a few days, and it will be safer in the last few days. However, I want to wait until the next person comes to the door, so that after I kill him, we will not be disturbed when we go to the seventh party." Xia Tian wanted to give himself a safe time to go to the seventh party.

After all, the origin of the soil is very important.

"Alright." Thirteen nodded slightly.

"If you don't have any information for the time being, I'll go and act on my own. If there's any news, we'll talk about it next time we meet." Qu Yi glanced at Xia Xia and said.

"Alright, pay attention to safety." Xia Xia said.

"You actually told me to pay attention to safety." Qu Yi glanced at Xia Tian one by one.

Then left.

Thirteen didn't say anything, he wouldn't take care of Xia Xia's private affairs.

"Do you need my help?" Thirteen asked.

"No, if I can't handle this trivial matter, am I still summer?" Xia Xia said very confidently.

"A trivial matter? The tenth ring mission of the divine guard is actually a trivial matter in your eyes. If you let others know about it, I'm afraid you'll be **** off." Thirteen said with emotion.



A group of ten people walked in front of Xia, headed by a person with a national character face, the whole person's face was full of majesty: "Sir, have you seen Daoyu?"

"Yes." Xia Xia said.

"Then do you know where he is now?" the man asked again.

He was asking tentatively.

"Dead, don't you have his life jade slip? He just died, you should understand that he is dead." Xia Xia said very casually.

"How did he die?" At first, that person just wanted to try summer.

But when he heard Xia Xia's words, he was instantly excited.

"I killed it!!" Xia Xia said.

"You..." The man frowned.

Daoyu's strength is very powerful. He couldn't understand how this seemingly ordinary boy in front of him killed Daoyu. Of course, they didn't know that Daoyu took on the mission of Shenwei.

"My name is Xia Xia. If you want revenge, come here anytime." Xia Xia said very casually.


That person was also taken aback when he heard the name Xia Xia, but he soon chose to leave.

He is not Xia Xia's opponent, and he doesn't want to provoke Xia Xia. He came here because he wanted to inquire about the news. Now that he has inquired about the news, he will quickly pass the news back to the Great Sword Hall.

Let the above handle it.

"You don't need to admit it," Thirteen said.

"Although he is arrogant, he is still a young man with a dream. I take his life on my back."


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