The Best All-rounder

Chapter 648: out of town


Xia Tian stood up slowly: "Put away your poor little aura. In my eyesight, your little aura is just like yours, it's just garbage."

King's air.


The powerful emperor's aura appeared instantly, directly breaking the opponent's aura.

At this moment, all the momentum on the other side was gone.

Moreover, the elder and all the people behind him felt a strong pressure.

at this time.

There were also a lot of people watching the excitement inside and outside the pub.

They also heard the names of the two sides, what kind of existence the two sides were, and more about why the two sides quarreled here.

"Xiamen, don't deceive people too much!!!" The elder of the Great Sword Hall shouted angrily.

"If your people come to kill me, and I kill me without hitting me, and it turns out that if you still come to make trouble, it is called too much bullying, then I will bully you, what can you do?" Xia Xia didn't like talking to him. These people play word games.

These people are mixed in this kind of scene, so they are very aware of this situation, they like to take advantage of when they talk, and they like to put the righteousness on their side.

In this way they become famous teachers.


Summer is very arrogant.

And the people around also understood what was going on.

The genius Daoyu of the Great Sword Hall came to attack Xia Xia for some unknown reason, but he was killed by Xia Xia, and now the people of the Great Sword Hall are taking revenge.

It can be said.

This kind of thing is very shameful.

You're looking for a one-on-one match.

Never hit.

I was killed by someone, and now I am too embarrassed to run out to find a place. This kind of thing is really shameful and thrown home.

"Impossible, what evidence do you have to say that our son of the knife field attacked you first? It's clearly that you attacked our son of the knife field, otherwise how could you be the son of the knife field? Maybe, how many of you will attack together? I've already beaten our son, and now I dare to beat him!!" The elders of the Great Sword Hall would never admit that the Sword Region attacked Xia Xia first, in that case, his people would be lost.

Their reputation for the Great Sword Hall was also lost.

"You can say whatever you like, don't you want revenge? I'll wait for you outside the city." Xia Xia didn't bother to talk nonsense with them.

these people.

I love fame so much.

But they forget that life is the most important thing.


Xia Tian got up directly and then walked outside.

He proved his words with action.

And if the people in the Hall of Swords didn't dare to go out, they would be slapping themselves in the face just by saying such tough words.

But anyone can see it.

Dare to go out in summer.

That is fearlessness.


The elder of the Great Sword Hall was taken aback.

He didn't expect it.

Suddenly such a thing happened.

In the summer, we're going to fight directly.

"Elder, what should we do? We don't have enough manpower. If Xia Xian and Thirteen go together, we won't be able to carry it." A subordinate said.

Thirteen is what they are most afraid of.

Although Xia Xia said it had nothing to do with Thirteen.

But they also heard that Xia Xia and Thirteen have a good relationship.

Moreover, Thirteen is still with Xia Xia. If there is a real war, no one can guarantee that Thirteen will take action.

"Let's go out and have a look first. There are so many people watching here. If we don't even dare to go out, then we will be embarrassed. If Thirteen makes a move, we will retreat directly. It's not embarrassing. If I follow the rules, no one will say anything about me." The elder is still very shrewd, and he knows how to take advantage of the opportunity.

that's it.

They all followed out of the city.

There is a lot of noise here.

On one side is the recent man of the year, Xia Xia, and by his side there is a famous master Thirteen.

Such people are not easy to deal with.

outside the city.

As soon as the matter here is spread ten, ten and one hundred, before the elders of the big sword hall and the others go out, the outside is already full of people.

"Why are there so many people?" The elder of the Great Sword Hall frowned.

He doesn't like this scene.

There are so many people, if he loses the face of the Great Sword Palace, then he will not have to be a human being in the future.

No matter where you go, there are many people watching the fun.

Especially someone with some fame on both sides.

"The power of this elder's law is less than 150,000 points." Thirteen reminded.

Although this person is the elder of the Great Sword Hall.

But still not a quasi-venerable.

In a place like China.

The number of prospective Venerables is not that bad.


Xia Tian took a step forward: "I like nonsense, let's go together."

The other party now has a total of hundreds of people, and obviously all the people from the Great Sword Hall in the city have gathered here. Xia Xia is alone and will directly challenge the other party's hundreds of people.

On the momentum.

Also very powerful.

The more powerful Xia Xia is, the more fearful the elder is. In fact, although he was the first to arrive, he was just here to ask for some advantages. He wanted to suppress Xia Xia with his momentum, and then he would just do justice.

But now.

He was forced out of the city step by step.

"Summer, don't be too arrogant, there are so many of us, and we are still afraid that you will fail?" The elder of the Great Sword Hall did not say that he wanted to be singled out, but said that there were so many of them.

"He's cowardly!!" Hongfeng said Get ready to attack, if I guess right, when the battle starts, he will definitely let his subordinates go first, he hides behind, in this case, If I appeared directly beside him, he would have no chance to react. When Xia Xia's body moved, Xia Si directly fused with him.

Tianhan sword also appeared in his right hand.

I want to mix in a place like China.

Just want people to be harsh.

Only when you are famous, others will not dare to provoke you.

Just like the current Golden Sword Gate Sect Master.

He went to war with the Three Bamboo Sect.

As soon as I heard that it was the Golden Sabre Sect, the subordinate forces of the Three Bamboo Sect outside were so frightened that they did not even have the courage to participate in the war.

To know.

If it was another force, then they would like to rush up to get a piece of the pie.

But they all know what kind of people the Jindaomen's sect master is. If they join the war, they will be the first to be destroyed by the Jindaomen.

"Come on together, kill him for me." The elder of the Great Sword Hall scolded.


when his voice fell.

A black feather fell in front of him.

Black gas.

Instantly transformed into a summer body.

King's air.

The rule of the king.

The law of the sun, moon and stars.

The law of light, the law of water.

Golden Feather strikes.

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】

Tianhan sword!

Summer's attack came in an instant.

at the same time.

The people in front didn't react at all. When they saw Xia Xia disappearing in place, they also looked forward for the first time.


A scream came from behind them.

They just found out.

I don't know when the summer has come behind them.

The elder Dantian of the Hall of Swords has been destroyed.

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