The Best All-rounder

Chapter 649: Unlimited spike

"What?" All the people around were dumbfounded. Although they had all heard of some legends about Xia Xia, but now, an elder of the Great Sword Hall was easily beheaded by Xia Xia.

This kind of thing is too scary.

The strength of the summer has deeply shocked the people on the scene.

"How is that possible?" The elder of the Great Sword Hall kept hiding behind because he was afraid of death.

But now.

Xia Xia actually killed him directly in front of him, leaving him without the slightest defense.

And his instinctive attack was actually beaten back, giving him a chance to defend his instincts. When he wanted to attack a second time, his speed actually slowed down, and he watched Xia Xia's attack pierce through his body.

"Why, why is this happening!!!"

Not reconciled!

He is really unhappy.

To be able to become the elder of the Great Sword Hall, he has put in countless efforts in his life, and finally ended up like this.

"I said, if you come to the door, that's life and death." Xia Xia also killed him directly.

at the same time.

Another realm king pill appeared.

He finally condensed a realm king pill again.

He had already condensed three realm king pills before.

The first one gave thirteen.

The power of the law directly increased by 10,000 points.

The second one was given to Qu Xi, allowing Qu Xi to break through the power of the law by 100,000 points.

The third one was given to Xia Si, which directly increased Xia Si's level by one.

He plans to give the fourth one to Thirteen, and let Thirteen try it out. What is the difference between this thing and other medicinal pills.


Everyone around took a deep breath.


Xia Xia actually killed the elder of the Great Sword Hall directly.

Although many of them have heard of Xia Xia's reputation, they did not expect that Xia Xia is actually more powerful than the legend.

"Elder!!" Those people from the Great Sword Hall rushed up immediately.

Summer's body disappeared in place.

The hardest ones have already been beheaded.

He won't let go of the other little guys either.

disappear quickly.

The body of summer keeps flashing like this.

every time it appears.

Tianhan sword can kill that person.

In front of Tianhan Sword, those people couldn't keep up with their movements at all, and they were all beheaded by Xia Xia one by one.

that's it.

Hundreds of people in the Hall of Swords were all killed by Xia Xia.


The people around were all dumbfounded.

This is too powerful.


Summer's body also disappeared directly in place.

in the tavern.

"Thousand Silk Beast?" Thirteen glanced at Xia Si next to Xia Xia.

"Imperial Grade Thousand Silk Beast." A slight smile appeared on Xia Tian's face.

"What?" Thirteen was completely stunned, and his face was full of incredible expressions. He was already surprised when he discovered that Xia Si beside Xia was a thousand silk beasts.

He also talked to Xia Xia about Qiansi Beast before, but he didn't expect that Xia Xia got one now.

But when he heard that it was the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast.

He didn't know how to describe his feelings at all.

That is the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast.

"Why are you so lucky, kid." Thirteen couldn't help but want to curse.

"It's alright, it's all a coincidence." Xia Tian said the story of obtaining the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast.

"So, your luck is really against the sky." Thirteen said with emotion.

"It's alright, but what I didn't expect was that the sixth-rank emperor-grade Qiansi beast can already block the attack of the quasi-exalted one, and the current Xia Si is the seventh-grade Qiansi beast, and I don't know his defense. How terrifying, and he can play a big role when I attack." Xia Xia felt very excited after getting Xia Si.

he feels.

His overall strength is now very strong.

"It's such an enviable luck." Thirteen looked at Xia Si and said, "I won't go anywhere in the future, I'll just follow you, I've found it, following you, there must be good things, I've followed you before, and I'll just follow you. The fragments of the Eight Trigrams Mirror are mixed with Zunbao."

he thinks.

Summer is the real lucky person.

"I look down on me too much, I'm just the nemesis of those who are blessed with luck." Xia Xia is not modest, he has seen too many people with great luck.

Those people were lucky in their lives and obtained some treasures, and in the end, they were all honestly delivered to the summer.

In the summer, kill each other and get the treasure easily.

"It's more against the sky than people with great luck." Thirteen said with emotion.

"It's fine if they don't come to provoke me, just like those people on the mission of Shenwei, they have to come to provoke me, if they didn't want to kill me, they wouldn't have died in my hands." Xia Ke never Will take the initiative to deal with those people.

"You've killed so many people in the Great Sword Palace this time, and it will cause trouble after all. The Great Sword Palace is not a small force. If you kill the Sword Region first, and then kill their elders and hundreds of subordinates, they will definitely come to find a place." Ten Three reminded.

"Just kill it when you come." Xia Xia is not a person to be bullied.

"Yeah." Thirteen smiled: "But the two shots you made were based on righteousness. Although no one knew about the first knife field, but according to the behavior of the people in the second knife hall, it was It can be seen that the Great Sword Palace made the first move, which is very beneficial to you."


"I remember what you said then." Xia Tian smiled.

"By the A new batch of people who want to deal with you are coming!!" Thirteen said.

"Come on, this is what I'm most worried about. If the new guy comes with the masters of the Great Sword Hall, it will be troublesome. You know me, many of my means are limited. Once I go shopping with the Great Sword Hall. If the time runs out, I am in a weak period, and if I am attacked by that person at this time, I will be miserable." Xia Xia said.

"I'm still here," Thirteen said.

"En!" Summer nodded slightly.

If Da Dao Hall continued to make a move, it would be suspected of bullying others. In this case, even if Thirteen made a move, no one would say anything.

"The storm is coming." Xia Xia's eyes looked into the distance.

After this matter is settled, he will go to the seventh party.

In a dark cave.

"It's been three."

"It appears that we have made a mistake in our assessment of him."

"No, that's right, our previous assessment was bottomless."

"It's really not easy to use these top geniuses to test his strength, but if it goes on like this, those geniuses won't be enough to watch."

"Those geniuses underestimated him before, but recently he made some big troubles in Soul Hunting Cloud City. It is estimated that these geniuses will wake up a bit."

"Who took over the mission this time?"

"Instant Aguo!!"

"Thirteen's junior brother?"

"That's it!!"

"Then there is a good show to watch."


Ps: Every year, a batch of crackdowns is changed, and it is changed for a day. Many brothers ask me why there are so few women appearing. It is not that I don’t want to write, it is that I am not allowed to write even holding hands. I write about fighting with women in summer, If you accidentally touch it, it is easy to be blocked chapters, which is very troublesome.

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