The Best All-rounder

Chapter 653: See you outside the city

The master of the Great Sword Hall has left five families. These five families are all people in the city who have some friendship with him. People who have reached their position must usually make friends with many people, although it is impossible to make all these people in one sentence. arrive.

But at least you take out the fairy crystal, they will help you do things.

If you don't have that connection, even if you have Xianjing, you can't move these big men.

His purpose for finding these people is simple.

It is to intimidate Thirteen.

In his opinion.

A summer is not difficult to deal with, although Xia Xia beheaded one of his elders.

But this time, he came prepared.

"Palace Master, a group of people have arrived, and the others will arrive one after another."

"Well, are those two people here yet?" asked the master of the Great Sword Hall.

"not yet!!"

"Notify me when they arrive." After finishing speaking, the master of the Great Sword Hall disappeared.

He's hot here.

Thirteen has already received all the news.

Thirteen has been outside for so many years, and he also has many contacts of his own.

Now, he can know everything in Hunting Soul Cloud City, especially the every move of the Hall Master of the Great Sword Hall.

"He has already found five helpers, and these five helpers are all used to shock me." Thirteen thought it was very ridiculous.

Intimidate him?

Is he Thirteen so easily deterred?

The hall master of the Great Sword Hall was wise and thought that if he found five people, he could keep Thirteen from doing it. Unfortunately, no matter how much immortal crystal he spent, these five people would not be able to work for him.


As long as Thirteen really starts to work hard.

Those five people.

Not necessarily dare to go directly.

"You can't underestimate any one enemy, no matter how easy it is to get rid of this enemy." Xia Xia believes that although there is no problem in knowing oneself and one enemy, it is not possible to completely trust such things as intelligence.

Still be fully prepared.

"Yeah, if we do it here, it will definitely attract the attention of many people. If we are seriously injured, other people will attack us." Thirteen is also very clear about this, that is, we must be careful not to. Related people sneak attack.

Although the people from the Hall of Swords will clear the field.

However, they can only control some small people. If those really powerful people want to come and watch the fun, they also dare not provoke them.

"How many people have they come here now?" Xia Xia asked.

"Three thousand people, and the strength is good." Thirteen said.

"It's a bit like a final battle." Xia Xia felt that dogs that really bite people don't bark, and dogs that bark in various ways often don't bite people.

Just like many people before, they were very arrogant in front of summer.

Actually those people didn't really want to fight hard.

On the contrary, it was the master of the Great Sword Palace. After coming to Soul Hunting Cloud City, he never looked for Xia Xia once, and he never let go of any harsh words. He even kept a low profile.

This kind of people.

The one who really wants to do it.

that's it.

Three days later.

A disciple of the Great Sword Hall came to the door: "Mr. Xia? This is given to you by our hall master."

The other side is very airy.

Open jade slips in summer.

Just a tactic.

tomorrow morning.

outside the city.


No matter how many people you bring with you.

Fight with death, never die!

Just a few lines of words, but it reveals the domineering power of the master of the Great Sword Palace.

Apparently, the Hall of Swords was fully prepared.

"It's very good to have a head-to-head battle." Xia Xia also praised the hall master of the Great Sword Hall. In his opinion, a person like the hall master of the Great Sword Hall is the real hero.

"Well, but I still think it's a bit strange. He knows that your relationship with Tie Xin is very good, and Tie Xin is the first knife of the Eighth Party. If he really kills you, he is provoking Tie Xin. Can he bear such consequences?" Thirteen frowned.


Xia Xia is still very famous in the Eighth Party, and those big people should have heard of the relationship between him and Tie Xin.

So normally, the other party shouldn't do anything about summer.

"I never want to live on the fame of others." Xia Xia just wanted to live on his own ability, not on the fame of others.

"Whether you want to or not, the reason why many people dare not touch you is because of their iron heart." Thirteen said.

This is a fact.

Many people dare not touch the summer.

They all heard the legends outside.

The relationship between Xia Xia and Tie Xin is very good.

Even Tie Xin said that any disciple of the Golden Sword Sect must see Xia Xia as if he saw himself.

by a Venerable.

One of the top ten masters of the eighth party is so important.

Who dares to provoke?

But now, the Hall of Swords is in trouble.

"You mean, he might have a conspiracy?" Xia Xia asked.

"It's not possible, there must be a conspiracy, and it may be a conspiracy against the Golden Sword Sect. If he kills you, the Golden Sword Sect will definitely go to war with them. In this case, they can join the Three Bamboo Sect as a matter of course. They are forced, no one will say anything about them, and at this time, no one outside dares to openly do business with the Three Bamboo Sect. At that time, they can wander between the normal forces and the Three Bamboo Sect. This kind of business is very profitable." Thirteen said.


Their Great Sword Palace must occupy the righteousness, in this case, the outside forces will not casually attack the Great Sword Palace.

Even if the Golden Swordsmen would face the opponents of the Great Swords Hall, how could the Golden Swordsmen and the Three Bamboo Sect be so hot now that they could withdraw to deal with them.

"There will be a lot of troublesome things in the middle." Xia Xia didn't think the Golden Sword Gate would go as smoothly as planned.

"There is bound to be trouble, but there is a lot of interest in it. If they can gather wealth quickly, then they can use fairy crystals to smash most of the masters. As I said, Jindaomen and Sanzhu There will be a group of beneficiaries in the teaching war, and as for who these beneficiaries are, it depends on their own abilities." Thirteen said.

"Okay, let's go too, go early, don't let people think we can't have fun." Xia Xia said and walked out.

Thirteen looked at Xia Xia with a smile on his face; "You, you are really in a hurry to start a war."

After summer out.

Many people outside followed suit.

He made such a big noise in the city, and now many people and many forces are staring at him.

"Mr. Xia, what are you doing here?" a master asked.

"Go outside the city, the Great Sword Hall has already started a war with me, I have to go out to fight." Xia Xia smiled slightly.

Hearing Xia Xia's words, everyone around him pricked up their ears.


The master who fought against the Great Sword Hall in the summer.

The fun is finally here.

a time.

The news spread completely.

All the major forces in the city moved.

In the City Lord's Mansion.

"What a bunch of guys who like to make fun of you."

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