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Chapter 654: Is it enough now?

"City Lord, do you need to stop it? After all, it is in our Soul Hunting Cloud City."

"No, it's not convenient for us to control too much when they fight outside the city, and their hatred is too great. Both sides have their own goals. This battle should be inevitable." said the City Lord of Hunting Soul.

"Thirteen and Summer are also over there..."

"Arrange someone, if Xia Xia dies, save Thirteen, and if Da Dao Palace loses, protect Xia and Thirteen together to prevent someone from attacking them suddenly." The City Lord of Hunting Soul ordered.

"City Lord, why do you attach so much importance to them? Don't we care about the people in the Hall of Swords?"

"They are mixed with the Three Bamboo Sect and want to eat everyone's interests. If such forces are allowed to win, they will only become trouble for the eighth party," said Soul Hunting City Lord.

"I understand."

"The eighth party, it's been restless recently." Soul Hunting City Lord said while looking outside.

That's right.

Eighth party now.

It's really restless.

Since the Golden Sword Gate and the Three Bamboo Sect went to war.

Jindaomen didn't take much action, but more and more people were involved in the war.


At least billions of people outside were involved in the fighting.

The Three Bamboo Sect faces more and more enemies, and fewer and fewer allies.


since the war.

The leader of the Three Bamboo Sect has never appeared, and there is news outside that he was beheaded by the sect master of the Golden Sword Sect.


Whether it is the forces under the Three Bamboo Sect, or the forces that cooperated with the outside world, they have found all kinds of forces without attacking, and some forces even secretly help the enemy.


Sanzhujiao's business has completely collapsed.

In the Three Bamboo Sect, it is also the time when the dragons are leaderless.

outside the city.

Not long after the two of them came out in the summer, there were a lot of people outside. Many people had heard that there would be a big battle here with Da Dao Palace, so they rushed out in advance to watch the excitement.

More and more people.

"It seems that I am also a little famous now." Xia Xia said.

"You have experienced many battles before, but most of those battles are rarely known, so no one will promote you, otherwise your reputation has become very big, but this time is different, this time is so Many people are watching, if you win, your reputation will be spread, and the influence you caused before will also be re-examined. Many people thought that your strength may have been exaggerated, but they gradually You will understand that your strength has not been exaggerated." Shisan and Xia Xia have personally experienced a lot of battles.

If all the battle in Fangcunshan had been spread out, everyone outside would have been frightened.

And summer fame is sure to climb to the top.

"Look at the people on both sides. The people standing at the front are all people with some reputation. Their positions almost represent their identities and strengths." Thirteen reminded.

I also looked around in the summer.

The people closest to him are all heroic.

Incomparably powerful.

"Shenzhou lacks everything, so there is no shortage of these masters." Xia Xia found out that there are quite a few masters here in China.

"That's natural. In places like Shenzhou, this group of people has been cultivating for many years. Many people have cultivated to the limit. That is to say, they have developed their talents to the limit. Such people are now the most numerous. , although many of them are not Venerable, not quasi Venerable, but they are already very strong, and these people have too many years in this realm, so they maximize the strength of their realm, simple For example, a person who has just entered the 100,000-point power of the law, they can get 50% of the 100,000-point combat power. After a period of time, they can develop to 60 or 70 points, but these stay in this realm. Tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years old guys, they are able to exert the strength of this realm to 100%, such a contrast is very obvious." Shisan explained.

China has existed for so many years.

Naturally, there are many experts.

These masters have come to today through their own efforts step by step.

Although he has practiced to his limit.

But they are also very strong.

In China, there are a large number of such people.

"They're here." Xia Xia looked at the group of people in front of him. At this time, a large number of people came out, all of them wearing the clothes of the Great Sword Hall.

This time, they fought on behalf of the Great Sword Palace and Xia Xia.


They are also wearing the clothes that their power represents.

This is more recognizable.

"It's really early." The master of the Great Sword Hall looked at Xia Xia and said.

"It's okay." Summer said very casually.

At this time, there were tens of thousands of enemies in front of him.

"I just finished talking about training to the limit, but the people they brought over from the Great Sword Hall are all calm old guys, all of them are people who have cultivated to the limit, and the least power of the law is more than 30,000 points. There are a lot of people with the power of law above 50,000 points, and there are also some people with more than 100,000 and they are all the most stable." Thirteen reminded.

This time.

It was not the young talents brought by the Hall of Swords, but the kind of people who had already cultivated their realm to the limit.

these people.

More stable when fighting.

And they normally have no chance to break through, unless there is a big opportunity or a natural treasure.

It is impossible for the Hall of Swords to use genius treasures for these people.


They can only view the summer as an opportunity.

And even if they die, it will not bring much loss to the Great Sword Palace. They are already some people who cannot be promoted. Living, it is just a waste of the Great Sword Palace's resources.

Thousands of people.

against two people.

"Xiamen, today I'm going to let you know that offending our Great Sword Palace will end." The hall master of the Great Sword Palace looked at Xia Xia coldly.

in his eyes.

Only hatred.

Xia Xia killed Daoyu, his son, the hope and future of their Da Dao Palace.

He must make the summer pay the most painful price.

"Does this just want to take me down?" Xia Xia shook his head.

In his opinion.

Thousands of people are a lot.

But these people seem to be really not enough to kill.


The master of the Great Sword Hall waved his hand.

A large number of people came out in an instant, and these people all changed into the clothes of the Great Sword Hall.


There are many people behind who are not wearing the clothes of the Great Sword Palace.

All the people watching the lively around also retreated one after another.

turn out to be.

There are so many people sneaking in in large numbers in the Hall of Swords.

"Is it enough now?" The Palace Master of the Great Sword Palace looked at Xia Xia and asked.

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