The Best All-rounder

Chapter 656: 13 horror

Attitude is clear.

He has made it very clear.

this time.

Whoever dares to touch the summer, he will work hard.

This was different from what the five of the Yun Family Patriarch had expected. They originally thought that it would be enough to intimidate Thirteen, but now, Thirteen's attitude was too clear, they just refused to stop.

"Five, I gave it before, double it, you can drag him." said the Lord of the Sword Palace.

He also understands.

All five of them hesitated.

If he didn't increase the price, these five people wouldn't be able to sell it, and maybe they wouldn't even do it.

So what he has to do now is very simple, that is, he must not let these five people leave, otherwise, Hua's fairy crystal will not come back, and it will only add thirteen more troubles.

"Okay!" The five masters of the Yun family have no reason to refuse. Since the master of the sword hall has increased the price, what they have to do is to hold back Thirteen.

It's enough not to let Thirteen join the battle over there.

That way they wouldn't hurt Thirteen either.

There is no need for revenge.

"Let's do it!!" said the master of the Great Sword Hall.

His purpose is simple.

He just wanted to let these five people hold Thirteen first and lead Thirteen away, and then he could attack in a large area.


These five people also acted directly, and they were not polite at all.

Since they have already received the fairy crystals from the Great Sword Hall, they will naturally have to work hard.


The bodies of the five people rushed towards Thirteen in an instant.

They thought very simply.

It is to force Thirteen away first.


Haotian Mirror!

Thirteen didn't talk nonsense. He used the fragments of the Haotian Mirror when he came up. Normally, he would not use this ability casually. After all, a treasure like the Haotian Mirror can not show up, try not to show up, otherwise There will also be a lot of trouble.

But for summer.

He also tried his best to come up directly.

A huge attack was fired instantly.

"Not good!" The expressions of the five people changed, and they all felt how powerful the Thirteen Weapons were.


Five of them.

They are all people who have just entered the quasi-venerable, that is, the first change of the quasi-venerable.

Originally, Thirteen had no problem dealing with two or three of them.

Plus Haotian Mirror.

The power is unimaginable.


The head of the Yun family on the front also wanted to defend, but the attack of the Haotian Mirror directly penetrated his body. He never thought that Thirteen actually had such a powerful weapon, and it was a magnifying move.

Under normal conditions.

They should test each other and learn from each other.

"Save people!" The other four also attacked Thirteen.

But Thirteen's Haotian Mirror is more than that.


Their attacks were all reflected and refracted, hitting the surrounding crowd.

The people around are all people from the Hall of Swords.

This kind of quasi-venerable attack is simply not something normal people can contend with.

For a moment.

Those who were hit were bloodied.

at the same time.

A refraction also hit the seriously injured Yun Family Patriarch.


When the head of the Yun family came, he was full of energy, but he never dreamed that he would end up like this in the end. He didn't even have a chance to resist, and he was killed like this.

A quasi-exalted master.

So killed.

No one expected such a thing to happen suddenly.

The head of the Yun family didn't even have a chance to react, and he hadn't used his true abilities yet, so he was killed just like that.


Seeing such a situation, the expressions of the other four also became very ugly. They just took the fairy crystal and walked through the scene, but they did not expect that such a thing would happen.


The head of the Yun family is dead.

Although Thirteen had said before that he would kill anyone who dared to go up, but they didn't care at the time, they thought Thirteen was just talking ruthlessly.

The five of them, even if they can't kill Thirteen, at least they should have no problem controlling Thirteen.

But now.

They have no chance of controlling Thirteen at all.

Instead, he was directly beheaded by Thirteen.

For the sake of Xianjing, losing your life is definitely not worth it.

If the Yun Family Patriarch still had a breath, he would think that the worst decision in his life was to choose the one who helped the Great Sword Hall.

"What's going on?" The hall master of the Great Sword Hall was also taken aback. He originally thought that these five people could drag Thirteen away quickly. In this way, his next battle would be much more convenient.

He can let his people attack Summer together.

But now the situation has completely exceeded his expectations.

He never thought of it.

Something like this will happen.

Thirteen actually killed a quasi-venerable master.

The people around the Yun family also rushed up, but the upper management of the Yun family also hurriedly stopped them: "Go back to me!!"

He is very clear.

The moment the Yun Family Patriarch took action, it represented himself. He himself was hired by others to do it. Under such circumstances, the Yun Family Patriarch killed Thirteen, and it had nothing to do with the Yun Family.


Thirteen killed the head of the Yun family, and it has nothing to do with the Yun family.

But if the Yun family rushes to take revenge now.

Then the situation becomes completely different.

This meant that the Yun family was going to fight Thirteen.


Thirteen didn't talk nonsense at all, and he directly killed the four people in front of him. He had just killed the head of the Yun family, but he actually wanted to attack the other party again, which made the four people Now I really want to step back.

But they took the immortal crystal from the Hall of Swords, and now they immediately retreated and ran away. After that, their reputation will be lost, and so many people here are watching.

They are really embarrassed to step back.

"Kill!" They could only bite the bullet.


This time.

Their attacks are all far away, and everyone's attacks are all different.

Haotian Mirror!


Thirteen also seized the opportunity.

Instantly rushed to the side of the second master.

The master felt that Thirteen was coming, and he was also surprised, and hurriedly wanted to counterattack.

But he suddenly found that he seemed to be shrouded in a world.

Thirteen is already a master of the third transformation of the quasi-exalted lord. His strength is extremely powerful, and he initially possesses the power of the world.

at the same time.

Zunbao Black Night shot instantly.


The body of that quasi-venerable man was thus penetrated.

When the attacks of the other three came over at this moment, they were all reflected by the Haotian Mirror's attack on this quasi-venerable person.



With so many attacks hitting one person at the same time, this is no longer something that person can withstand.

"No!!" The last scream of that person spread through everyone's ears.

At this moment, the other three prospective Venerables were completely terrified. They couldn't control it anymore, and turned around and left.

Together, the five were killed by Thirteen in an instant.

If the remaining three people continue to stay here, they can only die.

Compared with life, those fairy crystals are nothing.

"Who else?" Thirteen looked at the people around him.

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