The Best All-rounder

Chapter 657: it's my turn


Although Thirteen is a master of fame.

But in everyone's opinion, they are all quasi-venerable characters. Even if they are powerful, their strength should be similar to each other. If five fights one, the thirteen should only have the ability to parry.

But now.

Thirteen came up and beheaded two people.

This made them all afraid to approach.

Seeing that the three masters turned around and left.

I don't care about my reputation and influence at all.

This made the hall master of the Great Sword Hall stunned.

The five people he paid a lot of money to bring back are now two dead and three gone.

This made him a little unacceptable.


Now the strength shown by Thirteen is too strong.

Completely exceeded his expectations.

Before, he had calculated everything.

I think this time it will definitely be easy to get summer done.



"Why did it become like this." The face of the palace master of the Great Sword Palace was very ugly.

"Palace Master, let everyone do it, no matter what kind of expert he is, he is at most protecting himself. Our goal is Xia Xia. As long as Xia Xia is killed, then we will not lose." A subordinate said.


They have no way out.

"Okay, everyone will do it together." The master of the Great Sword Palace also reacted. At this time, they should also do it according to the previously planned situation.

Those who were watching the excitement around were all deeply shocked by Thirteen's strength.

Thirteen's ability really opened up a new world for them.

They never thought of it.

Thirteen will have such a powerful strength.

It was completely different from what they had known before.

Hands on.

The hall master of the Great Sword Hall had already prepared all the battle preparations before. It can be said that they have no way out now. In this battle, they must use their strongest skills.


In an instant, the overwhelming attack came down.

Hundreds of thousands of people attacked the power of law together, and the attack did not collide and smash in mid-air. Such a scene is still very spectacular. Although some attacks occasionally collide in mid-air, most of the attacks are perfect. Called.

This is called a real terrorist attack.


Such a horrible attack.

Enough to destroy everything.

"Thirteen, no matter how strong you are, you can only protect yourself at best. It is impossible for you to save Xia Xia under such a powerful attack." The hall master of the Great Sword Hall shouted.

He admits.

Thirteen was already strong to a point he could not imagine.

But no matter what thirteen is strong.

With so many attacks, at best he can protect himself! !

"You underestimate summer too much." Thirteen's face showed a slight smile.


Xia Tian's body moved upwards: "It's me!!"

[Tianquan, rebound! ! 】

That's right.

The best way to deal with such people is this ability.

For a moment.

Countless attacks scattered around.

The scene instantly became hot.

Because of the angle of the attack that bounced back in the summer, a lot of the power of the law all collided and cared about it.

The law breaks down.

Spread out.

Compliment everything around.

All shattered.

The power of the law has completely dissipated.

Countless attacks smashed into the surrounding crowd.

The crowd that was originally standing very well suddenly became the hardest hit area.

have to say.

The people in their team are a little more difficult to deal with than those loose cultivators.

In the previous summer, when dealing with the Tianxing Camp and the Disha Camp, although there were many of them, they would not have a perfect attack together when they attacked, but this time, the people from the Great Sword Hall had a perfect attack.

But they also don't train all year round.

So without error.

They also guarantee that the attack is complete.

But now if something goes wrong, the scene is chaotic.

Thirteen and Xia Xia's bodies quickly disappeared in place.

Haotian Mirror!

Dark night!

Red Phoenix, Golden Feather.

Tianhan sword!

Xia Xia and Shisan's attacks also broke into the crowd instantly.

When they rushed out, all the people around were attacked. Those people never thought that Xia Tian and Shisan would suddenly kill them. Before, they always thought that they only needed to attack according to the time limit, then they could kill them. It's summer.

But now.

When an accident occurs.

It made the scene chaotic.

Moreover, the people here are not only the people from the Great Sword Hall, but also people from other forces. They do not know each other. If they are attacked, they will not trust anyone.

This made their own people fight.

"How could this be." The face of the palace master of the Great Sword Palace became very ugly.

He was completely blinded by the scene in front of him.

Originally, he thought that things would not be like this. He had planned everything and could easily kill Xia Xia.


He paid a terrible price.

Everything here.

became very scary.

Even the hall master of the Great Sword Hall is well-informed, and now such a scene makes him look stupid.

"Palace Lord, what should we do?"

"It's messed up, it's all messed up, and they can't hear what I ordered Hurry up and get all the core personnel to come over and protect me." The hall master of the Great Sword Palace felt that the scene was out of control.

Now it is out of his control.

Even if he wanted to deal with the summer, there was no chance.


Here is his home.

Now it has become the home of the summer.

"Let's retreat?" The people in the Dao Palace asked inexplicably.

"Retreat, retreat first, and then take a long-term view." The master of the Great Sword Palace understands that all this has passed, and he saw with his own eyes how the quasi-venerables died. If they don't leave quickly, then I am afraid They will also die here in the end.

Now they must rush back to the city as soon as possible.

This is safe.


The tens of thousands of core personnel around the Great Sword Hall rushed over. Although most of them were injured, not many died.


Xia Xia and Shisan also quickly killed the people around them, and the scene here became more and more chaotic.

"No, they're going to run!!" Xia Xia also wanted to chase after him.

"Don't worry, fix this side first, he can't escape there." Thirteen said very confidently.


Although Xia Xia did not understand what thirteen meant.

But he still quickly caused the contradiction here, making the scene here even more chaotic.

Then disappear quickly.


The people in the Hall of Swords are retreating.

"Let's go, leave the green hills without worrying about burning wood," said the hall master of the Great Sword Hall.


At the time when they wanted to retreat in the Hall of Swords.

There was a change around.

Their way back to the city was blocked.


All were people, watching the lively people, blocking the way back to the city.

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