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Chapter 687: Master is wrong


Da Zhan's body rushed up instantly, and the speed was very fast. He also directly killed Xia Xia. When he came out, the people around him also quickly gathered.

Although he said it was a duel with Xia.

But he deliberately let his subordinates kill around first, and then find an opportunity, so many people besiege Xia Xia together.

In his opinion.

As long as Xia Xia is killed, these people from Baixing will naturally retreat.

Who would stand up for a dead man?


Kill summer.

His battle turned over.


This little trick of his has long been seen through in the summer.

When the attack of those people came.

Summer also launched his own attack in an instant.

[Tianquan, rebound! 】The attacks of the people around were also bounced back for the first time.


Those bounced attacks hit those around them directly.

Black air!

A mass of black energy appeared in front of Da Zhan.

[Wuji, attract! 】 Da Zhan's body instantly lost its balance.

However, the big slash was to hit Xia Xia with his own attack.

[Wuji, defense! ! 】

The Law of the Sun, Moon and Stars!

The Law of Light!

The law of water.

The spirit of the emperor!

The red phoenix strikes!

Summer's attack was also fired instantly.

at the same time.

The Tianhan Sword stabbed the opponent's dantian with incomparable accuracy.

The people outside of this series of actions couldn't understand at all. They didn't understand what Xia Xia did at all, but Da Zhan could clearly sense the changes in his body.

All his movements were a beat slower.

"No, I can't die!!" Da Zhan gritted his teeth and used all his cards.

Seeing that he was about to get out of Summer's control.

The origin of the earth!

Xia Xia instantly used the power of the source of the earth, and once again increased his control over the big slash.

"Why is this happening?" Da Zhan's face was full of horror.

that's it.

He watched helplessly as his body was pierced.

Looking at his dantian being penetrated by summer.


Blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Junior Brother!!" Luo Ling shouted loudly.

He never thought that such a thing would happen. Originally, he was here to help his junior brother hold Thirteen, but now, the matter has developed to this point, his junior brother and those underlings besieged Xia Xia.


His younger brother died.

The people around were also stunned.

Those who attacked Xia Xia together immediately thought of escaping. They were all invited back by Da Zhan, who spent a lot of money and favors. Now that Da Zhan is dead, they will not stand up for a dead person.


From the moment they tried to deal with the summer, their fate was already doomed.

After Baixing's people heard Xia Xing's order, they didn't plan to let anyone here go.

Li Wei!

Xia Xia wanted to stand up. He wanted to tell everyone that anyone who dared to deal with him would die. He wouldn't care whether the other party was hired or scattered.

If it weren't for Xia Xia taking the lead today, then when they killed Xia Xia, they wouldn't be polite at all.

"You should care about yourself." Thirteen instantly killed Luo Ling.


Luo Ling's body was directly knocked out: "How is that possible? The third change!!"

As soon as the two sides played against each other, he had already sensed that the current Thirteen should be someone who has entered the third change. Thirteen, who was the same as him before, has completely surpassed him in strength.


He has no time to think now, because Thirteen has already killed him.

And Thirteen's actions are like ghosts.

Zunbao Dark Night!


Luo Ling instantly knocked out his attack.

Haotian Mirror!

Thirteen took out the Clear Sky Mirror at the same time and bounced back Luo Ling's attack.

Now his control over the Haotian Mirror is much stronger than before.

It has already been used with ease.

"How is that possible?" Luo Ling's face was full of shock.

at the same time.

Summer came to him.

The spirit of the emperor!

For a moment.

The huge momentum directly pressed against Luo Ling, all his attention was on Thirteen, and he never thought that Xia Tian would suddenly appear here.

Haotian Mirror!

The cooperation between Thirteen and Xia Xia is also very tacit.

He instantly cleared the way for summer.

The red phoenix strikes!

Summer also launched his own attack.

The Tianhan sword stabbed the opponent's dantian.


Luo Ling's face was full of incredible expressions: "Impossible, impossible."

"Luo Ling, success or failure, don't you understand such a simple thing?" Thirteen asked.

He and Luo Ling are also old friends, but their friendship has always been a battle, and neither side has been able to do anything about the other, but today Luo Ling was completely beheaded by him.

Not right.

It was Xia Xia who killed Luo Ling.

Because Xia Xia wanted to absorb Luo Ling's dantian power with Jie Wang Jue.

Ha ha ha ha!

Luo Ling laughed.

"What? Feel free?" Thirteen asked.

"No, I only realize now that the master is wrong. For a long time, the master believed that people like you and I would not be able to enter the third change in this life, and it is even more impossible to have the hope of His Holiness, but now, I I saw His Holiness's hope in you, although I failed, I can finally face myself." Luo Ling said.


Thirteen sighed.

He understands.

Luo Ling is the second him.

Luo Ling's master also thinks that Luo Ling's talent has reached the limit, and it is impossible to break through to the realm of Even the third change is impossible to break through, so he also accepted a very good talent Disciple, that is, the big cut.


Luo Ling changed direction and became Da Zhan's subordinate.

Even Luo Ling himself thought that he might be here in his entire life, and he couldn't change anything. All his thoughts were on his junior and junior brothers.


See the current thirteen.

He was pleased.

He understood.

I was wrong.

The master was also wrong.

If he had always followed his original intentions, perhaps this would not have been the case.


He shattered Luo Ling's body. He was the last to give Luo Ling a ride. After all, he was an old opponent and had the same experience as him.


A mighty siege.

This is the end.

Bai Xing's people are also very powerful.

Those who came to kill the summer.

None of the last one left alive.


Xia Xia stood there, looked at the people watching the show around him, and then shouted: "Everyone listen, from now on, no matter who it is, as long as they dare to shoot at me Xia Xia, I promise Xia Xia, and he will not die. endlessly."


It was just such a simple sentence in the summer, but he also announced this big event to all the people in China.

He will let everyone understand.

He is not easy to mess with in summer.

In the future, if you want to provoke summer, or help others to provoke summer, then you must be aware of death.

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