The Best All-rounder

Chapter 688: 0 Star 1st Array Mage

Thirteen reminded Xia Xia a long time ago that you must be strong and you must have your own bottom line, especially after you become famous. In this way, others will draw your bottom line behind your reputation.

The most obvious of the eighth party is the iron heart.

When something happened to Tie Xin's subordinates, he would rush out to fight with each other, and whoever provokes him, he would fight for his life.

In this case.

People outside will know that Tie Xin is not easy to mess with.

"There are a lot of people from Baixing." Xia Tian glanced at Thirteen.

"Of course, Baixing is a relatively large force. They came from the first party before. Although Baijiaxing is the master of Baixing, in fact, his power is not very large, and the people below divide the power very much. Seriously, but Baixing is still very united when it comes to the outside world, so ordinary people will definitely not dare to provoke them." Shisan explained.


"Have so many of you gone?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes." Bai Xing said.

"Too many people will delay the speed." Xia Xia said.

"We will go there in batches and gather there again." Bai Xing's expert said.

"It seems that they are still very loyal to Baijiaxing. When they heard about Baijiaxing's accident, they directly mobilized so many experts." Xia Xia said with admiration.

"Not necessarily!" Thirteen's brows raised.


Xia Xia looked at Thirteen in confusion.

"Wait and watch the play." Thirteen did not explain in detail.

He didn't know how to explain a lot of things to Xia Xia, only Xia Xia would understand it when he saw it with his own eyes.


Summer didn't ask much.

They went straight to the sixth party.

Because of their two identities.

So the twenty-one people in the back also followed Xia and the others at the fastest speed.

Sixth Party.

When he came here, Xia Xia suddenly felt that the power here was much higher than that of the eighth party. Just like the previous thirteen said, Shenzhou Bafang, arranged according to the number, ranked in the front place, and the power was more abundant.

"Two more transfers are needed." Thirteen reminded.


They also continue to transmit.


They came to Moon Lake City!

This is a small town. Outside the small town, there is a very beautiful Crescent Lake. It is very large in size, rich in spiritual energy, and surrounded by all kinds of elixir and fairy grass, so it is named Moon Lake City.


Xia Xian and Shisan can use the source of earth to teleport. Although it is a bit dangerous, saving people is more important, but following these people, Xia cannot use the power of the source of earth casually.

Can only fly normally.

Xia Xia doesn't care about those things. The big deal is that he teleports quickly, and then uses the source of soil to teleport. In this case, the speed is faster.


Thirteen did not let him do that.

Although he doesn't know what Thirteen means, he believes that Thirteen must have his own ideas.

So he didn't mess around.

that's it.

They traveled for five days before they came to this cliff cave.

"That's it," Thirteen said.


Xia Xia also looked around: "No, there are so many formations and restrictions here, and these seem to be artificially arranged."

The people from Baixing also started to check around.

"Human, you mean, Baijiaxing was targeted this time." Thirteen was stunned.

"Yes, of course, the source of the earth is not so easy to get, and if someone is staring at it, I am afraid that Baijiaxing is really bad now." Xia Xia glanced at the people of Baixing: "I don't know what they can see."

"These people are not simple, and Baixing is not as simple as you think." Thirteen said.

"What the **** happened to them?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"Have you seen the youngest person among the twenty-one people?" Thirteen asked.

"I see, his talent is very high, and his strength is not bad." Xia Xia said.

"He is Baijiaxing's successor!!" Thirteen said.

"Successor?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Normally, the successor shouldn't appear here, right, but they brought the successor here, you should understand what it means." Thirteen said.

"Inheritance!" Xia Xia said.

"Yes, it is inheritance." Thirteen said.

"But if Baijiaxing can be rescued, there is no need for inheritance." Xia Xia said.

"Yes." Thirteen smiled.

Xia Xia is also looking for traces of the formation here. He wants to first study what the formation here is, and don't blindly break in.

"I found it." Bai Xing's people shouted loudly.

Summer and Thirteen also walked over.

Among the people of Hundred Stars, there is also a powerful formation wizard, and he quickly found the entrance.

"Let's go in together," the man said.

"Wait!" Summer said.

"What's wrong?" they asked in confusion.

"Don't you think it's too easy to find the entrance to the gate of this formation?" Xia Xia asked.

"Mr. Xia, you don't know, we are one of the most famous formation masters of the eighth party. His understanding of formation formation is very strong, and he is also the first formation formation among our Hundred Stars, even if it is Hundred Stars. When it comes to the formation method, you should ask him for advice." said a hundred star person next to him.

He seemed to be telling Xia Xia, you don't need to think too much, just follow us, we have masters of formation Xia Xia frowned: "It's better to be careful."

"If Mr. Xia is worried about any danger, let's go in by ourselves," said the magician.

He obviously complained that Xia Xia didn't want to save people.

This is the place where Baijiaxing is trapped, how could it not be dangerous.

It is normal to be in danger.

Although they didn't say it clearly, they still thought that Xia Tian was a little timid, and they were still hesitant at this time.

Say what's the danger.

They have such a top-level magician, is there any danger?

"Let's go!" Xia Tian didn't say anything.

Since he is here to save Baijiaxing, if he doesn't go in now, he can't justify it.

"Be careful." Thirteen still trusts Summer very much.

Although the opponent is a top-level magician.

But he believes in summer more.

Xia Si also followed Xia Xia's side all the time and was very careful.


After they entered, countless black rains fell directly.

"Be careful!"

Those people are also masters, and they started their own defense at the same time.

Xia Si protects Xia Xia and Shisan in the middle.

"No, we've been tricked, let's get out." The wizard hurriedly shouted.

Although he really didn't want to admit it, there was indeed something wrong with this sect.

"It's too late!!" Xia Xia frowned.

"If it's too late, just go back the same way." The magician said very unhappy.

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