The Best All-rounder

Chapter 694: summer attitude

He came to save Baijiaxing. Although he was very unhappy to see these people, he couldn't wait forever. If he continued to wait like this, no one would know what would happen next.

On Baijiaxing's side, one more minute of delay means more danger.

Thirteen originally wanted to say something, but in the end he held back and didn't speak, just quietly watching Xia Xia.

He understands.

Summer is such a person.

It didn't help that he stopped.


If Xia Xia is not a person who cuts a knife for his friends, then he will not have the current relationship with Xia Xia.

Seeing that summer is coming, those people's eyes are all focused on summer.


The array mage looked at Xia Xia very disdainfully: "Blushing, so many of us have no way to do it, do you have a solution?"

He won't miss a chance to mock the summer.

Summer ignored him this time.

Instead, point your toes a little on the ground.


Ice appeared.

The ice did not freeze the blood line, but formed a mirror reflection on the blood line, and the back of the ice was a dark and incomparable power.



Summer just passed by.

Bloodline did not kill.

Thirteen and Xia Si also walked over together.


It's that simple.

Those people were already dumbfounded. They thought about it for so long and couldn't think of a way. As a result, the summer passed easily.


Found out early in the summer.

This blood line is like a scanner. If you come hard, the blood line will instantly smash your body, but if you don’t hinder the normal scanning of the blood line, then use some tricks to think that the ice is the cave house. At the top, the blood line will naturally not shoot at people who pass over the ice.

It's that simple principle.

But let them stop so many masters.


at this time.

The nineteen masters also rushed forward, and their speed was very fast, so they rushed over with ease.

"Remember next time, don't compare your trash with me." Xia Xia appeared in front of the magician in an instant.

It was only less than ten centimeters away from the array mage.

At such a distance, the body of the frightened Mage also hurriedly retreated.

Directly back to the back of the blood line.


at the same time.

The ice disappeared.


Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.


They have all come over, and as a result, the magician jumped back again, although he was frightened by Xia Xia, but if he jumped back directly, the way would be gone.

Summer takes the road away.

"What?" The array mage's face also became very ugly. He didn't expect such a thing to happen.


All have passed.

He was the only one missing.

"Summer!" The array mage shouted angrily.

"Is something wrong?" Xia Xia asked, looking at the magician.

"Why did you take away the ice?" the array mage asked.

"I think people should have backbone, it's not just food. The path I opened is my path. If you are so talented just now, you should make your own path instead of slandering me while walking. My way, that would be a shame." Xia Xia responded.

"You..." The Array Master looked at Xia Xia angrily, and then said, "It's a big deal, I won't go."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't come here, anyway, after the people outside kill your subordinates, they will outflank them. Just because you are outside, you can also help us block those people and buy some time. In this case, you can play a little bit. It works." Xia Xia said very casually.

"What?" When the Array Master heard this, he was a little panicked, and he only reacted at this time.

Their men were about to be killed by the people outside, and the remaining people also fled. Then, the people outside should rush in and attack them back and forth.

If you follow a large army, you will have more people and more strength, but if you stay here, you will be blocking all the people behind you.

In this case.

No matter how strong he is, it won't work. How can he block so many masters?

And he didn't want to show his own value.

Even if he blocked so many people here, the people in front would not remember his credit, and in the end he could only die here by himself.


He also tried to use his own strength to cover up the blood line.


As soon as his power was released, it was absorbed by the bloodline.

There is no way to stop the blood line.

"How could this be?" The magician was really panicking now. He just watched Xia Xia do it, but now, why is it useless for him to do it.


In the summer, ice is used to fake the visual reflection of the top, so the blood line below will automatically think that the ice is the top, but now the wizard doesn't understand it at all.

He only saw the surface of Xia Xia's movements, and he didn't see the details of Xia Xia's real movements at all.


By doing so, he was wasting time.

at this time.

Xia Xia also looked at the three people in front of him: "You just said who was the These three people are also confused now.

They didn't expect such a thing to happen. Originally, they thought that the blood line was here, and no matter what kind of effort they put in in the summer, it was impossible to rush over.

But now.

These people actually rushed over like this.


The three turned around and fled, disappearing in place in an instant.

"Mr. Xia..." Bai Xing's people obviously wanted to intercede for the Array Master.

"Shut up!" Xia Xian's face turned cold: "From now on, whoever dares to intercede for him will be on the opposite side of me. If you have the guts, go back by yourself and come here on your own. , just shut up for me."


Summer can be regarded as a real turn against these people.


Then Xia Xia began to move forward. He no longer cared about these people here. Whether they were willing to stay and help the magician, or whether they were willing to move forward, it had nothing to do with him.

these people.

It doesn't look like he's here to save people at all.


He can only rely on his own ability.

"A lot of domineering." Thirteen said jokingly.

"Anything that is domineering is forced out by them." Xia Xia also shook his head speechlessly.

These people really made him speechless.

In the matter of saving people, he has no hope for these people, so he can only move forward with Thirteen: "It seems that we are not far away."

"Well, I have sensed the power of the source of the earth." Xia Xia nodded slightly.

at this time.

The power of the source of the earth has begun to flood their bodies, that is to say, they are really not far from Baijiaxing, but there are definitely many dangers ahead.

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