The Best All-rounder

Chapter 695: mighty flywheel house

After traveling such a long way, they are finally going to find Baijiaxing.

After running so far, there were so many accidents in the middle, just to find Baijia Xing, and now that they have found the origin of the earth, then they have a chance to find Baijia Xing.


The two quickly flew forward.


The people behind also all followed.

All of them are very fast, and they all chose to give up the magician in the end, because they have all tried, and no one can do that in summer.

Of course.

The way they do things is like that, they don't work very hard.


Now this is a very normal phenomenon.

The magician was abandoned.

"No, no, you can't do this." The magician shouted frantically.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a sense of despair. He never imagined that things would turn out like this. In the end, he was the only one left here, which made him feel good.

The people behind will definitely come over soon. Tens of thousands of their masters have been defeated by the opponent, so how could he alone be able to withstand so many master attacks?

It's unimaginable.

He doesn't know how to describe his feelings now.

"Summer, it's all about you, it's all because of you, if it wasn't for you, nothing like this would have happened." The magician shouted angrily.

He blamed everything on Xia Xia.

Even at this point, he never thought that it was his fault, but regarded it as Xia Xia's fault, so he resented Xia Xia and all this.


No matter how he shouted.

I can't even hear it in summer.

These people in summer.

At this time, it is rushing forward quickly.

"It's here!" Xia Xia suddenly stopped in his footsteps.

He should be there, the source of the earth is here.


His eyes also quickly looked around.

"No, Baijiaxing is not here." He was also stunned. He did not expect such a situation. He had always thought that Baijiaxing was trapped in the source of the earth, but now, he has found the source of the earth. , but he did not find Baijiaxing.

"Mr. Xia, what happened?" the person behind asked.

"Nothing!" Xia Xia glanced at the source of the earth, and then started to walk forward quickly.

He didn't stop, although the source of the earth was what he wanted to get.

But now he wants to save people even more.

Thirteen also understood what Xia Xia meant. At this time, Thirteen also began to rush forward at a very fast speed. The three of them continued to move forward rapidly, and the people behind Bai Xing just kept up.

An hour passed.

They stopped in their tracks.

found it.

This time they found Baijiaxing, but there are thousands of people in front of here, a complete team of thousands of people.

The team of the Flywheel House.

They just stood there.

"That's right, there are so many forks on the road, it's really not easy for you all to find this place," said the leader.

"Fei Lindu!!!" Thirteen said lightly.

"Thirteen, you're here too." Fei Lindu glanced at Thirteen, obviously he knew Thirteen. At this time, his eyes were also on Xia Xia: "You are Xia Xia!"

There are a lot of legends about Xia Xia and Shisan recently, and the two of them have been walking together all the time.

So after seeing Thirteen, you should be able to guess Xia's identity.

"Exactly!" Summer said.

"He is the great protector of the Flywheel House!" Thirteen reminded.


Summer nodded slightly.

The great protector of the Flywheel House, such an identity is not simple. Those who can sit in this position are also very powerful. At this time, he personally leads the team and stands here.

It can be said.

This is going to be their last hurdle in the summer.

"Go back!!" Fei Lindu said.


Thirteen looked at Fei Lindu: "Why?"

"Because you can't save him anymore. Although his bloodline power is not bad, it's not enough to be reborn, and we will seal it and consume his bloodline power a little bit, plus..."

He said half of what he said, but not all of it.

But obviously they already have a way to kill Baijiaxing.

"Why did you shoot him?" Xia Xia asked in confusion.

"It's a coincidence, he didn't have to die originally, but he came to a place where he shouldn't be, saw things he shouldn't see, and heard things he shouldn't hear. It just so happened that we still need a Venerable as a carrier, so we can only It's his own bad luck." Fei Lindu said very casually.

People like Baijiaxing.

He was directly controlled and killed by the opponent.


There should be a lot of masters here. They shot Baijiaxing together, so they can trap Baijiaxing here.

"What if I want to save people?" Xia Xia asked.

"Then it depends on your ability." Fei Lindu nodded slightly to those around him.


Everyone showed their weapons.

Those people's eyes were cold, and their whole body was full of murderous aura. Obviously, in their team of thousands of people, everyone was the top murderer.

Incomparably powerful.

"Prepare for battle!!" The people from Baixing were also ready for battle immediately.


The Tianhan Sword appeared in Xia Xia's hands.

Since the fight is about to begin, he won't be polite.

"Baijiaxing, we are here to save you, hold on!!" Xia Xia shouted loudly.

He understood that Baijiaxing was inside.

As long as they pass through here, they can see Baijiaxing.

"Be careful, they have venerable masters, and this is an ancient ruin. Here, your power cannot be restored. Once consumed, it will only get worse and worse, and even medicine pills cannot restore your power." Baijia The voice of the star came from inside.

"It's good to be alive," Xia Xia replied.

at this time.

He could hear Baijiaxing's voice, and he knew that Baijiaxing was still alive. As long as Baijiaxing was still alive, they would have a chance to rescue Baijiaxing.

Baijiaxing's voice did not appear again.


Responding to Xia Tian and the others also required a lot of power from Baijia Xing.

He is now.

The situation is very bad.

"Is it possible to condense a few more realm king pills this time?" Thirteen asked Xia Xia.


Seeing that there are so many masters in front of them, they should be very nervous, but when Shisan saw Xia Xia by his side, even if the opponent had thousands of troops, he didn't care at all.


The two of them rushed out quickly.

at the same time.

Bai Xing's people were all killed.

But Bai Xing's people were all very careful when they rushed up. They all heard Bai Jia Xing's last words.

That is irreversible.


In the summer when he was rushing up, he saw the actions of Baixing's people and cursed in his heart, "These idiots."

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