The Best All-rounder

Chapter 697: 13's full power 1 hit [supplement]

At the beginning, when these people found a problem, they rushed over as soon as possible. However, they were all racing against time, and even half a second of speed would make them lose their first-hand chance.



They have already rushed over, one by one very fast.

at the same time.

They attacked Qiansi beast.


The silk thread on the thousand silk beast was peeled off.


Finally, a black thread appeared.

The emperor's thousand silk beast.

"What? This is the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast!!!" The people around were all dumbfounded, and they never dreamed that Xia Xia was followed by the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast.

This kind of thing should only appear in legends.

But now.

The Emperor Pin Qiansi Beast just appeared in front of them.

"The time is just right." Summer also disappeared in place in an instant.

Fei Lindu's body had already fallen.

"Why is this happening!!" His eyes were empty, the whole person was obviously dead, but he had the last trace of unwillingness.



He is really powerless.

Just fell here.


"Great Dharma Protector!!" the people around hurriedly shouted.

Haotian Mirror.

Thirteen had just killed three masters and seriously injured more than a dozen masters. At this time, when he saw these people stunned, how could he miss the opportunity.

He recently fought with Summer.

It's about mastering the timing.

He will not miss even the slightest chance.

Moreover, his control of his own strength and Haotian Mirror has become stronger now.


The light flashed.

In an instant, several more people were shot flying.

at the same time.

Some people started to fight back.


Their attacks were all reflected by the Clear Sky Mirror.

"Retreat!" Xia Tian reminded.


Xia Xia and Shisan also quickly withdrew from each other's encirclement.

The two of them are very fast.

When they rushed up just now, the people around them completely surrounded them. At least five or six hundred people were killed, so they took advantage and left, otherwise they would be surrounded by these five or six hundred people.

Then the two of them would be miserable.

Bai Xing's people also looked at Shisan and Xia Xia in surprise. They didn't expect Xia Xia and Shisan to be so powerful, and their series of attacks also surprised them.


Now the situation here is very obvious.

Summer and Thirteen are desperately trying.

Baijiaxing's subordinates are all there to deal with it.

It seems that there is no rush at all, and everyone is afraid of death.


The bodies of the two retreated.

"The consumption here is bigger than outside." Thirteen said with emotion.

"Well, but we consume a lot, and their consumption must be very large, so don't worry, I just gathered another realm king pill, and now the power is very saturated, and another realm king pill can come out soon, In this case, there are three Realm King Pills to restore your strength, then you should be able to deal with them by relying on the speed of the night and the attack of the Haotian Mirror." Xia Xia used a lot of methods, and his previous strength The consumption is very large and he has not fully recovered, so his current condition is not very good.

I can only rely on thirteen.

"Leave it to me!" Thirteen nodded.

With three realm king pills, how could he be afraid of these people?


He also has Heiye and Haotianjing.

It can be said.

The ability of these treasures can make his overall strength very powerful.

"Are you two going to run?" The people over Bai Xing asked directly when they saw Shisan and Xia Xia had been retreating.

They seem to have forgotten.

Baijiaxing is their boss, not the boss of Xia Xia and Shisan.

Summer and Thirteen played so many roles.

Even if he left now, he would still be worthy of Baijiaxing.

The opposite of.

Bai Xing and these people are very selfish. They all want to protect themselves, so they are not willing to go all out. Instead, they want to rely on Xia Xia and Shi Shi to kill everyone here.

They sit back and enjoy it.

"Shut up!" Xia Xia yelled.

He is now completely disappointed with these people from Baixing.

He didn't expect that Bai Xing's people could really be so shameless.

They are protecting themselves one by one now.

Xia Xian and Shisan retreated strategically, but they were still pointing fingers.

"Sure enough, we still want Baixing's own people. Others are not reliable." One of the Baixing people said.

"Stop fighting!" Shisan, who was desperately trying, also stepped back. He glanced at Xia Xia and said directly, "Let's go!!"

His anger completely came up.

He was desperate there.

In the end, these people from Baixing also said such things.

Then he doesn't want to care anymore.

Xia Tian and Shisan disappeared directly in place.

Dozens of people chased after him.

When Bai Xing's people saw that Xia Xia and Shi Shi had run away, they all retreated and ran away.

Without Xia Xia and Shisan, they would not be the opponents of these people at all.


Their retreat was not as smooth as Xia Xian and Shisan. Those people have been biting them. Now that they want to go straight, they will definitely pay a price.

For a moment.

Three people were killed and more than a dozen were injured.


The attack from behind continued to pursue.

The people from the Flywheel House kept chasing.


" I blame the two of them. If the two of them hadn't abandoned us, we wouldn't have to face such a scene." Those people were no different from the former magician.

At this time, the first thing they thought of was Xia Xian and Shisan abandoning them.

But they forgot that they drove those two people away.

Xia Xia and Thirteen retreated all the way.

The other party also chased after him.

The two looked at each other.

Afterwards, he quickly killed the person who was chasing him, and continued to retreat.

This is the way to play in summer.

Waiting for the person directly from the other side, if they come up first, they will kill them. If they don't come up first, they will run quickly, so that they can continue to consume the other party. As long as the other party is consumed, the other party will eventually be killed by both of them. kill one.

"I can release a big move." Thirteen said.


Summer saw the time.


Tianhan Sword attacked instantly.


Everything around him slowed down.

at the same time.

Thirteen raised the Clear Sky Mirror in his hand high, and endless power flowed into the Clear Sky Mirror, and the light enveloped everything, as if it could devour the world and destroy everything.

This is the top power of the Clear Sky Mirror.

A full blow.

The more than ten people who rushed up were all shrouded in the power of the Haotian Mirror.

"Die!!" Thirteen shouted loudly.

Extinction, everything will be shattered.


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