The Best All-rounder

Chapter 698: very exciting fight

The King of the Realm!

Summer in an instant.

directly in front of those people.

The power of Jie Wang Jue instantly absorbed their dantian.

At the moment when their bodies were shattered, the power that was almost in the realm of King Jue once again condensed a realm of King Pill.


Xia Xia threw the third Realm King Pill to Thirteen.

"That's fine!!" Thirteen had a black line on his face.

"Although before they die, they can only collect a little bit of their Dantian power, but they can absorb some." Xia Xia will gather the power when there is a chance.

Thirteen also directly took a realm king pill.

The blow just now had consumed all his strength.

"Sure enough." Thirteen's face beamed with joy.

They had already tried it before, no matter what kind of medicine pill they were, they couldn't restore their power here, but the King Jue succeeded and replenished his power instantly.

"It's just too wasteful."

He felt that using a thing like the Jiewang Pill to improve his strength was simply against the sky, but it would be a pity to use it to restore his strength.

"It's not a pity, any treasure that can keep us alive is the most important thing. When it's critical, it's the real treasure." Xia Xia believes that the real treasure can play a role in this kind of time, which is a good thing. .

But Thirteen still felt a pity.

If they didn't save Baijiaxing, they wouldn't waste the power of the King Pill.

Of course.

He also understands.

Xia Xia would never watch Baijiaxing die like this.

This is summer.

It's also what makes him most admire.

"Then let's go back!!" Thirteen said.

"Okay, remember, the old way is to arouse them, and then destroy them one by one. You can't compete with them head-on. Thousands of masters rush over together, and the venerable will temporarily avoid the edge, let alone us. You must not be blinded by your current record." Xia Xia reminded.

He has seen too many people die under his wildest circumstances.

Thirteen is in high spirits now.

If you don't remind me, maybe something will happen later.

"Okay, I see." Although Thirteen had more experience in the arena than Xia Xia, in terms of combat, he really only had such a strong record after he knew Xia Xia.


He has very few chances to fight with other prospective venerables.

Even if it is against a person with 100,000 points of the power of the law, there is very little chance, let alone life and death.

Even he had never even heard of it, that 100,000 points of the power of law and quasi-venerable people died so easily.

Usually, when I hear the death of a quasi-venerable person or the death of a person with more than 100,000 points of the power of the law, I think it is a big event.

But now.

He and Summer.

Killing a person with 100,000 points of the power of the law is like chopping melons and vegetables, and beheading a prospective venerable person is like slaughtering a dog.

Very easy.

In this case, he will have some blind confidence, which is also very normal.

But summer reminded him.

He will also be more careful.

that's it.

The two went in again, but soon, they saw a few Hundred Stars. Obviously, the Hundred Stars were fleeing. They talked so hard before, but Xia Xing and Shisan Yi retreated. He was defeated, and even betrayed the brothers behind him and fled by himself.


Xia Xing was completely disappointed with people like Bai Xing.

"They lost!!" Thirteen said.


Summer nodded slightly.


He started to kill Shisan and went in.


The two quickly beheaded two people, attracted the attention of those inside, and then fled outside again.

There were 30 or 40 people inside, chasing them directly.


Xia Xia and Shisan used that tactic again to continuously consume them. At the same time, Xia Xia was also absorbing the dantian power of those people, although the absorption was only a small part of the dantian power of those people.

But these people are all people with the power of law above 100,000 points, and their dantian power is still very strong.

Go on like this.

It won't be long.

You can once again condense the realm king pill.

With the blessing of the Realm King Pill.

Thirteen also had a great time playing. Xia Xia made him not need to worry about consumption at all, so when he fought, it was also very cool.

that's it.

Summer and Thirteen flew kites for a day.

The two of them beheaded hundreds of people.

And Thirteen also took three World King Pills.

Xia Xia condensed two for him again, and he now has two in his hand.

"No, I can't hold on anymore." Xia Xia's body is approaching the limit. Here, Thirteen can rely on the Realm King Pill to recover, but he can't. His current body consumes a lot of money, and Bai Xing The people who have been completely defeated, twenty-one people, and now there are seven left.

Everyone else is dead.

The consumption of these seven people is also very large.

Of course.

The opponent's consumption is not small. They have been fighting and chasing for a long time. Now their situation is also very bad.

"What should I do next? Although they consume a lot, they have too many people." Thirteen also saw that the consumption of these people is still very terrifying.


There are many of them, and some of them are still preserving their and.

People outside the other party can come in at any time. Although those people cannot have the strength of the people inside, they do not have a huge consumption. If they come in and consume Xia Xian and Shi Shi, it will be a very scary thing.

"There can only be one way." Xia Tian glanced at Xia Si next to him: "How long can you carry it?"

"It should be able to withstand it for a long time, after all, they are also very drained!" Shas said.

"Thirteen, bring a Realm King Pill." Xia Xia said.

"Okay!" Thirteen handed Xia Xia a realm king pill.

Xia Xia also handed the Realm King Pill to Xia Si: "Take it down when it's almost time, we will fight defensive battles, you use it for defense, I see weaknesses, thirteen attacks, so that you can continue to consume them."

At the same time expand their consumption! !

"It should be fine." Shas nodded slightly.

"Okay!!" Xia Tian glanced at Thirteen: "I will use the fastest speed to find a loophole for you. Your attack must be fast. This may be our chance to come back."

Xia Xia felt that the power could not be restored here, but instead it helped them.

Because if the power can be restored here, although both of them can be restored, everyone can be restored. In this case, their war of attrition is meaningless.

The other party can keep recovering all the time.

"Don't worry, I'm ready to give it a go." Thirteen nodded vigorously.

His eyes turned to the front: "I haven't been so excited for a long time."


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