The Best All-rounder

Chapter 705: Famous instrument 0 ball


Recently, Thirteen has seen how powerful the Clear Sky Mirror is. If he can obtain the fragments of the Clear Sky Mirror again, the overall power of the Clear Sky Mirror will be greatly increased.

By the time.

His strength will also be greatly improved.


Qianyulongwu directly blocked Haotianjing's attack, and at the same time, his attack was fired instantly.


Thirteen instantly refracted Qianyulongwu's attack, and after this power was refracted, it hit the crowd.

"not good!"

Those subordinates also used their last strength to resist.


Their bodies all flew out.


Among these people, there are still some people who have some power, and now, their power has all been consumed.


Xia Xia's body moved directly into the crowd.

Tianhan sword.

The King of the Realm.

Summer also played his own attack again.


How could he be polite to so many people who couldn't resist.

"Looking for death!" Qianyu Longwu saw Xia Xia making up for the knife there.

He also directly hit the summer with a force.


Xia Si instantly stood in front of Xia Xia.

"Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast, sure enough, as they said, it's really Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast, you are very lucky." Qianyu Longwu also looked at Xia Xia very jealously.

Emperor Pin Qiansi beast.

This kind of thing is really just a legend.

Even if it exists like him, it is impossible to have the Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast.


Summer is also quickly absorbing the Dantian power of those people.

Just when Qianyu Longwu wanted to make a move.

Thirteen's attack was also played out again: "Your opponent is me."


With a wave of Qianyu Longwu's left hand, Thirteen's attack was directly thrown into the air.

This is His Holiness.

Incomparably powerful.


Thirteen is not polite, he also understands that his normal attack is impossible to cause any damage to Qianyu Dragon House.

So he also began to condense power to Haotian Mirror.

For a moment.

Endless power was injected into the Haotian Mirror.


Thirteen instantly knocked out his power.


Qianyu Longwu didn't dare to treat it casually this time. A piece of jade appeared in front of him, a piece of pure white jade, and this piece of jade blocked Shisan's attack like this.

"It turns out that the Venerable also needs to take out his own famous weapon to deal with people of my level." Thirteen glanced at the weapon that Qianyu Longwu took out: "Famous weapon, Qianyu!!!"

"You're not an ordinary quasi-venerable one." Qianyu Longwu then turned his attack on Xia Xia.


Thirteen instantly appeared in Xia Xia, and then Haotian Jing also played.


The attack of the Qianyu Dragon House was beaten out like this.

"Zunbao Dark Night!!" Qianyulongwu saw Shisan's ghostly movement, and he immediately saw the problem: "This thing is really against the sky for you."

Thirteen is best at speed and movement, and now with Zunbao Heiye, the speed is really scary.

"Thank you for the praise from the owner." He looked at the Qianyu Dragon House: "It seems that the owner of the dragon is not in a good condition. Your world power should be lost a lot."


Qianyulongwu nodded slightly: "There is nothing that cannot be admitted, my loss is not small, but it should be enough to deal with you."

"Then give it a try!" Thirteen also gathered his strongest attack again.



Thirteen understands that what he has to do now is not to think about defeating the Qianyu Dragon House, but to think about consuming the Qianyu Dragon House, thinking about delaying the summer, and there will be a way in the summer.


After Thirteen's all-out strike was fired again, he also directly condensed the third all-out strike.

"Are you crazy? Although you have something for recovery, can your body withstand such a series of attacks from you?" Qianyu Longwu has already learned from his subordinates that Thirteen can restore his strength.

So he also understood why Shisan dared to release his ultimate move all the time.


If you keep releasing the ultimate move, it will also put a huge load on your body. No matter what kind of body you have, you can't withstand such a backlash.


Thirteen had played against his men before, and had released so many big moves.

That now.

Thirteen's body should have suffered a very serious loss.

"I don't dare to be sloppy when dealing with a venerable like you." Thirteen instantly bit through a realm king pill, and then killed the Qianyu Dragon House again.

Looking at Thirteen's life-threatening play.

Qianyulongwu was also very depressed.

if outside.

He didn't care about the fighting style of Thirteen.

But here, the more he consumes, the more dangerous it will be. He will never let himself become like his subordinates, and he will not even have the ability to protect himself.

"Thirteen, summer, I will give you a chance now. You leave now. I can let go of the past, but if you don't leave, then I will be welcome." Qianyu Longwu said.

"Okay, let me see how you are being rude," Thirteen said.

"Don't force me, you know, I'm a Venerable, if you mess with me, I can promise that from now I will stare at you all my life, and I will be you forever. A lifetime nightmare." Qianyu Longwu said.

This is the most terrifying place for a Venerable.

If you let someone like him stare at you, you will only feel endless fear in the future.

Hide for the rest of your life, and be careful no matter what.

Even a Venerable does not want to be targeted by other Venerables.

Because you don't know when you're going to relax, and that's when the enemy shows up.

"It's not bad to be remembered by a Venerable, and as long as you kill you, there should be no trouble." Thirteen said excitedly.


He didn't dare to think about such a thing.

But not now.

Even Venerable, after the power is exhausted, there is nothing remarkable.


He can fight the war of attrition with Qianyu Longwu here.

Qianyulongwu dealt with Baijia Xing before and sealed Baijia Xing, obviously wasting a lot of power, and now Thirteen is still consuming him, then his consumption will get bigger and bigger.

The opposite of.

Thirteen's situation is different.

Thirteen still has Jie Wang Dan, and after taking Xia Xia's blood, he feels that his body has become much stronger.

In the summer, he is still condensing the world king pill for him.

Then what is he afraid of?

"Do you think my bloodline is not enough to be reborn?" Qianyu Longwu asked.

"Don't worry, after I kill you, I will kill all your people here. The people here should be the mainstays of all your Flywheel House. After killing them, your Flywheel House will be a bunch of waste, and I want to find you at that time. The place to be reborn is not difficult, and taking advantage of that opportunity, it is not a problem to find a few Venerables to kill you completely."

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