The Best All-rounder

Chapter 706: no way out

To deal with a Venerable, Thirteen naturally thinks about everything. Since he has become an enemy, there is only one result. Either you die or I die.

There is no reconciliation at all.

They killed so many subordinates in Longwu, and almost ruined his affairs. Even if they leave now, will Longwu let them go?

Even if they don't deal with them temporarily, I'm afraid they won't let them go in the future.


Thirteen now is also very domineering.

Since there is no way out, why not sink the boat?

Just go straight to the fight.

"Okay, Thirteen, it seems that you are going to fight with me to the end today." Long Wu looked at Thirteen coldly.


Thirteen's Haotian Mirror also gathered the greatest strength: "Didn't you already start shopping?"


It went very smoothly in the summer.

Kill those people quickly.

The seven people from Baixing are trying to find a way to get there.

They want to go around, but now that the Dragon House is there, they have no possibility of going around at all.

"Mr. Xia, let's help you!!" Six of them shouted loudly, as if they were going to rush towards Xia Xia.


In the summer, the speed of beheading those people was very fast. If these six people also come to help kill them, then all those people in the Flywheel House will be dead.

"You are courting death!!" Longwu also hit the road in front of the six people with a group of attacks.

Thirteen did not stand up for those people.

Because Longwu's attack was also aimed at Xia Xia, Thirteen wanted to resist those attacks for Xia Xia.


Just when the Dragon House's attention was all on their side in the summer.

A figure quickly flew out from behind the dragon house.


When Longwu saw this situation, he turned back instantly.

at this time.

The six people who pretended to be going to help Xia Xia instantly appeared behind Longwu, and they all hit their strongest blows in an instant.

from the very beginning.

These six people never thought of going to help Xia Xia, they just deliberately let Longwu miss that perspective and buy time.


When the six people attacked, in order to avoid his own consumption, Longwu also used Qianyu to resist.


The bodies of the seven people disappeared in place.

"Not good!" Seeing the seven people disappearing in place, Longwu understood that these seven people used the law of space to teleport for a moment. He actually ignored this. If he just casually moved towards the space in front of him If you hit it, these people will not only be unable to get through, but may also be thrown into the turbulent flow of time and space.


Having been fighting Thirteen here all the time, he ignored this.


The dragon house was also killed instantly.


This time in the summer, he didn't need to take care of the dragon house at all, and he also began to absorb it quickly.

Thirteen also came to the side of summer.

He quickly brought those people from the Flywheel House who were unable to resist to Xia Xia, watching Xia Xia kill them one by one.

It can be said.

This time.

Xia Xia and Shi Xian wiped out all the upper floors of the Flywheel House.

that's it.

Summer began to behead these people quickly.

"How much?" Thirteen asked.

"Thirty-five." Xia Xia said.

"It's so cool." Thirteen said excitedly.

Some people here were killed, and some people's dantian was too seriously damaged, otherwise they could absorb more dantian power and gather more realm king dan.

"There are quite a few, I still have a few left." Thirteen said.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "Let's go, neither of us has a way out. Next, it's time to decide the outcome."

He is very clear.

Whether it was them or Qianyulongwu, there was no way out.

They have come here, if they don't save Baijiaxing, then this matter will hit Xia's heart like a boulder, affect Xia Xia's cultivation, and will become a demon for thirteen lifetimes.

And Qianyulongwu paid countless prices for this incident, and even the masters of the Flywheel House died here.

If he steps back, his life will be over.

"So many realm king pills, even if they are consumed, I can also consume him to death." Thirteen said very confidently.

Swish! Swish!

The two people's quick news was in place.

when it reappears.

They came to a giant egg.

at this time.

This dome is extremely dark, but they can clearly see the Baijiaxing inside.

at this time.

Bai Jiaxing looked very miserable. Although he was still conscious, it was obvious that his words could no longer be spoken. His body was being decomposed little by little.

The seven people from Baixing were also shrouded in a black cover at this time, unable to move.

Longwu's eyes looked at the black dome in front of him: "It's coming soon, it's coming soon."


His face was full of excitement.

"What is he doing?" Xia Ke has never seen such a battle.

"I don't know, but it seems to be a way of feeding blood in ancient times." Thirteen shook his This asked him to explain, and he was not very clear.

This is the ability of magic.

He is a ghost cultivator, not a demon cultivator, so he doesn't know much about this situation.

"Thirteen, it's too late to stop me now, look at him, he is about to take shape, use the most powerful power of Asgard as the foundation, use the power of a Venerable as nourishment, and use the Great Array of Heaven and Earth as an introduction, Now he is almost in perfect condition." Long Wu's hand touched the dome lightly.


Thirteen's body moved.

The power of Haotian Mirror was also injected into it instantly: "This is an ancient monster!!"

"Yes, this is an ancient devil, as long as I can release him, then I will have the power of the ancients, my power will completely surpass all the venerables, and I will have absolutely invincible power, when the time comes , I can not only rebuild the flywheel house, but I can also control the entire sixth party, and after I really control this power, even the people of the Celestial Clan will not be able to help me." At this time, Longwu has begun to look forward to his future.


Thirteen used real power to wake up the dragon house intoxicated inside: "Do you think you have a future?"


He was also the first to hit his attack. Xia Xia just handed over all the realm king pills to him, including his body, a total of thirty-eight realm king pills. At this time, he used absolute power to crush it. Dragon House.

Crush a Venerable with absolute power.

Thirteen did it for the first time in his life.


Summer came to those seven people.

Central's finger.


The black hood shattered like this, and then he looked at the giant egg in front of him: "Baijiaxing, I'm late."

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