The Best All-rounder

Chapter 707: i won't let you die

Seven people also rushed up in an instant.

Qianyu Longwu originally wanted to stop it, but Thirteen seemed to be attacking like a madman, standing there and constantly releasing his ultimate move. Such an attack was also very troublesome for him now.

If he is not careful, he is really injured and cannot be recovered here.

They came to the black dome: "Damn, inheritance, inheritance!!"

"Xiamen, thank you!!" Baijiaxing's voice appeared again.


Xia Tian looked at Thirteen in the dome: "How else can I help you?"

"It's useless, even if you destroy the giant egg now, I'm still a waste, and I won't live for many years, and everything I have is destroyed." Bai Jiaxing said.

"Stop talking, we have brought the inheritor. You hand over the inheritance quickly. He will be the new Baijia star in the future. As long as there is a new Baijia star, Baijia star will not be lonely." The star man shouted anxiously.

hear him.

Summer frowned.

At this time, they still think of inheritance, and no one cares about the life and death of Baijiaxing.

"I've been waiting for this moment for a long time." Bai Jiaxing said.

He also wants to let his life have the final sublimation.

A mass of power appeared in the giant egg.

When they saw the power of the group, the faces of the seven people were all excited. This is also the purpose of their coming here, that is to bring the inheritance back. There will be a new Venerable, and their Hundred Stars are still one of the top forces of the Eighth Party.

This time.

Although they have lost a lot of masters, most of these masters are people whose lifespan is about to reach the limit. These people can only waste the resources of Baixing when they are alive. Therefore, in their opinion, if these people die, they can Spend more resources to train new people.

"Wait!" When Xia Xia saw the group of strength, he also hurriedly said: "You still have so much strength, then I will help you break through here, and at that moment, you can escape."

Xia Xia has been thinking about how to help Thirteen escape.

But he had nothing to do.

At this time, when he saw the power of this group's inheritance, he thought of this good method.

"No!!" Bai Xing's few people said directly.

"What do you mean?" Summer asked.

"The power of this group of inheritance is his last strength. If he uses this group of power to come out, then his inheritance will be gone. We absolutely do not allow this to happen." Bai Xing said.

"Isn't a living person more useful than all the **** inheritance?" Xia Tian really didn't know how to describe these people.

The people of Hundred Stars simply refreshed his three views.

these people.

Think only of themselves.

"Even if he comes out alive, he doesn't have much power, so how long can he live? Even if he relies on medicinal pills, he will only survive for a few thousand years at most. What's the use of living for a few thousand years for a waste? It is better to pass on the power to future generations, so that a new Venerable can be created and exert his greatest value." The one hundred stars scolded.

"He is a human being, a living person, not a commodity." Xia Xia looked at the other party and said.

Thirteen had told him before that Bai Xing and these people would make him even more eye-opening.


I saw it in summer.

"No, everyone has his own value, he must know his own value, he is alive, his family, all his descendants, will be shamed, but when he dies, he will become a hero of Hundred Stars, he His family, his descendants will be taken care of by Baixing, it's that simple." The person from Baixing looked at Baijiaxing: "You choose."


He is threatening Baijiaxing.

Let Baixing exchange his own death for the safety of his descendants.

As for what to say to take care of it, that's no need to think about.

Baijiaxing is gone, who will take care of his descendants?

"Hahaha!" Qianyulongwu laughed loudly: "It's so lively, so lively, I said, you can't save him, and now even their own people don't agree to save people, how can you save them?"

Xia Xia looked at Baijiaxing: "Tell me, you want to live."


Baijiaxing sighed: "Forget it in the summer, you can come to save me, I'm really grateful to you, knowing you and Thirteen is the greatest pride in my life, but I'm from Baixing, I need to live out my last worth before I die, and this is called selflessness."

"This is also called selflessness? You don't even care about your own life, just for the sake of inheritance. This is called selflessness?"

at this time.

He wanted to rescue Baijiaxing from it.

As long as Baijiaxing can be rescued.

All is not lost.


The seven people saw Xia Xia's actions, and they directly stopped Xia Xia: "If you dare to mess around, we'll be welcome."

"You're welcome? If you're what can you do? A bunch of wolf-hearted guys, who brought you in? Without me, you can come here? Without me, you are all dead now Now, you dare to yell at me here." Xia Xia scolded very rudely.

He really hates these people now.

"Mr. Xia, we don't want to be your enemy, but if you stop us, that's our Baixing's enemy." That person had just threatened Baijiaxing, and now he's coming to threaten Xia Xing.

"Threat me?" Xia Xia's face turned cold: "You are worthy of threatening me? I can destroy the Flywheel House this time, and tomorrow I can destroy your Hundred Stars. It's just right, and now I also want to say this to you, If you dare to stop me, then after I go out, without doing anything, I will call all my brothers who died in the summer to attack Baixing together and never die."

That's the threat.

If they threaten the summer, they are destined to be threatened by the summer.

When those people heard Xia Xia's words, they were all stunned.

Xia Xia looked at Baijiaxing: "I don't allow you to die, I want you to live, only by living can there be a future and a future. If Baixing can't hold you, follow me in the future, if I eat it in one bite, there will be a future. You take a bite."


The golden knife cut directly on the black dome.

"What?" When Qianyulongwu saw such a scene, he was also shocked. He had completely ignored Thirteen's attack and flew directly to Xia Xia. He didn't expect that Xia Xian could actually break open the black dome, you know. , This thing, even a famous tool can't be broken.


Thirteen's attacks hit Qianyu Longwu heavily.

"good chance!"

Thirteen's body moved.

Blood-red wings appeared behind him, and then he disappeared instantly.

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