The Best All-rounder

Chapter 708: The last card


Thirteen's speed at this moment has surpassed that of the Venerable.

When the attack from his back just hit the Qianyu Dragon House, he instantly appeared in front of the Qianyu Dragon House.



The frontal attack directly knocked Qianyu Longwu into the air.

"What?" Qianyu Longwu never expected that such a thing would happen.

Thirteen's speed is so fast.

It hit him front and back.


Blood spurted out of Qianyulongwu's mouth: "Not bad!!"

"I also think it's not bad. Being able to hurt a Venerable is enough for me to brag for a lifetime." Thirteen said very proudly.

the other side.

In the summer, Baijiaxing has been pulled out by force.

At this time, Baijiaxing looked very miserable.

His hair was pale and wrinkled all over his body.

The whole body seems to have reached its limit.

The seven people next to him did not dare to stop Xia Xia.

because they are afraid.

They didn't dare to provoke Xia Xia. Here, they saw how strong Xia Xia really was.

If it was just summer, it also made them completely calm down. If they didn't provoke summer, then their Hundred Stars would decline, but at least Hundred Stars would still exist, but if summer was provoked, then the disaster of Hundred Stars would really come. .

"What are you still doing? Help first." Xia Xia scolded.


The seven people also rushed up.

They supported Baijiaxing.

Xia Xia brought a Realm King Pill from Xia Si and handed it directly to Baijia Xing: "Eat it."


Baijiaxing nodded slightly, and then ate the Jiewang Dan directly.

When the realm king dan ate it.

His body seemed to be greatly nourished.

whole person.

All in a lot of spirit.

The withered skin is turning a little bit more bloody.

"It's better....ah!" Before Xia's words were finished, a force pulled him away.


It was the tentacle that appeared in the black dome, and it directly sucked Xia Tian into it.

Ha ha ha ha!

Qianyu Longwu laughed excitedly: "Without a sacrifice that will immediately turn into waste, naturally a brand new sacrifice is needed to go in, and this time, no one can save him."

"Summer!!" Thirteen shouted loudly.

"Don't worry about me, clean him up first!" Xia Xia hurriedly shouted.

Although his body can't move now, it has not been decomposed by the other party, so now he can speak without any problem.


Thirteen's eyes turned to Qianyu Dragon House.


Thirteen continued to start his bombardment.

"This black giant egg wants to eat us." Hongfeng reminded.

"Can you attack?" Xia Xia asked.

"No, I can't move. In this giant egg, there are at least hundreds of millions of tentacles that bind us, and there are tens of thousands of fork points on each one, which have completely bound our body, and we can't move anywhere. , now only Wuji and Tianquan can be used, and there is no goal." Hongfeng analyzed the situation here for the first time.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "Jie Wang Jue!!!"

He wanted to use Kaiwang Jue to absorb the power here.

But as soon as he absorbed a little, Dome felt the crisis and immediately started to resist, forcibly blocking the power of Xia Xia Realm King Jue.

"No, our Realm King Jue level is too low and was blocked." Hongfeng reminded.


The Realm King Jue can absorb these powers, but because the opponent is much stronger than Xia Xia, when the opponent is defending, the power of Xia Xia's law cannot be carried.


The light flashed.

Thirteen's attack is also more rapid, he is worried about the safety of Xia Xia, so it is even more crazy now, bombing with big moves one after another.

"Is Thirteen crazy?" Bai Xing's people looked at Thirteen and said in surprise.

When they saw what Thirteen looked like now, they were also terrified.

Although it is a venerable one.

But such a frenzied bombardment, even the Venerable, is not very uncomfortable.

Especially now that His Holiness cannot recover, and he was injured before.

Bai Jiaxing sat there recovering, his body could no longer return to its peak state, but here, a little strength can be restored, and his body can be improved even more.


He can no longer condense the inheritance.

But since Xia Xia saved him, he must also live well.

Otherwise, I'm really sorry for the summer.


In the summer among the huge black eggs, circles of power appeared in the body.

As if to fight against the power of the dome.

But no matter what he does.

The dome just doesn't move, and doesn't give summer a chance at all.

"If you can take out the golden knife, maybe you can cut the surrounding silk thread." Xia Xia said.

"It is possible to cut, but it must be fast, and our next attack must also be fast, otherwise, the golden knife will also be bound by the opponent. Although the golden knife is sharp, the opponent only needs to keep covering it with strength. A golden knife is enough, and there are too many tentacles here, even if we want to resist, we can't resist." Hongfeng said with emotion.

"If I continue like this, I will really be eaten by the giant egg." Xia Xia is also very depressed now.

He really didn't expect that the giant egg would actually catch him and completely restrain him.

Now he finally understands.

Why is Baijiaxing trapped here? There is no other way. Here, it is really impossible to resist. It can only be digested and decomposed a little bit, and the whole person will be decomposed little by little. Baijiaxing's The bloodline is powerful, but if this monster comes out, Baijiaxing will be sealed in his body for a lifetime. Even if it cannot be digested for a thousand years, it will be fine in 10,000 years. .


No matter how strong the bloodline of Baijia Xing is, he cannot be resurrected.

"This is difficult." Hong Feng said with emotion.


No matter how many means in the summer, he can't use it.


His eyes were always on the giant egg.

"There is a core there, which should be the core strength of the dome. As long as I can use the realm to devour the power there, then I will make a comeback." At this time, Xia Xia was still thinking of various ways. .

"It's too difficult, it's impossible to be attracted by the infinite." Hongfeng said.

The situation here is very dangerous now.

If Xia Xia delays for a moment, he will be absorbed by the other party one more point, and one more point will be broken down. He is not a Baijia Xing, nor is the strength and body of the Venerable, he can't hold it for long.


Xia Tian exhaled: "There is only one last way left."


In the summer, I began to communicate with the little bugs in my body.

this time.

Only the little bugs can help him.

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