The Best All-rounder

Chapter 781: The guards come to the door

The same move, the same power, defeated the Thirteen of the year.

But the current thirteen is not the thirteen of the year.

Haotian Mirror.


Thirteen after adjusting the angle.

Directly expand the power of Haotian Mirror.


He also continuously injected his own power into the Clear Sky Mirror. At this moment, the Clear Sky Mirror was also full of power, and the endless power seemed to be able to devour everything.

that's it.

Lei Qilin rushed over.

Thirteen's Haotian Mirror also instantly wrapped Lei Qilin.


The powerful Lei Qilin was thus reflected back by the power of the Haotian Mirror.


When Ben Leihu saw such a scene, he was also shocked, and then he hurriedly released his next attack.


The two forces collided like this.

Destroy everything around you.

A small city.

There was such a big commotion outside.

This shocked the people in the city. They all guessed what happened outside, but none of them dared to go out.

Before, some people wanted to go out and watch the fun.


Died directly outside.

There was even a famous master, a person whose power of law exceeded 100,000 points, but he didn't come back alive.


No one dared to leave the city again.


The terrifying movement outside still made them very frightened.

Even the city lord is very nervous. He is really worried that the battle outside will affect his city. He knows very well that if a battle of that level affects him, his small town will be finished.

At this time, he also made all the guards stand by.

Of course.

He is not fighting against the people fighting outside, but to prevent the forces from falling in.

Although a small town like him also has a formation defense, the formation here is not very strong.

"Ben Leihu, what do you think now?" Thirteen looked at Ben Leihu and asked.

"What kind of weapon are you? People like you who rely on weapons, even if you win, I'm not convinced." Ben Leihu reprimanded.

He didn't let Thirteen use his speed before.

Now even Thirteen's weapons are not allowed to be used.

This is really ridiculous.

"If I spread the words you said to me today, what will people outside think of you?" Thirteen asked.

"Who would believe it?" Ben Leihu asked.

"It doesn't matter whether others believe it or not. Anyway, I have recorded it with a video rock. People outside must like to watch it very much." Xia Xia said casually behind.

"What?" Ben Leihu's face became ugly.

When he was fighting just now, he ignored the summer behind him, so this happened at this time.

"Don't play with him, let's go." Shisan glanced at Xia Xia and said.


Xia Xia crushed the video stone in his hand: "Don't worry, I won't spread the video stone, because you won't leave here alive at all."

Xia Xia and Thirteen disappeared at the same time.

Summer, which was rushing up, suddenly stopped.

Thirteen also stopped.

"Let's go!!" Xia Tian glanced at Ben Leihu and said.


Ben Leihu really felt death at the moment just now, but at this time, when he heard Xia Xia's words, he was also stunned, but soon, he disappeared in place.

Although Thirteen didn't understand what summer meant, he didn't ask much.

"You go to the city and wait for me." Xia Xia said.


Thirteen disappeared in place, he would not ask Xia Xia why, because if Xia Xian could tell him, Xia Xia would definitely say it, and if he couldn't, he would ask for nothing.

Summer also disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he came to a cave.

at this time.

A man in a robe and a mask appeared in front of him.

There is a layer of power attached to this person.

This layer of power makes it impossible for any power to penetrate, that is to say, no one can investigate the face and aura of the person wearing the robe.

"Shen guard?" Xia Tian asked.


"What are you looking for from me?" Xia Tian asked.

"You are very nice, are you interested in being one of us?"

"Same as those before?" Xia Tian asked.

"Yes, but they are all losers."

"Then why do you think I'll be successful?" Xia Tian asked.

"Originally, we believed that Ben Leihu had the best chance of success, and he would also have the opportunity to become one of the candidates for the divine guard in the future. Unfortunately, he still failed and lost in your hands, if you agree to it. , you just need to start from the eleventh link."

"I'm not interested." Xia Xia said.


The guard looked at Xia Xia in surprise: "Do you know how many people outside want to break their heads and want to join us?"

"So what?" Xia Tian asked.

"In this place in Shenzhou, only Shenwei can not be shrouded in the halo of the Celestial Clan, and only Shenwei is qualified to truly understand Shenzhou and know everything."

"Not interested." Xia Xia said.

"It's interesting, it's very interesting." After the voice of the guardian disappeared people also disappeared: "I'm waiting for you to change your mind."

Xia Xian stood there, and at this moment he was also frowning.

Although the other party has been hiding his identity, he has clearly seen the other party's appearance.


No matter how the other party disguise, his eyes can see through the other party.

He understands.

The other party didn't want to reveal his identity, and he was very clear about his own strength, thinking that he would not be exposed.

But Xia Xia had already seen him clearly.

"Tell Shisan?" Hongfeng asked.


in the tavern.

"I'm back." Thirteen glanced at Xia Xia.

Xia Xia's eyes looked around: "It is very dangerous information. If you know it, you will die. Are you afraid?"

"What do you think?" Thirteen asked.

"First, appearance; second, tattoo; third, bracelet; fourth, seal demon." Xia Xia said.

"It's because you were careful enough. When you stopped, I understood that they must have come to the door, and they must have come to the door, and their purpose must also be to hope that you will take up the so-called divine guard mission, and I will treat you with me. I understand that you definitely don't want to be bound by the guards now, so you won't agree." Thirteen said.

"All in." Xia Tian smiled.

"Don't draw those things, just describe them in your sea of ​​consciousness. You pull my soul into your sea of ​​consciousness, and then we go in and study." Thirteen also knew Xia Xia's ability to know the sea.

He understands better.

Once the news is leaked, both he and Xia Xia will die.

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