The Best All-rounder

Chapter 782: Cloud Immortal Xumang [Supplement]

Thirteen also really admires summer.

The guard never dreamed that he would reveal so much information about himself. Of course, this does not mean that the other party is weak, it can only be said that Xia Xia is too bad.

The sea of ​​knowledge.


Summer and Thirteen are drinking.

But in the sea of ​​knowledge in summer.

Thirteen has already stepped in.

Xia Xia painted the other person's appearance in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

The tattoo is on the shoulder.

The bracelet is on the wrist.

"Do you know?" Xia Tian asked.

"So familiar, so familiar." Thirteen frowned. The person in front of him looked very familiar, but he couldn't remember who this person was.


Thirteen also fell into thinking at this time.

After a while, his eyes lit up: "I remember, he is a dead person."

"Dead people?" Xia Xia was stunned.

"Yes, he has been dead for at least 500,000 years. He was a Venerable back then. When he died, my master took him to see him." Thirteen years said.

"A person who has been dead for 500,000 years has become a guardian." Xia Xia frowned.

"Yes, his name is Cloud Immortal Xumang." Thirteen said.

"Interesting, a person who has died is now Shenwei, have you seen the tattoos on his body?" Xia Xia asked.

"If you haven't seen it, this needs to be investigated. This tattoo must represent something; as for the bracelet, it should be a token between their guards or something special, similar to the halo of the Celestials; in the end, that's what you said. I don't know about the seal demon." Thirteen also expressed his conjecture.

That's all he can know.

"En!" Xia Tian quickly erased these things, and then the consciousness of the two returned to the tavern: "I won't investigate them for the time being, I'm worried that they will have other ways to monitor the two of us. If we investigate, the other party may Guessing that they are exposed, if people like them know that they are exposed, they will definitely kill the two of us, let's prepare for it and go back to the eighth party first."

Their coming here is done.

Although Baijiaxing lost his strength, at least Baijiaxing is still alive.

In this case.

They are also worthy of Baijiaxing.

"Well, there have been too many things recently. I haven't taken the Jie Wang Pill. After returning to the eighth party, I also want to take the Jie Wang Pill. Let's see if I can break through to the Venerable. Two, three, four, anyway, there are so many now." Thirteen said.


Summer nodded slightly.

They have indeed done things here.

Now there is one more fragment of the Haotian Mirror.

The Origin of Earth has also found a third one. It can be said that they have gained a lot from it.


After they left in the summer.

This small town is lively.

At first, the city owner was very nervous and worried, but soon, the city owner became happy, because the daily flow of people here was ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times more than before, and even many celebrities came here.


Soon there was a message from the sixth party.

"The Flywheel House announced its dissolution, and at the same time, the Flywheel House also announced the enemies that must be killed in this life: Xia Xia and Shisan."

These two people.

It's been very hot recently.

Especially in the eighth party.

In the seventh party, there is also some fame.

Now, such a thing has been reported from the sixth party, which also makes Xia Xia and Shisan even more popular.

This made many people interested in Thirteen and Summer.

Especially in summer.

As if appearing out of nowhere.

directly became a legend.

When the three of them just returned to the eighth side in the summer.

Qu Xi and Qu Yi contacted him at the same time.

Summer also invited the two of them to everything.

When the two met, they glanced at each other, and then sat together at Xia Xia.

Qu Xi spoke first: "You did it on purpose?"

"What can't you let go? You and I are both enemies. I let go. What can't you two let go?" Xia Xia has been in this world for so long, and he understands a truth. .

most of the time.

Hatred will gradually fade away.

"You don't understand." Qu Xi said.

Although Qu Yiyi didn't say anything, she obviously didn't want to look at Qu Xi: "Who should I talk to her first?"

"Then she." Xia Xia glanced at the box, then walked in.

Qu Xi also followed.

Thirteen and Xia Si accompany the song outside: "Drink some wine."

Inside the box.

"Summer, I'm looking for you for business. There is news from hell. Remind me that you have a disaster recently, a devastating disaster. Let me pay attention to the opportunity. If there is a chance, I will bring you back to hell." Qu Xi reminded.

"Disaster?" Xia Xia frowned: "Is there really any life and death book in hell?"

"Almost, **** can detect a person's approximate life and death, of course, they can only see the approximate, can't determine the specific life and death, as long as a person's name starts to flash, then this person may live or die. , The specific life and death depends on the individual, your name has already begun to flash." Qu Xi reminded.

"That means I may die recently." Xia Xia understood what he meant.

"Yes!!" Qu Xi said.

"Yes." Xia Tian nodded slightly: "These are for you."

"Jie Wang Dan!!" Qu Xi's eyes lit up.

"Yes, one 10,000-point law power, five, enough for you to enter the quasi-venerable, but there are demons and catastrophe, find a way to get through it yourself." Xia Xia said.

"Thank you." Qu Xi said.

"I won't give you a chance to bring me back to hell." Xia Tian smiled.

"I also hope that you will always be alive, so that I can have more opportunities to improve." Qu Xi said.

Then Qu Xi walked out, he glanced at Qu Yi Yi: "Go in!!"

Qu Yiyi did not speak, but walked directly into the box: "I have found some news about the guards."

"What news?" Xia Xia asked.

"It turns out that Shenwei not only has backup personnel, but also external personnel. Although these people are not considered Shenwei, they occasionally go to work for Shenwei. If something happens to them, Shenwei will come forward to settle things for them. It can be said that if you become such a person, you will be able to obtain the favor of the guards, which is an extra life." Qu Yi said.


Xia Xia thought of Ben Leihu, a man who had already failed, but Shenwei saved it.

"Also, I found a person working for Shenwei who is investigating the news of the ancient demon clan." Qu Yi said.

"Ancient Monster Race!!!"


Ps: I owe one on the 16th. I drove the car for a day yesterday, but I didn't make it up. I'll make up for it today.

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