The Best All-rounder

Chapter 784: hag's discovery

"What a coincidence, I actually saw Mr. Xia here." The hag came up immediately. It was not the first time that she and Xia met.

Recently, there are more and more legends about summer.

She also has great admiration for Summer.

"Well, I just happened to take a rest here. Do you have anything to do here? If you have something to do, I'll take care of you first." Xia Xia didn't have much friendship with the hag.


He didn't talk to the hag at all either.

The power of the hag's law is 140,000 points, which is the closest to the quasi-venerable level.

People like her also have their own foothold in the eighth party.

And most people don't dare to provoke people like her.

"It's nothing, but Mr. Xia, have you heard? Recently, a lot of big people are recruiting helpers, and they even have the support of people from the Celestial Clan behind them, but the conditions are harsh, and it seems that the minimum force of law is 50,000 people. "The hag obviously wants to make friends with Xia Xia. In her opinion, being able to make friends with someone like Xia Xia will give you a little more security in the future.

summer now.

In the eighth party, it can be regarded as the most eye-catching existence below the Venerable.

Of course.

Xia Xia's current influence is only strong and well-informed. These people here and ordinary people can't know about Xia Xia for the time being. It will take at least a hundred years for them to know this information.

Intelligence needs to be diffused.

This is also why many people have become a passer-by.

Because they may have become famous hundreds of years ago, but in the past 100 years, they died, or encountered some setbacks, and finally kept a low profile.


In a place like Shenzhou, there are many people who are a little famous, but not many who can really last for a long time.

"You also came to sign up?" Xia Tian asked.

"On the one hand, I want to earn some compensation, and on the other hand, I also want to see if there are opportunities. Since they are recruiting people, there must be something big happening. Although there may be deaths, there will also be opportunities. Yes, if my chances are enough, maybe I can break through to the quasi-venerable." The hag used to be outside and used the name of the quasi-venerable to bluff people.

Because they are ghost cultivators and have special means.


Many people really think she is a quasi-venerable person.

But in fact, she is not a quasi-venerable person. This matter will always be revealed, so she must hurry up and really improve her realm. In this case, she can walk sideways in the eighth party in the future.

"Well, I wish you all the best!!" Xia Xia said.

"By the way, Mr. Xia, there is one more thing, do you know this person?" the hag asked.

She took out a picture.

Divine Martial Arts!

"Know, what's wrong?" Xia Tian asked.

"This person is wanted now, 10 billion immortal crystals. I have never heard of so many immortal crystal bounties, and it seems that the people behind the bounty are related to the people of the Celestial Clan," said the hag.

Ten billion immortal crystals.

This is a big number.

No matter how many scenes he has seen in the summer, he must admit that this number is not something normal people can imagine.

Even he has seen such a scene very rarely.

"Do you want to be a quasi-venerable one?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, of course I did," said the hag.

"Help me figure out this matter. I'll give you the opportunity to break through the quasi-exalted lord, and let your law power skyrocket by ten thousand, but you will find a way to break through the demons and calamities by yourself." Xia Xia looked at the hag.

"Okay!" The hag wouldn't doubt Xia's words.

Because there is such an existence as Xia Xia, she will not lie to her.

"Give me a message within three days." Xia Xia handed the messenger to the hag.

The hag also nodded vigorously.

She understands that this will be an opportunity in her life, and it will also be an opportunity that belongs to her. If she can seize it, it will soar into the sky. If she can't seize it, there may be no second chance of this kind in her life. .

And she understands.

Xia Xia asked her to investigate the news, that is, to investigate the most comprehensive information, not to fool Xia with random information.


Summer also continued to start walking.

"Mr. Xia!!"

"You are?"

Another acquaintance came up to say hello.

"Mr. Xia, you may not remember me, but I remember that you killed that monster and the Qiankun Seven." a man said.

"Oh, you're talking about Juxing Mountain." Xia Tian remembered.

"Yes, it is Juxing Mountain." The man explained.

"Probably have an impression." Xia Xia glanced at the man: "You are here..."

"Oh, someone in the city is looking for a helper. It's a first-class dog of a third-class Celestial Clan. You also know that such a status is very high, and there is support from the Celestial Clan behind it, so I want to come and see, there are There is no benefit, after all, a loose cultivator like me is good for messing around." The man said.

"Aren't they all taking advantage of the Three Bamboo Sect now?" Xia Xia asked.

"Although the Three Bamboo Sect is not as brilliant as it used to be, it is still huge, and all the benefits that can be obtained have been taken away by others. Now that I am past, I can't even drink the soup, and I have to offend the Three Bamboo Sect. Ah." The man sighed.

"Well, there are indeed some opportunities here, but you have to be careful." Xia Xia said.

"Thank you Mr. Xia for By the way, my name is Wu Yun, and I will be here recently. If you have any orders, please let me know at any time." The man also handed Xia a communication talisman.


Summer put away the messenger.

"You are really a celebrity now. Wherever you go, someone will greet you." Hongfeng said with emotion.

"This kind of person, although he is only a loose cultivator, is timid and afraid, but maybe he can really use it in the future." Xia Xia believes that in this world, everyone has their own value.

that's it.

In the summer, I visited hundreds of weapons stores.

It really opened his eyes. There are countless kinds of weapons, but most of the weapons made by dwarf masters are the most expensive.

"Such a small weapon shop." In the summer, I saw a small shop with a plaque less than half a meter in size. This shop is located in the corner. It seems that the house is so big, so there is this weapon shop. .

As soon as other weapons stores entered, there were hundreds of people, thousands of people.

There is not a single customer in this weapons store.

The boss is lying on the table and sleeping.

Not a single clerk.

Xia Xia glanced at it. There were ten weapons in the entire weapons store, and they were not of very good quality.

"Boss, don't you have anything high-end here?" Xia Xia asked.

"Everything is here, see for yourself, pay for the things you see and take them away." The boss said lazily.


Xia Xia glanced at the boss, and to his shock, he saw a familiar bracelet and tattoo.

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