The Best All-rounder

Chapter 785: death messenger

Seeing this, Xia Xia's whole person became nervous.

God guard.

This man is a guardian.

Although his strength has become much stronger now, and his methods have become more numerous, compared with Shenwei, he is still far worse.

If the other party did something to him now, he would most likely die here.

"I thought I found a small shop with treasures." Xia Xia said with emotion.


"I've seen too many unofficial histories, how can there be so many small shops with treasures." The boss was still lying there and said lazily.

"Okay!" Xia Xia also walked out slowly.

Every step he took was very careful.

that's it.

went all the way out.

"Wait!!" At this moment.

A voice came from behind Xia Xia, and then the boss walked behind Xia Xia: "If there are fairy crystals, there are good things, it depends on whether you can buy them or not."

"Okay, what treasure?" Xia Tian asked.

Just now, his heart also hung up.

He was really worried that the other party would do it directly.

"Let me show you this." The boss waved his right hand, and a strange little hood appeared in his hand: "This hood is one billion immortal crystals. I promise that ten billion immortal crystals can be sold in the future."

Xia Tian took a look around: "Is this thing really that valuable?"

"Life is a gamble. If you don't try it, how will you know if it will work or not," said the boss.

Xia Tian glanced at the hood. In fact, he had already seen the extraordinary features of the hood. He also understood that once he got the hood, it would definitely become a hot potato.

But if he doesn't buy it, the boss doesn't seem to let him go easily.

"Okay, I bought it, it's just a gamble." Xia Xia said.

"Don't worry, someone will definitely buy it from you," the boss said.

After paying the immortal stone, he put away the hood, and then left.

This time.

He went back to the tavern.

"The second divine guard." Thirteen's brows furrowed.

"Let's see if you recognize him," Xia Xia said.

In the sea of ​​consciousness.

Thirteen frowned when he saw this person: "This is our ghost repair, the messenger of death, who is also a legendary dead person. He was my master's idol back then."

"It's another dead person. It seems that they used death to hide their identities." Xia Xia seemed to understand what these people meant.

These people use death to cover up their identities.

at the same time.

In the eyes of outsiders, they are dead and have no relationship with the outside world. Even their closest people think they are dead.

And actually.

They have become gods.

"I didn't expect that the guards would be hidden in such a place." Thirteen withdrew.

He thought it was a big trouble.

"The biggest trouble right now is this hood, look what it is." Xia Xian and Shisan are in the box now.


He also took out the hood.


Thirteen was stunned when he saw the cover, and then hurriedly said, "Put it away."

"What's wrong?" Xia Tian also hurriedly put away the hood.

"Let's show you!" Thirteen took out a reward order: "I just found out that everyone in the city, starting today, wants to leave the city, whether it is using the teleportation array or going out through the gate, all It must be reviewed, just to find this cover, if someone can provide clues, they can reward 500 million immortal crystals."


at this time.

Summer seems to understand.

"It seems that he recognized you and knew that you were Summer." Thirteen said with emotion.

"Yes!" Xia Xia nodded slightly: "Am I already so famous now? Even the guards know me."

"No way, you are so hot right now." Thirteen said.

"He is hoping that I will bring this thing out of this city. Although he also has the ability to bring this thing out, if he takes action, there should be some special troubles, but he thinks he can let me try it." I understand what it means.

"Yes, Shenwei is very interested in you, but what I am most worried about is that they come to take this cover. If there is any misunderstanding, I am afraid it will be troublesome. In the past, we could only be regarded as having some peripherals with Shenwei. Sexual collisions are all small misunderstandings, but if we collide head-on, I am afraid it will be troublesome, especially if we break the big event of the guards, then the guards may directly obliterate us. In their eyes, we are just ants after all. That's it." Thirteen reminded.

He knows that summer is very hot.

It is an existence that no one is used to.


Shenwei, it seems that they really can't afford it.

"Don't you think it's getting more and more interesting?" Xia Tian asked.


Thirteen looked at Xia Tian in confusion.

"In the past, did you dare to fight the old star master of the magic star? Can you defeat Ben Leihu in the past? Can you get close to the Venerable in the past?" Xia Xia asked.


Thirteen has a black line on his face.

"The biggest charm in this world is the things that are beyond control. If everyone thinks I can't compete, then this is the most challenging. When everyone thinks I'm dead, maybe it's my new life. , I told you, my goal is the Celestial and I don't have much time left. If I don't look for opportunities to break through from death, then I can only leave regrets in the future. Xia Xia glanced at Thirteen: "I said, I won't force you, and I don't want you to take this risk with me."

"What are you talking about, Thirteen is not someone who is greedy for life and fear of death. I will definitely go wherever you go. I'm just analyzing the pros and cons and the situation." Thirteen also said very firmly.

"I know, but I'm afraid it's really dangerous this time." Xia Xia also understood that the road this time would be very difficult.

I want to walk among so many forces.

That is to test back and forth on the edge of death.

Xia Xia had just passed the news of the Shenwei to Qu Yiyi. He thought that it would be more appropriate for Qu Yiyi to come forward for some things, and Qu Yiyi was also investigating Shenwei.


He might also have a pleasant surprise.

"It's fighting, it's fighting." A noisy voice came from the tavern.

Xia Xia and Shi Shi also went out: "What's going on?"

"There was a fight in the city, and the fight became more serious. Many people were involved. I heard that many famous people were all involved in the fight," said the owner of the tavern.


Xia Xia and Thirteen looked at each other, and they both had a very ominous premonition.


The two disappeared in place.

When they reappeared, they came to the weapon store in the summer. At this time, the weapon store had been destroyed, and all the stores within a few miles around were destroyed, and the injured were tens of thousands of people.

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