The Best All-rounder

Chapter 789: band of fire

"Heavenly clan, why didn't you come out with a halo?" Xia Xia looked at the woman in front of him in confusion.

In Shenzhou.

The halo is already the representative of the Celestial Clan, and the one with the halo on his head must be the Celestial Clan.

Everyone knows this very well.

This is an important sign and a means of self-protection.

When in danger, you can use the aura to escape.

One more life.

"Whoever comes out of the Celestial Clan must wear a halo? It's too ostentatious, I don't like it." The woman looked at Xia Xia and said.


Xia Xia nodded slightly, and there were also quite a few people from the Celestial Clan.

Thirteen said it before.

The forest is big, and there are all kinds of birds.

"What do the people of the Celestial Clan do for a little guy like me?" Xia Xia asked.

"I want to marry you!!" The woman looked at Xia Xia and said.

very serious.


It was as if they were discussing major life events.

"Are you sick!!" Xia Xia responded.

He felt that this woman had a problem with her brain. At first, she said that she was from the Celestial Clan, but now she said that she wanted to marry him.

Xia Xia really believed what the other party said at the beginning, but now he suddenly felt that the other party had a problem with his mind.


The woman's right hand turned over.

The halo of the Celestials appeared in her hands.

However, the halo also disappeared in an instant.


The others here didn't find anything.

"You are really from the Celestial Clan." Xia Xian just thought that the other party was talking nonsense.

But when he saw the halo, he had nothing to doubt.

"I am an eighth-class Celestial Clan, and my status is very low in the Celestial Clan. Although it is not the lowest, it is not high. People like me are not very popular in the Celestial Clan, so I want to turn over. , you must find a reliable man, I have been looking outside for a long time recently, only you are the one that I think is the most suitable for me." The woman said straight to the point.

She spoke without any cover.

very direct.

He even stated his own purpose.

"The people of the Celestial Clan don't seem to agree to marry outside." Xia Xia said.

"That was all a few years ago. The current Heavenly Clan is different from before. As long as you find a person who is very talented, has the ability, and is willing to join the Heavenly Clan, believe in the Heavenly Clan. When people come back, they won't say anything." The woman explained.

Celestial people.

is also making progress.

They are also making themselves more suitable for the current China.

"I'm not interested." Xia Xia didn't want to join the Celestial Clan.

He is going to deal with the Celestial Clan people in the future. Now that he has joined the Celestial Clan, how will he deal with the Celestial Clan people in the future?

As for taking advantage of this opportunity to join the Celestial Clan.

This is also impossible.

The woman also said that she is only an eighth-class Celestial Clan, and her status is very low in the Celestial Clan. People like her have no rights in the Celestial Clan. She wants to know the secrets of the Celestial Clan, or go to the Celestial Clan. Some secret places are also impossible.


This is of no use at all.

"You don't need to worry, I will wait for your reply, this is my messenger, if you change your mind, let me know, of course, I will continue to look for the next person, if I find someone better than you man, I will find him." The woman said unconcealedly.

"Then I bless you!!" Xia Xia cupped her hands.

until the end.

The woman didn't even say her own name.


From the beginning to the end, she did not take Xia Tian too seriously. She wanted to marry Xia Xia because she hoped that Xia Xia would help her improve her status in the future.

This is just a transaction.


She also said that she will not wait for summer, but will continue to look for better targets.

She said this, on the one hand, to give Xia a sense of urgency.

On the other hand, she was really looking for it.

But how could she not see through her little thought in summer.

Summer is too lazy to pay attention to people like her.

"What's wrong?" Thirteen asked with a glance at Xia Xia.

"It's okay, there's a Celestial Clan person here." Xia Xia said.

"Now everyone from the Celestial Clan is looking for you, it seems that you are popular." Thirteen said jokingly.

"What's the fire, what's the situation on your side." Xia Xia asked.

"I have inquired about it. Recently, the number of people entering and leaving Raging Fire Cloud City has really increased, and more people have recently used tokens to transmit back and forth. There are also some famous people who came from other parties, and There have been a lot of incidents in Lie Mars Belt recently. Even the manager there, the Fire Hunter, has died. That person is the local manager and the dog of the Celestial Clan. Now his subordinates are also in civil strife, and they are divided into two parts. A lot of power." Thirteen said.

"Similar to the bosses we met before?" Xia Xia asked.

"Yes, that's the kind of person. When the fire hunter was at its peak, there were thirty quasi-exalted people under his command, nearly two hundred and eighty people with the power of law breaking 100,000 points, and four people with the power of law breaking 80,000 points. There are more than 1,000 people, nearly 80,000 people with the power of the law breaking 50,000 points. That was when his power was at its peak, but something happened later. At a discount, this time it was directly killed by someone." Thirteen explained.

"A lot of people, it seems that chaos is about to break out. There are so many masters in the local area, plus those brought by Xingwangmu, as well as people from Shenwei, people from the Three Bamboo Sect, and some loose cultivators who come here~ If they add up, the number is terrifying, if all these people die, the Eighth Party will be hurt all of a sudden." Xia Xia said with emotion.

So many masters.

How many are there in the eighth party?

"The Eighth Party is still very big, and there are many experts, but if all these people really die, the overall strength of the Eighth Party will indeed experience some turbulence." Thirteen nodded slightly.

"Let's go, let's go to the raging fire group, and when we get there, look for Shenwu." Xia Xia also wants to rescue Shenwu quickly, although he has already said that Shenwu has nothing to do with him.

But Shenwu used to be his younger brother after all.

Hearing that his little brother had an accident, he still couldn't sit idly by.

The three of them left the city like this.

After leaving the city.

They found a remote cave, and then used the source of soil to quickly disappear.

This is where they are the best.

If they flew over directly, even if the two of them were very fast, it would take at least five or six days, but using the teleportation of the source of the earth, they could teleport in an instant.

"The temperature here is very high." Xia Tian glanced ahead.

"There are a total of about 100,000 stars here, all of which are high-temperature stars. There are a lot of ores on them, and there are also some special fire element fairy grasses. There are also many treasures. If the temperature is concerned, it should be 50% of the place where we usually live. It should be about 100 times to 200 times after entering the fire zone, and the highest place is about 10,000 times, and normal people can't approach it casually." Thirteen explained.

"Ten thousand times!!!"

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