The Best All-rounder

Chapter 790: The sealed god

Ten thousand times the number is really scary.

Even listening to it in the summer, I feel unimaginable.

"Yes, it's 10,000 times, I said 10,000 times, not 10,000 times the normal temperature, but 10,000 times the normal position in the fire zone, and this high temperature is different from the normal high temperature, and the high temperature also It contains a powerful immortal power, and its destructive power is very serious. Unless you are a top expert who specializes in the fire element, you can't get close to the place below the venerable. Serious." Thirteen explained.


The more you hear it, the more terrifying it becomes.

Sure enough.

Nowhere in China is easy.

"Interesting, but there may be a lot of people here next." Xia Tian smiled.

Although Qu Yiyi hadn't told him the exact location.


Since Xingwangmu left his people here, it proves that this will be their goal next.

"Can you find the location of Shenwu?" Thirteen asked.

"No, all my powers of the gods have been given to Shenwu, and I can no longer find him with the power of the gods, but there are a lot of people in the Xing family here, and it is very difficult to find them out. It's easy, find them, and Shenwu can find them." Xia Xia's method is still very simple.

Now that Shenwu has been arrested.

That represents.

He is now with the Xing family.

Shenwu's strength is still very strong, especially his ability to escape and hide.

But now.

He was actually arrested. This shows how many masters the Xing family has arranged here.


Thirteen and Summer also started directly.

It didn't take long for them to find the Xing family's team. At this time, the Xing family's team was all on the White Mang Mountain.

Originally, this place was a small powerhouse.

However, the small forces have been destroyed by the Xing family, so now the Xing family is occupying this place.

"I roughly inquired about it. There are more than 200,000 people from the Xing family here. It seems that the Xing family has moved all their assets here, and all the experts who can be dispatched are here." Thirteen said with emotion.

This time, the Xing family really made a lot of money.

"It doesn't matter, we're just saving people, not shopping with the Xing family." Xia Xia's eyes looked in front of him.

at this time.

Shenwu is on this mountain.

"I'm good at stealing things, but you're good at stealing people. Go ahead." Thirteen said.

Stealing someone?

The black lines on the face of summer.

"You go and help me make a little noise, don't expose yourself, and then wait for my news, I will let you make a big noise, you should make a big noise, or don't expose yourself, we will leave after I save people." Xia Xia has already arranged Simplest plan.


With a movement of his body, he immediately disappeared in place.

Xia Si is also directly integrated with summer.

"It's too easy to make some noise." Thirteen glanced around, he was looking for the best place to attack.


Just found a place.

Then, a force shot out from his hand.

A massive attack was fired.

Just make some movement.

For him, it was very simple.

at this time.

The whole mountain is controlled by the people of the Xing family, so there is such a big movement here, it will naturally attract the attention of many people.

Many people gathered there.

Summer is also easy to mix in.

He easily knocked out a member of the Xing family, put on the clothes of the Xing family, and then walked up the mountain.

If it is inside the Xing Family, it will be difficult to get in, because everyone is fixed in a certain position and cannot walk around, but now it is different, they only live here temporarily, and there is no need to settle down at all. many rules.


It is not difficult to get in in summer.


He successfully inquired about the place where Shenwu was imprisoned.


I heard that Shenwu is going to be given to the people of the Celestial Clan.

"Brothers, this is the fine wine given above, to reward everyone." Xia Xia also took out thousands of pots of fine wine and distributed it to the people below.

The people here will not doubt either.

Because right now, on the White Python Mountain, there are only people from their Xing family.

There are too many people in the Xing family, even if they don't know Xia Xia, it is very normal.

Xia Xia also grasped their psychology, so he easily gave them medicine. This medicine is not deadly, because they will soon discover the deadly poison. At that time, their instincts will also make them fight against the poison. And notify the people in the periphery as soon as possible.

The people of this big family are different from the scattered forces outside. The scattered forces gather everyone together by virtue, but the big family gathers everyone together by faith.

Such a team, even if they have any breath, will pass the news out.

The poison given to them in the summer is hallucinogenic.

Let them have a little hallucination, which they can't find.


Xia Tian used a little magic trick and went in.

The place where Shenwu is imprisoned is very simple. There are no guards in it, but there are many seals. As long as you touch the seals in summer, you will be discovered.

"Master, why are you here..." Shen Wu was also taken aback when he saw Xia Xia.

"Don't talk nonsense, I will break the seal in an instant, and then you don't resist, I will take you out of Xia Xia took a look at the seal here, there are too many seals, even if he wants to It will take at least half an hour to unravel all of them. In half an hour, the people outside have woken up long ago, and the patrolling people will also find out the situation here, so he must get everything here quickly.


A communication talisman flew out.

"Mr. Xia?" A voice appeared behind Xia Xia.


Xia Tian took a look and found an old acquaintance who was the master of the Star Palace.

An old acquaintance of Sanchuan and Liumai.

"You,,," Star Palace Hall Master saw Xia Xia's actions, and instantly showed his weapon, but soon he shook his head: "Forget it."

"Thank you, this is my brother, I have to save him." Xia Xia said.

Why! !

The master of the Star Palace sighed: "I didn't expect that I would also do something to betray the Xing family."

Xia Xia came to him: "I'm sorry, if you need me in the future, let me know at any time."

He gave him a communication talisman, and then slapped him on the body.

The Hall Master of the Star Palace did not resist, and just passed out.


He poured his power into his fingers.


With a single finger from the center, everything was destroyed directly.


When the seal was shattered, all the people outside woke up instantly, and various alarm sounds also appeared.


Xia Xia opened the teleportation of the source of the earth and disappeared in place in an instant.

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