The Best All-rounder

Chapter 791: firefly


There was chaos on the mountain.


Thirteen's attack was also fired at the same time.

He also made a lot of noise at the foot of the mountain, and finally left.

The agreed place.

"Are you alright!!" Xia Xia glanced at Wu.

"Thank you, Master!!" Shen Wu bowed deeply.

"I said, you and I are no longer in the relationship between master and servant. It's my business to save you. You don't need to care too much." This is how Xia Xia does things. He does things, but he has a clear conscience.

"Master, I know you blame me for hiding a lot of things from you, but there are some things I really can't say. Once I say it, the world will be in chaos." Shenwu said with emotion.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "I'm not embarrassing you, but do you know why they want to arrest you? And I heard that this time it's the Celestial people who want to arrest you."

"They arrested me mainly for two reasons. First, the Celestial Clan people know my identity as a reincarnator, and they also know some things about that year; second, I found out that this time they want to arrest the ancient demon king Yinghuo, so They want to know some news from me, but their boss hasn't arrived, so they haven't sent me to the Celestial Clan." Shenwu explained.

"Firefly!!" Thirteen's eyes turned to the fiery crony in the distance: "Their target is Firefly."

"Yes, according to legend, the firefly that once illuminated the eighth party." Shenwu said.

"Now that you are safe, get out of here quickly." Xia Xia reminded.

If Shenwu is caught again, it will be very difficult to rescue him.

"Master, I can't go, Yinghuo is very important to our group of people. There should be only three people left in the last few people. We entered an immortal mansion together, and it was almost unraveled. The last secret, but it is because of the power of Yinghuo that we are all forcibly reincarnated. Yinghuo is also reincarnated with us. Although we are already reincarnated, those of us who survived, if we want to If you want to find yourself, you must use the power of Yinghuo again to return to that immortal mansion." Shenwu explained.

"I heard something about your reincarnation, wasn't there a lot of people at that time? And there were more than three people who finally solved the secret." Xia Xia said.

"Yes, there are more than three, but according to the current internal situation of my body, I can sense that there are only three left alive. I thought there were only two, but the fire of Ye's life was actually ignited, so count I, the last few people that year, only three are left." Shen Wu said.

"That is to say, the three of you can use Yinghuo to return to the Immortal Mansion back then, right? Then what are you looking for when you go back?" Thirteen asked.

"Yes, as long as we rely on the power of Yinghuo, we can return to Xianfu. Now the other two should be nearby. Although I don't know their specific locations, I am sure that they are not far from me. Now, the three of us can sense the approximate location of each other's life fire, as for returning to the Immortal Mansion, we should find ourselves and the last secret of the year." Shenwu explained.

"Self? Are your memories sealed?" Thirteen responded.

"That's right, our memories are forcibly sealed, we can only recall a small part of our memories, and no matter how we cultivate, we can't unseal the sealed memories. There is always a voice in my mind telling me , I must go back to the Immortal Mansion and unlock the ultimate secret, as for what the ultimate ultimate secret is, I don't know, I can't remember it at all." Shen Wu shook his head.

"Then why did you worship Xia Xia at that time?" Thirteen asked.

"Because of the voice in my head, he told me that following Xia Xia, I can unravel everything. I mainly think Xia Xia is the main thing, and I can find myself." The general Shenwu said these secrets that were never told. came out.

"Your power of the gods is..." Xia Xia looked at Shenwu.

"It's a guide. Several of us have obtained some kind of guiding power back then. What I obtained is the power of the gods. The other two people alive now, one is Ye, the other is a worm. As for the other reincarnators, it doesn't matter at all. Yes, although some of them survived, they don't understand what happened in the end." Shenwu explained.


Thirteen let out a sigh of relief and glanced at Xia Xia. He knew very well that with a character like Xia Xia, he would never sit idly by.

after all.

Shenwu once regarded him as the master.

"Then what's the secret you said you couldn't tell?" Thirteen asked tentatively.

"Actually, people from the Celestial Clan once entered that ancient immortal mansion, but there was no one who was reincarnated alive, because some secrets about the people from the Celestial Clan were sealed in that ancient immortal mansion." Shen Wu said.

"The ancient immortal mansion should have existed longer than the people of the Celestial Clan?" Thirteen said.

"Yes, however, we are not the first batch of humans who entered but the second batch. The first batch of people who entered it back then sealed a big secret in it, about the people of the Celestial Clan. The secret." Shenwu glanced at Xia Xia: "Master, I can't say anything else, once I say it, it may bring disaster to you."

"I'm not afraid!!" Xia Xia said.

"I'm afraid!" Shen Wu said very firmly: "Although I was guided by the power in my soul to recognize you as master, I have never regretted recognizing you as master. In my heart, you have always been my master. , my most esteemed master."

This is the charm of summer's personality.

Thirteen also admitted this.

To outsiders, Summer is a person who is very cold and not easy to approach.

But those who have really been in contact with summer will understand.

Summer is such a person that they admire.

"It's up to you, but this time it's a big mess, and you can't handle it yourself. I'll try to find a way to help you find Ye He Wo, and then try to help you find Firefly. If it doesn't work, I have nothing to do. "Summer said.

"Master, in fact, I don't want to involve you..."

"What nonsense are you talking about, you call me master, I don't care about you." Xia Xia cast a glance at him.

"Okay, don't you know his character yet? You can't stop him, try to cooperate with him, so that we can be smoother." Shisan patted Shenwu on the shoulder.

Shen Wu said nothing of gratitude.

But he is really grateful to Summer from the bottom of his heart.

"It seems that this time I'm going to grab food from the tiger's mouth." Xia Xia said with emotion.

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