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Chapter 819: The role of firefly

"The famous Guangxian of the sixth party." Thirteen is also a well-informed person, and he has naturally heard the name of Feiling, the fairy of light.

"Mr. Thirteen is also very famous. Recently, the reputation of Mr. Thirteen and Mr. Xia has become more and more popular." Fei Ling also said very politely.

People like them.

Usually when we meet, it's usually like this.

There are very few things that directly fight.

Including people like Thirteen, when he sees these masters, he rarely fights.

Only after getting to know Xia Xia did he become so violent.

"You're welcome, the two of us are just always surrounded by trouble." Thirteen also greeted Fei Ling, and at the same time glanced at Xia Xia: "Let me briefly introduce, this is Xia Xia, my good brother, Next to him is Xia Si, Xia Xia's younger brother."

Oh! !

"Mr. Xia!!" Fei Ling and Yu Shu all bowed slightly to Xia Xia and Xia Si.


"Here is the remainder, the famous master of the eighth party. He and I formed a team together back then, and he is a friend who has worked hard." Thirteen introduced again.

Although both sides almost know who the other is.

But Thirteen still needs to be introduced.

Summer also bowed to the remainder.

"This is Feiling, the fairy of light from the sixth party, and belongs to the famous master of the sixth party." Thirteen introduced again.

Summer is also handed over again.

The two of them actually got to know each other.

"Mr. Xia, your name really strikes me like thunder." Yu Shu also greeted very politely.

"It's all just false names," Xia Xia said.

"How can it be said to be a false name? Regarding Mr. Xia's name, it was mixed with those venerables. Many people even said that even the venerable did not dare to provoke Mr. Xia when they saw Mr. Xia." Yu Shu said again.

His words are not really flattering.

Someone is spreading the word outside.

Said that you dared to provoke Xia Xia, probably because your strength was not strong enough.

If your strength is strong enough, you will know how terrible summer is, and naturally you will not dare to provoke summer.

"My power of law has only recently broken through to 80,000, how can it be as mysterious as you said." Xia Xia said.

"Mr. Xia is really not a mortal. I inquired about Mr. Xia some time ago. You are only 50,000 points of the law, and now you have 80,000." Yu Shu said with emotion.

Summer doesn't have much to explain.

At the same time, Feiling the Fairy of Light said, "Mr. Xia, are you still a loose cultivator?"

"Yes, people like me have always been troublesome people, and no one wants to take me in." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"How is it possible, Mr. Xia, if you just wave your arms and want to win over you, there may be many people. I heard from the remainder that there are people from the Tian clan who want to win you over, but you don't agree." Guang Zhi Xian Feiling said.

"Heavenly clan people, I can't afford to climb high, the people I can't afford to provoke will not let me go because there are people from the celestial clan behind me, and the people I provoke don't need the celestial clan to protect me, so why do I still Do you want to mix with the Celestials?" Xia Xia said very casually.


What Summer said is very reasonable.

"By the way, I heard that you have a good relationship with Baijiaxing," said Feiling, the fairy of light.

"It's okay!!" Summer nodded slightly.

"Has something happened to him recently?" said Feiling, the fairy of light.

"Yes, although he is not dead, he no longer has the strength of the Venerable." This is no longer a big secret that Xia Xia said, and this kind of secret cannot be protected.

It was precisely because Baijiaxing had an accident.

Therefore, the position of one of the top ten experts in the eighth party is vacant.

Xingwangmu would be so anxious.

I want to seize this opportunity and become famous in one fell swoop.

"It's a pity, Baijiaxing is also a famous person, one of the top ten masters of the eighth party. Even such a person can have an accident. It's really terrifying." Fairy of Light Feiling is obviously talking with Have a good relationship in summer.

The topic of conversation also brought them one step closer.

"Fortunately, he was not wronged for the loss. He was the one who got the trick and was designed together by all the masters of the entire Flywheel House. That's why the accident happened." Xia Xia said.

"It seems that the legend is true," said Feiling, the fairy of light.

"What legend?" Xia Xia asked.

"I am a person from the sixth party. There is a legend in our place. I heard that all the masters of the Flywheel House have died, and even the owner of the Flywheel House has been resurrected. The people who did all this are the two A mysterious person, and some people speculate that these two mysterious people are Mr. Xia and Mr. Thirteen who appeared nearby." Fei Ling, the fairy of light, was still very curious about this news.


This is almost a battle that can determine the strength of Xia Xian and Shisan.

"It's true." Thirteen said.

"However, the two of us are lucky. We don't have the strength to kill the Venerable. In the end, the owner of the Flywheel House committed suicide, not the two of us." Xia Xia added.

this kind of thing.

Sooner or later it will spread The two of them do not admit it, and others will know about it in the future.


There is nothing to hide about this kind of thing.

"The two gentlemen are extraordinary people." Fei Ling also understands that this kind of thing cannot be killed directly face to face, but to be able to kill it is already a very terrifying thing.

"You're welcome!" Thirteen said.

"By the way, Mr. Xia, Mr. Thirteen, are you here to hunt for treasures together?" Feiling asked.

"Treasure hunting can't be talked about, I just heard that there is a lot of fun here, come here to try your luck, but there are too many legends here, and we don't know what the real purpose of so many people here is." Xia Xia said.

"Have you heard of Firefly?" Feiling asked.

"Firefly? What is that?" Xia Tian asked.

"That's why everyone came here this time," Fei Ling said.

"What's the use? Is it a weapon or what?" Xia Tian asked.

"It's not a weapon, but an ancient monster. It can be said that there are fewer and fewer ancient monsters in Shenzhou. However, any ancient monster can change a person's overall strength. The ancient monsters It can be refined into a famous weapon, not an ordinary famous weapon, but a top-level famous weapon, and it can also be refined into the power that the Venerable needs most, and I even heard that there are other mysterious powers." Fei Ling said.


Xia Xia looked at Fei Ling: "What other mysterious powers are there?"

"It is said that the strength of a Venerable can be changed drastically, and there are secrets about the ancient times."

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