The Best All-rounder

Chapter 820: Son of East Batian

"The secret of the ancients sounds very interesting." A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

He understands.

The other party came up to tell him this, on the one hand, to make friends, and on the other hand, to attract his curiosity. In this case, he might be able to use them later.

After meeting Thirteen, he was used to seeing such scenes.

These people outside.

It's really useless.

In front of them are brothers, and in the back is the person who will kill you.

"Of course, Mr. Xia, this is very interesting." Fei Ling, the fairy of light, also smiled.

"Hey, hey, don't talk, it's troublesome." Thirteen said suddenly.


When they heard the trouble, they all looked at the door.

When they looked over, they really didn't speak at all.

He lowered his head.

Xia Tian looked at Thirteen in confusion.

"What are you looking at, goug out your eyes." A voice came.


The screams also appeared.

The eyes of the person at the table next to him were directly gouged out.

When he saw this, Xia Tian also frowned.

at the same time.

Thirteen gave Xia Xia a voice transmission: "This person is a big trouble, his name is Feng Wen, he is Dong Batian's illegitimate son, Dong Batian is a top player in the first party, and he can't afford to offend him. A public apology."

Great comeback!

When I heard this, Summer was also speechless.

There are actually people like this in China.

"He once fought a Celestial Clan man once, and it's nothing more than that. Although that Celestial Clan man is only a ninth-class Celestial Clan man, he is also a Celestial Clan man after all." Thirteen wanted to tell Xia Xia.

How simple is this person.

Try not to provoke.

Otherwise, there will be endless troubles.

Such people.

The entire Shenzhou is the only one.


Dodge as much as you can.

Thirteen didn't expect it either.

Can meet this person here.

But many times, trouble is not something you can avoid if you want to.

"Yo, isn't this Thirteen?" Feng Wen saw Thirteen.


He knew Thirteen.

"Master Feng." Thirteen also bowed his hands.

"You are thirteen, the person sitting next to you is Summer!!" Feng Wen looked at Summer.

Summer didn't get up.


When he saw this scene, Thirteen understood that things were going to be troublesome.

Although he had already told Xia Xia how difficult Feng Wen was to provoke, he also understood that Xia Xia's temper was just like that.

That is absolutely unimaginable.

Sure enough.

When Feng Wen saw that Xia Xia didn't pay attention to him, a displeased expression appeared on his face, and at the same time he walked towards Xia Xia: "What? Don't give face."

Xia Xia's eyes widened: "Do I know you? Why should I give you face?"


When hearing this, even Yu Shu and Fei Ling took a deep breath.

As long as it is someone who knows Feng Wen.

I really didn't dare to talk to Feng Wen like that.

Thirteen was also ready for battle in an instant, and at the same time looked at the two people beside Feng Wen. Both of them were Feng Wen's bodyguards, all arranged by Dongbatian, and they were masters of the first party.

"I, Feng Wen, traveled south and north, and I came and went freely in all directions. No one has ever dared not to give me face." Feng Wen said directly.

This sentence is not bragging, but he really has this face.

He is Feng Wen.

No matter where you go.

They are all shouting back and forth.

A lot of people are fighting to please.

Where else would anyone dare not give him face.

"Don't compare my summer with others, I don't give face to many people, how old are you." Xia Xia said very rudely.

When I heard the words of summer.

Feiling and others knew that something was going to happen.


They also understood that Xia Xia could talk to them here, not because they were famous masters, but because Xia Xia gave them face.

it is good!

"Very good!!" A smile appeared on Feng Wen's face: "It's been a long time since no one spoke to me like this, and today I finally met someone who is not afraid of death."


He's about to make a move.

He is very violent.

Usually there are many people who provoke him, but those who provoke him have no good end.

There are many famous people here.

So of course he wouldn't stop because of his fame in the summer.

"Wait!" Summer suddenly said.

"Afraid?" Feng Wen looked at Xia Xia with disdain. He thought Xia Xia could be a little more stubborn.

But now it seems.

It's just that.

Of course.

He can also understand.

After all, Thirteen and others are all here, and these people still know him, so even if Xia Xian is a stunned young man, Thirteen and the others must have warned Xia Xian.

"I have a rule as a person." Xia Xia looked at Feng Wen: "Don't dare to be anyone, as long as you dare to shoot at me, then you must be prepared to be beheaded by me."


Just now, Feng Wen thought that Xia Xia was going to confess.


That's what summer came up with.

This sentence came out.

Feng Wen's brows also wrinkled: "Kill me? Are you worthy? Even your eighth party's three **** soldiers have to apologize to me. What are you?"


People like Feng Wen.

Don't say it's in the eighth party.

Even the entire Shenzhou.

They are all people walking sideways.

"Don't mention people to me, I'm not the three gods, I'm don't tell me about the backer, I can guarantee that I will kill you before your backer gets here, I want you to die , you will die, and no one can save you." Xia Tian stood up directly.

His whole body was filled with murderous aura.

Summer's murderous aura is different from other people's.

In his whole life, he has been challenging by leaps and bounds.

So the murderous aura is very terrifying.

He usually doesn't expose his murderous intentions, but now it is different. Now he really has murderous intentions.

if only.

Feng Wen's attack might hit him.

He will shoot instantly.

Thirteen was also ready to fight in an instant.

As long as it starts in summer.

He will definitely make a move.

In the past, he would never dare to do anything to someone like Feng Wen.

But now it's different.

Now that he is with Xia Xia, that is really not afraid of the sky, let alone Feng Wen, even if he is from the Celestial Clan, he dares to kill.

"Threat me." A smile appeared on Feng Wen's face: "Threat me, someone dares to threaten me, hahahahaha!!"

He also immediately started laughing.

have to say.


At this moment, his face also showed an excited look: "Xia Tian, ​​I remember your name."

Xia Xia didn't speak, just looked at Feng Wen in front of him: "It's a pity that you are not worthy to let me remember your name."


When they heard this, Yu Shu and Fei Ling understood that this was completely over.


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